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Everything posted by Tres

  1. They need to have a controlled burn there. Lots of dead trees.
  2. Tres

    What ammo for quail

    +1That's what we load for every gauge on quail loads. You will bite down on a lot less shot if you shoot them at dove also. I'm either gonna have to bite the bullet and start loading my own or find someone nice enough to load them for me.
  3. Tres

    What ammo for quail

    I wish they made more 7 shot for 20ga. You pretty much have to load your own to get #7s or shoot steel. I'd shoot nothing but 7s if they sold them. I shoog both 6s and 7.5s now.
  4. Tres

    What ammo for quail

    Yup. The sums it up.
  5. What kind of pants do you quail hunters wear in our AZ desert? The LL Bean ones I wear aren't great for our desert cactus because the needles go right though them however they are breathable. Have you guys found any the keep the thorns out and are breathable during the warm days? Is briar too hot ?
  6. Tres

    WTB German Shorthair

    Yet a fraction of the cost of a purebred. I'm a purebred person, I'll spend the money on a purebred dog however some people will spend $400 on a mixed breed. heck if you adopt a mutt that has been abused it's $500. Dogs aren't cheap.
  7. Tres

    They are out...

    Almost stepped on this fat guy this morning. Snake avoidance training worked with the dog.
  8. Tres

    WTB German Shorthair

    https://phoenix.craigslist.org/evl/grd/6054648806.html Looks like when they grow up they will look like this but with spots. 👍 They won't taste as good either.
  9. Tres

    WTB German Shorthair

  10. Tres

    WTB German Shorthair

    Don't know if you found a gsp yet but I just saw some on Craigslist that were 3/4 GSP and 1/4 lab. $350.
  11. Tres

    They are out...

    F that thing.
  12. Tres


    You like bluegrass? Check these guys out
  13. Tres

    WTB German Shorthair

    Brian has some http://highwayends.com
  14. Talk to a trainer, look into a stress jacket for the dog during windy days. This all starts when they are puppies. Getting dogs exposed to different things at a young age is key.
  15. Tres

    Snake Trainer for Dog

    Many options out there. I go to Bob at Desert Pheasant Rec. $60 and free re checks if I recall correctly
  16. Tres

    Exterminators - ticky this season

    If your wife or you use essential oils, rose geranium essential oil works as a repellent and it is safe for dogs. Also, check at Bug and weed mart they may have something you can use to get rid of them.
  17. Tres

    Exterminators - ticky this season

    Ugh no. Where do you live.
  18. Tres

    They are out...

    No doubt!!! This one Tres posted is all coiled like one of the dirt clumps beside him. As a guy who got a 1 fanged partial dose when I was youngster quail hunting I can say I don't ever want full dose venom! I had small scratch and small puncture due to my good vertical jump abilities back then but dang sure got sick That afternoon and had severe muscle cramping/spasms in calf to point of couldn't walk. Have worn snake guards since and been struck multiple time bird hunting. 😡 Yeah I thought it was cow shoot. There is a reason I don't go quail hunting until mid to late November.
  19. Tres

    They are out...

    He actually didn't alert me. He was running looking for birds when I almost stepped on this guy. My dog didn't know he was there until I started dealing with the snake. My dog came running down wind from us and slammed his breaks 15-20 feet back from me and wanted nothing to do with what I had. Usually dogs will put there noses right up to something you are messing with. Some dogs get wind of the snakes and bark at the snakes. Some dogs just put their tales between their legs and avoid it all together after snake avoidance training. My dog stays away from them that is all I ask. The rest is up to me to pay attn to where I am stepping.
  20. Tres

    They are out...

    He was thick.
  21. AOA will be having a yard sale in April. Take a look in your equipment to see if you have anything to donate. Anything helps. Also go take a look at the yard sale to see if there is anything you like. Remember it's for a good cause. Thank you.
  22. Tres

    AZ Outdoor Adventures Yard sale

    Give them a call.
  23. AOA is having a yard sale in April. Take a look in your stuff to see if you have anything to donate to them. This is for a good cause. Thank you.
  24. Tres

    Kodiak Canvas 10X10 deluxe flex bow tent

    Nice tent. I have one and love it.