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Everything posted by catclaw
I don't think anyone is going to give it up just that easy! Unit 22 is one of those units that has pockets of WT instead of widespread like the southern units. It's also VERY brushy in a lot of the good habitat. I saw a 110 class buck feeding along side the highway (87) last December as I was driving north. The buck was literally 10 feet off the pavement and caught me by surprise. It was down in the cactus no less. Good luck
Last weekend I saw quite a few deer in unit 27 but unfortunately, most of them were mule deer. That said, there were several that were very impressive- I would have to agree that antler growth this year is above average. They are still growing too!
Neither of those two stores will last much longer. Sportsman Warehouse is now in the east valley and has everything those stores have times 100. I predict they will be out of business in less than 6 months at this rate. I just went up to Salt Lake to the new Cabelas. If you have never been to a Cabelas store, it is well worth it. If you have, well the one in SLC is ...ho-hum. I was quite disappointed. SW has far better prices and nearly the same selection. I don't know about trading in guns though. Also the Outdoorsman on Cave Creek road will take guns in trade. Saw a guy in there doing just that.
Ballistic tips going that fast will make a mess of meat- If you are interested in saving meat, either limit yourself to head/neck shots or perfect broadside chest cavity shots. If you get into a shoulder or ham, it's gone. Been there, done that. If you want to save meat with the 257 and not worry too much about shot selection, I would stick with Barnes Triple Shocks or something similar. I don't hunt with BTs anymore except for varmints for that reason.
If you want factory ammo for coues deer hunting- the plain vanilla WBY brand 150's using the Hornady bullets as previously mentioned are very good.
I use Thunderhead 85's and they shoot very well. I went to them when buddy had good luck with them and the 75's on ELK! They seem to shoot better than the 100's and on a 90# deer, who needs more penetration!
A number of years ago, I camped near Pena Blanca lake on a deer hunt. During the course of that hunt, we saw soldiers in Mexican uniforms on the US side of the border and witnessed a gun battle involving full-auto weapons with US authorities. This was in early 90's- can't imagine it's much better now- most guys I know who hunt there- go into town each night and stay in a house. The whole border is getting trashed. I have flown it several times and hovered over ridges- every ridgeline near the border is a UDA trail and littered with water bottles and other garbage- it is really appalling.
I'm in 27-28 whitetail
Not only did they raise the tag prices, but they are forcing everyone to wear orange when hunting ANYTHING on the rez- effective immediately. This includes spring turkey, archery elk and coyote calling. I'm done
Any of you hunters out there running around in 23 find pigs, let me know. I have a January tag and saw no pigs during my turkey hunt last spring. I suppose I need to hunt lower. Dennis
A likely food in 24A wil be the various agave plants seeds- especially the seed pods from century plants. Also the Manzanita berries should be starting by then and bears will gorge themselves on those when available. Otherwise keys on the various forbes as they emerge on the north slopes.
$800 for November tag
I saw two troupes of them in unit 24A this year. One had 24 and the other I only saw bits and pieces. I hunted the same spot several days later for several days and did not see them again so I wouldn't send you there. I saw hundreds off them in NM in Nov 2002. This was in the Mtns south of Mule Creek. I also saw them in every side canyon off Aravaipa.
