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Everything posted by Tres

  1. I'm looking to buy a SD card for my Garmin Astro, I can't decide if I should go with the OnX SD card or the Garmin Huntview. Any suggestions from you guys would help me out. I like that I can get land ownership info from the OnX but I like the satellite imagery that Huntview has. I can always use my phone for the imagery. There is a $20 price difference between the 2.
  2. Tres

    OnX hunt maps or Garmin Huntview??

    I ended up getting the Garmin Huntview maps and love it so far.
  3. Valley of the Sun QF will be having their second annual banquet. There will be good food, raffles, and auctions. Last year was a lot of fun and very successful. Buy your tickets online: http://www.valleyofthesunquailforever.com/purchase--donate.html Or here: https://pheasantsforeverevents.org/event/2444 Hope to see you there!!
  4. Valley of the Sun QF will be having their second annual banquet. There will be good food, raffles, and auctions. Last year was a lot of fun and very successful. Buy your tickets online: http://www.valleyofthesunquailforever.com/purchase--donate.html Or here: https://pheasantsforeverevents.org/event/2444 Hope to see you there!!
  5. Banquet is this Friday. Get your tickets!!
  6. Congrats!! I'm not a duck hunter but I know what kind of trophy those wood ducks are.
  7. Tres

    Planting a Food plot

    Quail Forever is part of a Pollinator Project. The local Valley of the Sun chapter will have some plots that attracts bees and butterflies and also attract birds. Contact quail Forever if you would like to participate in it at all. They will supply the seed. It would be cool if you had just a little area for that. https://www.quailforever.org/BlogLanding/Blogs/Field-Notes/Quail-Forevers-Youth-Pollinator-Habitat-Program-A.aspx http://www.valleyofthesunquailforever.com
  8. Tres

    Looking to buy a Brittany Pup

    You are gonna get the same info here as the other site. You get what you pay for. Contact AZ Brittany rescue. They have a few britts available. 1 good looking 2 year old male.
  9. Tres

    Spring Rains - Great Yr. for our Wildlife

    The precipitation is a great start for bird populations and antler growth. Keep the rain coming!!
  10. It's over. the 2016/17 quail season is over and I learned a few things. Here they are in no particular order. 1. I need to practice my shooting. Some days I can shoot pretty well and some days I have a bent barrel. I need to shoot more in the off season to be consistent. I am my own worst enemy and my dog gets frustrated with me I'm sure. 2. Every year is a learning experience for you and your dog. Just when you think you have these birds figured out they throw a curveball at you. 3. I don't get out enough. Between all the rain, family, holidays, and work I didn't get out as much as I planned. 4. People trash this state. If you hunt down south for mearns or you hunt these desert birds you will find one common thing, people are disrespectful. Please pick up your trash. Pick up your spent hulls. I know it is exciting when birds flush and you want to chase them but please take the time to pick up your hulls. I find double barrel guys do a decent job at it but semi auto and pump shotgun shooter just blast as they walk and never turn back. 5. Our mearns are getting hit harder and harder every year. It is not just local guys now it is out of staters. Magazines, books, TV shows, and of course social media keeps talking about how great our mearns hunting is here which makes everyone and their dog come and blast our birds. game and fish has no way to track how many people actually hunt this bird and I think they are messing up badly. 6. I need to get into shape. Yes round is a shape but dang I'm not getting any younger Or smaller. 7. I've known this for a while but I think about it a lot. I really appreciate the "old timers" or "ol geezers" as they call themselves for taking the time to give me pointers and taking the time to help me become a better Upland hunter. If you ever get a chance to hunt with any of our local legends, jump at the opportunity. Just watching these guys is fun. Mr. Priest and Mr. Corley, thank you I'm already looking forward to next year. The desert is green and the hatch should be a good one.
  11. #2 is almost always true #4 is true but when good people don't have the same ethics or standards as you it can make it weird. Just an example I've hunted with great people that shoot birds on the ground. Which I don't care for.
  12. Tres

    Wtb/wtt for Used baseballs

    We used to go to places like Play it again sports and buy used baseballs.
  13. Tres


    I know Charlie has some good dogs, a little pricey but you get what you pay for. https://m.facebook.com/CharliesChampionChocolateLabradorRetrievers
  14. Tres


    I don't know much about them but here is a start http://www.gundogbreeders.com/breeders-arizona/graves-labrador-retrievers.html
  15. Tres


    How many do you have?
  16. Tres

    Please delete. Found one

    Right on. Congrats
  17. Tres

    Please delete. Found one

    Male or female? Liver roan?? Don produces some good dogs, you can almost always tell if it's a Remchester dog because of the markings. How are you getting it here from Tennessee?
  18. Tres

    Looking for female GSP

    So you want someone else to deal with it whelping pups and vet bills? On a serious note talk to guys at trials
  19. Tres

    Please delete. Found one

    PM sent
  20. Tres

    1st Mearns

    Nice work!! Congrats. Love them birds.
  21. Tres


    Dang!! That is a big cat. Congrats. Happy that thing is gone!
  22. Tres

    Quail Forever Raffle!!

    Valley of the Sun Quail Forever is raffling of a QUILOMENE/ Q5 SAN CARLOS BIRD VEST. The raffle tickets are one for $5 or 3 for $10. If you would like 3 raffle tickets, chose the second option. An email confirmation will be sent after your purchase has been made. We are running this raffle until we have sold 300 tickets. Good luck! Enter the Raffle here: http://www.valleyofthesunquailforever.com/purchase--donate.html Take a look at the vest: http://www.q5outdoorproducts.com/product/quilomene-san-carlos-bird-vest-complete/
  23. Tres

    Quail Forever Raffle!!

    Still some raffle tickets available.