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Everything posted by Tres

  1. Tres

    ISO Starting Pistol

    Yeah they have some. Was looking for used just to save a little bit.
  2. Tres

    ISO Starting Pistol

    A few reasons, but for a short answer is: the reason we use them is so the pup gets used to the sound of gun shot, you aren’t shooting lead all over, easy to carry during training.
  3. If you are shopping for an upland vest, here is an upland Vest review we put together. https://uplandarizona.weebly.com/gear-reviews.html
  4. Tres

    WTB Upland Vest

    I have a used Q5 centerfire you can have. but if you want to buy a vest look into Marsupial and Final Rise. Best vests on the market. vest reviews: https://uplandarizona.weebly.com/gear-reviews.html
  5. https://m.facebook.com/people/Mollicone-Kennels/100054582033296/ http://www.pheasantrec.com/ both places do snake avoidance. Depends on where you live
  6. Tres

    Brittany pups

    Have a friend with a litter on the ground. He is starting to take deposits now. PM me for details. Pic is of the dam of the litter. I don’t have a pic of the sire. Will send pedigrees upon request.
  7. Tres

    Brittany pups

    Only two left
  8. Tres

    Brittany pups

  9. Tres

    Franchi 48AL12 Black Magic 12g semi-SOLD

    Nice gun!! That’s a nice price as well
  10. Tres

    Brittany pups

  11. Tres

    Brittany pups

    Yup. I have 3 right now. 10, 5, and 1 year olds. 1 year old is a lot of work but tons of fun
  12. Tres

    Brittany pups

    Lol it’s ok. They are setter pups. Look similar at that age
  13. Tres

    Brittany pups

    No. Those aren’t Brittany’s on his FB
  14. Tres

    Brittany pups

    Some deposits have been put down. Still a few avail
  15. Tres

    Brittany pups

    No sir. Mollicone kennels
  16. Tres

    Brittany pups

    It’s time. You’ve been wishing for years
  17. Tres


    Bump. Someone needs to buy this before I do.
  18. Sorry I checked and didn’t have any.
  19. Tres

    Duck/Goose Decoys

    Where are you located
  20. I’ll check when I get home.
  21. Tres

    Brittany Pups

    Great to hear!
  22. Tres

    Deer tag donation

    I got drawn for a hunt I can’t go on. Any suggestions on which Veteran group I should donate to.
  23. Tres

    Deer tag donation

    I called OE4A