Ernesto, very well said. I pretty much ignore the coyotes on the reservation these days as it is not good enough to justify a trip there just to hunt them. I agree with self managing strategy but I'm afraid that many don't feel the same way. One thing we have to do is police our own. I was really discusted with what I found in 24A this year during my deer hunt. I found the messes left by 2 elk hunters and one bear hunter - all three which would have been very negative reflections on "hunters". I cleaned up two of them and the other one was turned over to G&F for citations. I got after a number of people for riding quads all over creation. It seems that we are creating a generation of very LAZY and unskilled hunters. I wore a pair of boots out on this trip - yet one tank of fuel in my ATV lasted 3-4 outings. Maybe I'm just too old fashioned. God bless YOU Ernesto Dennis
Bob, They tried to go to a guide only system 3 years ago in Unit "D". They had a mutiny on their hands and couldn't get rid of the tags. They won't go to a guided-only system any time in the forseeable future, at least not for deer. I have seen some really good mule deer on the res as well but they are reserved for tribal members. The reservation is still good, but except for elk, I'm afraid the glory days are over. Black river is only a memory of what it used to be. San Carlos lake is nearly dry. The river is always so low that the waterfowl hunting is very sporatic. The drought of the past 15 years has taken it's toll on the reservation as well as it has on the rest of the state. Elk are a lot like cattle and can be managed via artificial water. Deer CANNOT. Deer will spontaneously about their fetus if the browse conditions are not sufficient. This is probably the single biggest reason for the terrible recruitment that we have seen statewide in the past 8-9 years. Elk seem to avoid this and are spreading over the state like ragweed. I see more turkeys on the reservation that anywhere else in the state. I cannot remember a time when I have traveled across "C" and not seen a flock of turkeys. I have seen then flocked up in the winter months to bunches in excess of 300 birds! I once jumped about 300-500 of them in one mass migration off a stock tank as I drove to an elk hunting spot in the pre-dawn hours. It was like ducks taking off from a refuge. The coyote calling on the res is not near what it used to be either. It was nothing to get 8-10 a day. Now I'm lucky to get 3. The long term forcast for the climate changes does not look good. The 20th century was the wettest century in two millenia. The 1980's were the wettest of the 20th century. If history is to be trusted, things won't likely change for the better for another 30 years. Many foresters think that we will eventually lose the pondorosa pine forests and anything below 7000 feet will be replaced by an oak savana habitat. I guess time will tell. I am going to continue to enjoy things as I cannot control them.
BH, I have not had a tag there before but I have spent a lot of time on the reservation hunting other things and scouting it and fishing in many of the stock tanks. I have hunted unit 27 via the reservation for the past 20+ years. My old hunting partner has hunted bear as have some friends. The glory days are over. There are still good bears, but the only advantage is they have a season that allows hunting the prickley pears where some of the AZ units do not at this time. ( specifically 24A) I have seen a couple of tremendous bucks in Unit C and my buddy, who hunts bear and quail in "A" has seen some very nice bucks. It is not easy country to hunt like the 34-36 units in AZ. I saw some decent bucks in A while hunting in 24A this past December. I have lion hunted in C quite a few times and usually that is when I see the bucks. Dennis
I did not buy a San Carlos tag. I got there at 4:00 am this morning and it was all for naught. They are going to have to go to a lottery system. They claim it's first come first serve and then they let the tribal guides buy as many of the few tags as they need. If you wanted the Jan "A" tag you would have needed to be there 24 hours prior- camped out. It was ridiculous. I'm sure all the tags were sold by noon. Dennis
I, like Scott, swore that I would hold out for a big one. I saw about 15 bucks during the hunt but only one would go 100 inches or bigger. I didnt have a chance to move on him as he moved into the trees when the quail hunters started banging away in the distance and I never found him again. I ended up hunting by myself most every day except the opening weekend. The hunting is OK but the frigid weather in camp was a drag alone! I finally went down near the Salt river the last two days and found does and lots of Mule deer but no big ones. I saw 2-points chasing tail! I saw lots of pig herds this year but they were all very small herds which disturbs me. There were more quail than I have seen in many years as well. The country looked to be in good shape overall but the deer numbers and amount of brush made for a very humbling hunt. It was the coldest whitetail hunt I can remember (at times) although I did get snowed out of 27 one year when we got about 10inches of snow one day! Time to concentrate on pigs! I have a tag in 23 and the two youngsters have general tags in 35A. I guess I will go to San Carlos tomorrow and buy a tag for next year so I can hunt
John, I tried to send you an email but it failed. Send me one and I can help you out. Dennis
There is an old man in Safford who has a pasture full of Virginia deer. He has a doe right now with a 100" rack. I think he said it is the second time he has had this happen. I suspect he may have some serious line breeding issues as he can't bring fresh blood lines in due to being grandfathered in. Years ago I snuck up on a pair of bucks in Temporal Canyon (34A). One of the buck clearly had testicles but NO antlers. His partner (straight or gay I can't say) was a 90 incher. Wierder things have happened.
