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Everything posted by Tres

  1. Tres

    The time has come- I "got" a dog (pics added)

    If you are just looking for just a family pet get a rescue. If you want a gundog get a Brittany they are good family dogs too. If you decide on a brittany let me know. I will point you in the right direction Labs would be another good choice
  2. Tres

    Game meat choice?

    Antelope is good but if you ever get a chance to eat Oryx, do it! It is probably the best game meat I've ever had.
  3. Tres

    Looking for GSP or Vizsla puppy

    http://www.gundogbreeders.com/classifieds/arizona.html If you consider a Brittany i can point you in the right direction.
  4. Tres

    Best Truck Shocks?

    Radflo are better than bilsteins
  5. Tres

    243 AR-10 for trade

    Why don't you want to sell it?? Why trade only?
  6. That's awesome you got to see that deer. Great job on the quail. Never saw a day like that this year.
  7. Tres

    Throwing flies

    Lucky dog. Looks awesome. Now that quail season is over I'm flipping my mind back into small stream fly fishing mode. This poSt sure does help the transition
  8. Tres


    Sorry, had to laugh at this because it's true. I was in the same boat
  9. Tres


    Cool pics and great info. I guess I didn't realize there were that many different kinds of rattlesnakes. I'm not a fan of them. My dog is rattlesnake trained so we know where to stay away from. I like skinning the pretty bastards.
  10. I'm going to try and get a few more this weekend. I've found them every time I've gone out, the problem is my shooting sometimes. My poor dog probably gets frustated with me once in a while haha. It's the last weekend of the season so Hopefuly I can make it count.
  11. Went and did a little quail hunting with a few other guys this past weekend. We were able to kick up a covey of about 20. after getting them to split up into singles and doubles we were able to get 3. Dog did good except he had a lot of run ins the cholla. I need to do a better job at protecting him from them. Overall a good, short, successful day plus we jumped a deer.
  12. Tres

    Springfield 1911 GI

    Nice gun. Bump
  13. Yeah hopefully this rain helps the populations next year. Hopefully I can get out one more time before the season is over this year.
  14. Tres

    WTB Youth 20 gauge

    I was gonna mention that too but was thinking I might buy it for myself instead. Haha.
  15. Tres

    WTB Youth 20 gauge

    How old is your son?How much are you looking to spend? Do you want a pump actions, semi auto, break action? There's a lot of options out there. Check out armslist http://www.armslist.com/posts/3935076/phoenix-arizona-shotguns-for-sale--nef-single-shot-20-ga--ducks-unlimited-editon--very-very-nice--
  16. Tres

    UPDATE! HELP My Daughter! VOTE

    Don't have a FB or Id vote. Sorry
  17. Tres

    This post is for the dogs

    I had a chocolate lab that would hang out next to my daughter non stop when my daughter was a baby. Every picture we had of my daughter our lab Daisy was there. They were best buds. We had to put Daisy down last year and my daughter who is now 4 still asks for her. She calls the back yard Daisy's Garden. dang I miss that dog.
  18. Tres

    Huglu 103c O/U 12g for sale-Uploaded w/pics

    Do you have the extra chokes?
  19. Tres

    Duck Dummy

    I wish I could!! Work always gets in the way
  20. Cancel last minute or don't bother calling to cancel.
  21. Tres

    Train to Hunt?

    Id like to see the workout program they have.
  22. Actually no. These were scaled that we found.