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Everything posted by Tres

  1. Tres

    Bye Bye Cabelas

  2. Tres

    Bye Bye Cabelas

    I just read a rumor that Cabelas is openning a store at San Tan Village in Gilbert.
  3. Tres

    Dog Training

    Take him to a trainer.
  4. You do what you want with him he is your dog. I have a few questions to ask. So you want to breed your dog for hunting and companion purposes right? Why would you breed a dog for hunting purposes that doesn't hunt, swim or fetch? Seems silly that's what they are bred to do. Not to mention he is gun shy. Most good breeders won't touch a gun shy dog. You don't care about what's in his pedigree so you don't know what is in his bloodline and neither will the people getting your pups. What kind of health concerns are in his bloodline? He's a good dog. Ok. There are a lot of good dogs out there that shouldn't be used for breeding. Labs are known for a lot of medical issues such as hip dysplasia. So will you OFA your dog? Do you know what OFA is? Were the sire and dame you got this dog from OFAd? You don't want a litter of pups that are highly dysplastic. It's a sad thing to see when you see a dog that can't walk because he has bad hips. I've seen dogs under 1 that can't walk because of Hip Dysplasia. All because of bad breeding. When you breed a dog it comes with a lot of responsibility. Is this breeding good for the breed itself? My opinion is if you want to get this dog a buddy, go buy one from a responsible, quality breeder, or better yet go adopt one.
  5. The only reason I want to reload is for upland and waterfowl hunting. I shoot a 20ga for quail and dove and like high brass and quality powder so it isn't cheap buying boxes.
  6. Tres

    Pistol Emoji Change

    Wtf they turned green. I hate liberals
  7. Good job getting out there! It was a warm one today. Did you ever Decide on getting a dog?
  8. Great job!! Love seeing kids get out there
  9. Tres

    Pistol Emoji Change

    🔫🔫🔫🔫🔫😱😱. I have an iPhone no water gun here
  10. Tres

    Tried to start a poll but it didn't work ?

    I.U.E.C. Local 140... You ? UA Local 469 plumbers/pipefitters
  11. Tres

    Moo cow down

    Just saw this. Congrats mike!! That trophy room is gonna be maxed out if you get that mounted.
  12. Sven does great work. Those look real good. Congrats.
  13. Tres

    who uses a GPS collar with their dogs? I love mine!

    I bought a Garmin Astro to put on my dogs. I will use it for the first time this hunting season. My friends all run Astros and love them.
  14. It's not just about me running into snakes it's about the dogs getting hit by one. You spend a lot of time and money training and raising these dogs, not to mention the love you have for these dogs, the last thing you want to do is put them in harms way with snakes.
  15. Tres

    Nevermind - Keeping it

    Oh man.... If I had extra money
  16. I saw a few coveys today with mostly juvenile birds.
  17. I'm getting excited. I won't hunt in October because it's still too hot, too many snakes, and a there is still a lot of juvenile quail. In my opinion the season starts a couple weeks too early. Come November it is on!! Dogs need to start running to get into better shape by then.
  18. You wouldn't believe the amount of venom that came out when we defanged him. Yes there were a lot of good looking dogs there. Pointers, GSPs, English and Irish setters, Brittanys, and wire hair pointers. Good crowd for sure.
  19. Had a good turn out at Desert Pheasant Recreation today for snake avoidance training. Instructor https://youtu.be/eds0YE_CCqg Attendees https://youtu.be/GIAQhsXYGnQ
  20. Tres

    WTB Clip

    Didn't know they took clips. Maybe you meant magazine