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Everything posted by Tres

  1. Dove season just means it's getting closer to quail season.
  2. Tres

    NM Antelope

    Nice speed goat. I think me uncle was on that same hunt. He dropped one as well. Congrats.
  3. Got my new hunting partner last week. My older hunting buddy didn't like the new one very much at first but is starting to get used to him. Little dude is Blake and older one is Hic. Come novernber it is going to be fun watching these dogs on wild birds.
  4. Nope it's a different litter. His pup is one day older.
  5. Tres

    Milwaukee portable bandsaw

    I prefer the dewalt porta bans
  6. Tres

    Where am I? CATWALK.....Glenwood NM!

    I've been there but it was probably 20 years ago.
  7. Tres

    Cutting the cord part II

    Heard they were cracking down on Kodi users. It's not very user friendly either.
  8. My house smells fantastic!! New Mexico Green. Way better than Hatch too
  9. Tres

    WTB: Shotgun

  10. Tres

    GSP training

    Enjoy your pup. Let it be a puppy for a while. There is really no rush to put it on live birds. It's hot outside, snakes are out, it's really not time to put the pup thru that. Work on basic obedience. There are a few good trainers here in the valley, TKO, K Nine Bird Dogs, Blacktree Kennels in Flagstaff, and so on. Wait till your dog is a few months old to really start training on birds. If the dog is bred well the prey drive will always be there.
  11. Tres

    It's that time of year....

    No I got these from Jurado farms. They have a couple different strains.
  12. Hopefully we get you a gsp pup!!
  13. It is gonna be tough. My understanding is that there aren't many birds and it is usually warm during those hunts. Wh at month is that hunt?
  14. The place up north shut down this year. I haven't had a bad experience at DPR. People have to remember that they are pen raised birds, They don't fly or flush like wild birds do. If you miss the bird and you go chase it again it won't fly as well as it did on the first flush, heck, they may not fly at all. I can see how an handler can get frustrated when their dogs work hard to find birds and the shooter can't hit a dang thing. I'm happy to hear that your experience wasn't bad.
  15. I was just talking about going to chase some grouse.
  16. Tres

    Canyon Point Shooter Manhunt Updates

    I just read the same thing
  17. Tres

    Dog kennels

    PM sent.
  18. Tres

    WTB Canyon Cooler

    Even their boneyard is usually sold out, I think I have seen items on it twice. I've seen many items on there. It doesn't hurt to call them and ask if they have any
  19. Tres

    WTB Canyon Cooler

    If you go to their website they have a "boneyard" section. The coolers in the boneyard section may be scratched or have a minor defect but work just as good as a new one does but at a discounted price. I have the 22 and the 55 I'll be buying the 103qt prospector next.
  20. Tres

    What is making these drag marks?

    My thoughts exactly.
  21. Tres

    I'm looking for a plumber

  22. Tres

    I'm looking for a plumber

    Hose bib is easy. Do it yourself.
  23. Tres

    I'm looking for a plumber

    Check PMs