Need help for upcoming coues deer hunt with bow.v I have been doing some fact gathering for an upcoming archery coues deer hunt in unit 27. My brother and i both have a tag and plan on starting Jan 2nd. We plan to roll light with enough to be away from truck for 3-4 days . I have spoken with a couple people regarding starting places. We plan on spending time in both wilderness areas inside the coronado. Any advice would be appreciated such as
1. what tactics in january would you use, water hole, spot/stalk/ travel corridors , etc
2. where would you hunt?
3. other than the coronado , can the BLM land north of coronado be hunted? the black mountains, etc?
4. any tactics , grunting / rattling to take advantage of rut?
5. any advice on the illegal situation in that area, dangers, do/donts?
thanks for any input , its our first run down to this area. thanks in advance for any help.