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WT hunter

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Everything posted by WT hunter

  1. WT hunter

    Manners EH5 and Proof Sendero Light .264 24" 1:8

    Is the barrel sold ??
  2. WT hunter

    In need of a Remington 700 part

    David I have one at home if you don’t have one at the shop
  3. WT hunter

    Remington 700 BDL bottom metal $75

    I give you 50.0 $ for it 602-999-9576
  4. WT hunter

    Kuiu & Vortex razor

    Can you call me at 602-999-9576 I’m interested in your KUIU 6000 bag only
  5. WT hunter

    King of the Mountain Wool

    Can you post a pic. Of the pants and shirt Thanks
  6. WT hunter

    Remington 700 BDL Bottom Metal LA

    I will be 2nd
  7. WT hunter

    Leupold VX-III 4.5-14x50

    Nice Scope
  8. WT hunter

    reloader 22, h4831 and a box of 6.5 prc

    I will take them if they are still Available
  9. WT hunter

    WTS/WTT Kuiu Vias Icon 5200 Pack

    What would you want for just the pack??
  10. WT hunter

    WTS/WTT Kuiu Vias Icon 5200 Pack

    I just send you a PM it will be to big for me Thanks
  11. WT hunter

    For Sale Winchester pre 64 model 70 30-06

    Is that A steel but plate ? And how long is the barrel
  12. WT hunter

    Leupold Vari-XII, 2-7x33 rifle scope price drop

    Thanks,looking for a Matt finish
  13. WT hunter

    Leupold Vari-XII, 2-7x33 rifle scope price drop

    Is this blue or Matt finish
  14. WT hunter

    MATRIX 6.5 mm 160 grain hunting vld bullets for sale

    Nice barrel. Let us know how she shoots
  15. WT hunter


    Nice tent. Very good price
  16. WT hunter

    Cleaning out one safe- Part 1

    Im looking for a cheap scope for a 22 how much for just the scope on the model 7 Thanks
  17. WT hunter

    7mm RUM brass

  18. WT hunter

    7mm RUM brass

    How many Rem. Are there
  19. WT hunter

    **WALL TENT**

    The Ram was the first thing that I notice LOL
  20. WT hunter

    **WALL TENT**

  21. WT hunter

    My 44BN ram

    Great Ram love that Unit
  22. WT hunter

    WTS Reloading Supplies

    I will take the IMR4064 my # is 602- 999 -9576 Thanks Davey