I guess everyone who has spent much time hunting them has an opinion on this. I have had about a 5 year hiatus due to my inability to draw a tag. I have only seriously hunted mulies with a bow as they can reliably be expected to rut in late December whereas the little coues deer is as likely NOT to rut before the first of the year as he is to rut. I have never hunted in 27 ( my favored unit to spend time) when I didn't see mule deer rut activity by Christmas. I have always found bucks gathering does. I have killed a few of them this way too. I have had 10-12 December whitetail tags over the years, maybe more, and if you are counting on the rut to get the bucks moving and not glassing bedding areas, you are going to be likely dissappointed. I have seen whitetails rutting in the Pinalenos as late as March! Never count on the rut as oftimes it never materilizes before the first of the year. I know where a herd of coues live in Unit 1. They always rut by Christmas but alas there is no bow hunt in unit 1 so all we can do is take photos. In the 80's, it seemed that the rut was pretty reliable. As we have gotten into this 10+ years of drought, it is less certain. It SEEMS that nasty weather will trigger some rut activity- whether it is a real rut or not ( does don't come into eostrus just because it snowed last night) the bucks seem to move around and check stuff out- that's what its all about so I don't worry whether they are breeding or not. I have never seen a coues deer buck mount a doe- they are too modest to do it in front of me I have seen mule deer buck mount does however. In my observations, I would say that in CENTRAL Arizona, the mule deer rut any where from 1-3 weeks earlier than the coues deer. I can't say that for Southern AZ as I have never hunted mulies down there. If I had to pick a peak date for the rut it would have to be sometime in the second week of January. I have bowhunted pigs many many years before they put us on a quota for the archery hunt. While pig hunting in January ( Units 22, 23, 24 and 32) I have seen incredible rutting activity. I even called in a 100 buck one time when my bow string got caught in a palo verde tree and I clacked the limb against the tree branch trying to get it loose. He came charging in and My string was hopelessly tangled. RATS. The October hunts will often be productive if you can stand to hike in 90 degree weather- I can't so I don't apply for those tags.
I have had elk hit salt pretty regular. Deer seem to be less cooperative in my experience. The last time I tried, I pack 4 50# bags of salt pellets into a place in the blue- about 11 miles in. I made a hole on two likely places and poured the salt in. I did this first week of October. The deer or anything else never bothered with it at least through the end of the November hunt. I came back the next year and couldn't find any trace of the salt- I don't know if it soaked in or got eaten after stuff finally found it. In any case, I think it would be more of an advantage to position something for a shot from a blind when they were passing through a good area rather than attracting them in per se. By and large, I only hunt coues deer where the last thing I want to do is pack anything heavy in! What about deer cocaine? anyone tried it?
Guys- my hunting buddy just called to say that he killed a buck this afternoon. He shot at a big one but settled for a less big one. Saw several bucks together. Weather cooled back off and things are looking up. I can hardly wait for Christmas (so I can go back out- not open presents). How's it looking out East, Scott? I'll get him to post a photo when he gets back to town. Dennis
I used to hunt them right above the A+ road all the time but haven't since they made the JUG a wilderness. I guess I mostly hunted them on either side of Dutch woman butte- I'm wanting to find them somewhere else this year. I will probably spend some time off Cherry creek road and check that out. I did see some bruiser bucks near Sombrero peak and I may check that out for pigs and hope for a rare treat of a hot buck coming in too.
The recoil difference between the 300WSM and a regular 300 Winny is negligable. The two main differences are the ability to use a short action with a short bolt throw which translates into a few microseconds faster reloading rate and the short, fat powder column which has served benchresters so well in the 6mm ppc and the likes. I personally have shied away from the WSM and Rem SAUM's as I did not like the way they fed in the repeaters that I handled. Unless you handload, these newer magnums are harder to find ammo for that the regular 7mm and 300's. I feel that muzzlebrakes are for extremely speciallized rifles because of their HUGE increase in noise. If you shoot a muzzlebraked rifle without hearing protection, you WILL cause damage to your ears. If you think recoil may be an issue, I would recommend trying a 270 or 280 and see how that feels for her first- this is often about as much recoil as many people can tolerate. Most of what you have read about the short magnums is exactly what you charaterized it as- Hoopla. All this said, If I could find the right rifle that fed and shot a WSM to my liking, I may have one built myself.