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Green Bullet

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Everything posted by Green Bullet

  1. Green Bullet

    Nu Way heater reviews

    Has anyone used one? On the fence btw propane and wood. For 12x20 Alaknak hunting in northern az.
  2. Green Bullet

    Nu Way heater reviews

    I used a cabelas xl cot with their xl pad and a cheap but beefy Coleman sleeping bag and I was good. It was probably high 20s. The pad was surprisingly warm and comfortable.
  3. Green Bullet

    Setting kids up for the shot

    Neither one of us are right or wrong. I said on avg. I’ll stick to that. You were ready to rock it sounds like good for you. Chef was right everyone is different. Just sharing my experiences. I’ve seen some guys really push it to a fault.
  4. Green Bullet

    Setting kids up for the shot

    Although legal, 10 is too early for big game. I took my son for Kaibab doe when he was 10 and looking back I wish I waited a couple of years. . On avg kids aren’t ready Physically, mentally and emotionally at 10. put ‘em in for points and wait a bit. Taking a life is a big deal.
  5. Green Bullet

    Nu Way heater reviews

    I didn’t see anything specific on coal. Who is running coal in a wood cylinder setup? Is that the way to go?
  6. Green Bullet

    Scope question

    I put on a Nikon scope made for ARs. It’s pretty good and did t break the bank.
  7. Green Bullet

    Nu Way heater reviews

    Do you just use charcoal or what? Where do you buy it locally?
  8. Green Bullet

    Nu Way heater reviews

    I ended up buying a CO Cylinder stove kit. Used it last weekend in 6a. It was legit but I need to dial it in more to maximize burn time. Any tips or tricks on how you guys are loading and adjusting the vent and baffles?
  9. Green Bullet

    Punched the tag

    Was that a head shot? Congrats.
  10. I started reloading my 7 mag with Remington magnum primers. I got my hands on some federal match grade and I believe my POI is lower out at long range 600+ yds. what are your experiences on how primers impact POI? I’m using RL22.
  11. Green Bullet

    Primer dofferences

    I appreciate the data but I don’t think I’m dealing with a temp issue. Never been an issue in the past (not detectable anyway).
  12. Green Bullet

    Primer dofferences

    Both were magnum primers so the delta is really the brand itself. I was shooting steel pretty far but my guess is I was 1 MOA lower than my loads with the magnum Remingtons.
  13. Green Bullet

    Primer dofferences

    No not yet. That will be a next step.
  14. Green Bullet

    Nu Way heater reviews

    I was looking at nu way given it’s vented. Figure that solves the co issue But wanted to see if folks have used it in AZ
  15. Green Bullet

    jordyD is a scammer.

  16. Green Bullet

    NM Antelope recommendations

    I’m interested in booking a private ranch hunt in NM. Don’t want to wait another 15 yrs. does anyone have a recommendation on an outfit? Want a good shot at a biggun.
  17. Green Bullet

    Want to buy a few Cots

    Thanks Stan. I’ll take them!
  18. Green Bullet

    Want to buy a few Cots

    Lmk what you got
  19. Green Bullet

    NM Antelope recommendations

  20. Green Bullet

    WTB stove for 12x20 Alaknak

    Lmk what you have
  21. Green Bullet

    Going Old School

    I’m not sure I’d suggest eliminating it as there are folks who really can use it. But as noted it’s being abused big time. A cap would at least minimize the level of abuse and give animals more fair chase.
  22. Green Bullet

    Going Old School

    I’d be fine with open sights only muzzy season. It would devalue the newer 500 yard smoke poles. If you want to shoot that far use it during rifle season. I am also of the view we need more diligence around crossbow permits. It’s being abused big time. There should be a cap on the # of crossbow permits allowed per unit.
  23. Green Bullet

    WTT Euro mount for coues capes

    I usually tube them around the legs. Is that necessary or can you cut up the leg Sean to the body cut?
  24. Green Bullet

    34A Muzzy hunt

    Once the shooting starts it’s all going to change. it was a zoo out there this last weekend. Laughable in a way. If you had a mtn to look at you were best suited to sit tight and hope something popped out.
  25. Green Bullet

    Photo of Your Very First Coues

    Upgrade accomplished. Onward and upward!