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Everything posted by catclaw

  1. catclaw

    Arizona Regulations

    To answer your question, if you kill a deer in January, you CAN legally still put in for the fall hunts, ostensibly to get a bonus point. Should you draw a fall deer tag, you may not kill another deer as this will exceed your bag limit for the calendar year. Also, a deer hit with your vehicle and claimed on a salvage permit does NOT count against your bag limit. I hope MoreD was joking. But in reality the fact that you have two tags isn't really something that's tracked as there is no requirement to report deer kills except in the areas where there is a mandatory check in station such as Kaibab or some special hunts like 3-bar used to be. I've been asked to show my unused archery tag before while on a draw hunt so it is not something that you want to abuse and run the risk of losing privelages for a period.
  2. catclaw

    december hunters

    Hey all, I had a ball hunting in the snow we had in 24 but the fog really made glassing tough on Friday. I found quite a few deer but not any whoppers. Found one set of lion tracks in the snow and had a ringtail raid my icechest! Found elk and mule deer right in with the grey deer. I'll give it a go again next weekend. Dennis
  3. catclaw


    I will agree with Ernesto. I used to hunt with a 22-250 and killed a number of both whitetail and muleys with it. Then one day I hit one a little too far back. The deer ran off. I got a VERY lucky second shot at a running deer about 400 yds away and broke his back. He was in rough country and still very much alive when I got to him. The first bullet had hit the liver and done very little damage. I was using 60 Nosler solid bases. That same shot with my 300 WBY would have been quickly fatal. The 22-250 is a great rifle for an expert marksman at relatively close ranges. It's not a 300 yd deer rifle. It just doesn't have must sting left at that range. Why risk a very difficult to draw tag by uses a very mediocre caliber. I have hunted these little deer a LOT and have seen upwards of 40 of them killed. I think one is far better off with a 270 class rifle than a 22 caliber. I have seen them lost to 25-06's on two occasions and this isn't usually considered too small. I have never seen one lost to a 300 mag. Doesn't mean it doesn' t happen but it's nice to put them down. On a Mexico hunt a few years ago, There was one 270 and all the rest were various 300 mags. David Millers 300 Wby, my 300 WBy a couple of 30-378's and a 300 winnie. These were all people who were repeat customers and knew what worked when you put several thousand $$ on the table for a Mexican hunt. Nope, I wouldn't recoomend the 22's unless you have a detached retina or something that absolutley rules out any recoil...
  4. I located 13 bucks Saturday while scouting and found already significant activity leading up to the rut. I watched does urinate in front of buck and the bucks would dash over and check it out then chase- or not chase the doe(s) around. These were the smaller 3points and the only shootable buck was with 2 other bucks and not quite ready to play- They may actually rut this year before the year is over!!!!
  5. catclaw

    Tags this year?

    I used to hunt 22 all the time. Chased a 125 class buck in there 2 years in a row. Now I only hunt pigs in 22. There are still some good places but it's not like it used to be. A buddy of mine killed a nice OLD buck during the 3-bar hunt of yesteryear that weighed 125# cut in half and 3 days old! Biggest bodied coues I ever laid eye on. My heaviest one was only 90# but much younger.
  6. Who has Coues tags yet to fill this year? I drew a Dec tag in 24A- So far I haven't seen any huge buck, but I have seen a lion?