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Everything posted by Tres

  1. Tres

    Camp Chef Explorer and Griddle

    PM sent.
  2. Tres

    GSP, Weim, and Britts

    TTT All dogs have been through snake avoidance training
  3. Tres

    GSP, Weim, and Britts

    Bump. Gsp may be spoken for. Will find out Sunday afternoon. Make an offer on the weim. She will be a good companion hunter
  4. Tres

    GSP, Weim, and Britts

    Did a little training with the GSP this morning.
  5. Tres

    GSP, Weim, and Britts

    You are due to get a pup soon. Your parents dog is pretty cool. Shes a good little size. Few people calling about the GSP, so far still avail
  6. Tres

    GSP, Weim, and Britts

    Shes a nice dog. I would take her if my wife let me have more dogs.
  7. Tres

    Looking for GSP pup

    Did you find a pup?
  8. Tres

    Bad Neighbor

    Im thankful for my neighbors. Sorry you have a DB of a neighbor. If you arent married you should just bang his wife.
  9. Tres

    Ultralight Fly fishing Set Up - Tucson

    Chad does beautiful work. I have 2 rods from him. Nice set up. Good luck with sale.
  10. Tres

    Shed hunting with dogs

    Any of you guys train your dogs to find sheds? Any training tips or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
  11. Tres

    New neighbors

    My family and I were sitting in the backyard the other night and an own flew right over our heads. Couldnt hear it fly over just saw a big butt wing span fly a couple feet over our heads. It was awesome. We have a couple of them in our neighborhood.
  12. Tres

    This post is for the dogs

    Worst day ever! Just had to put my buddy Sam to sleep today. Gonna be rough around here for a while. Sorry to hear about that.
  13. Tres

    Electric smoker

    My wife and I have been tossing the idea around about buying a smoker. We are looking at a masterbuilt smoker. Ill be honest I dont know sh!t about smoking food...grass maybe but not food. Do you all have any suggestions on where to start and what kind of smoker we should get? Thanks
  14. Tres

    Electric smoker

    Thanks Delw! Ill try and let you guys know how I do once I get one.
  15. Tres

    Electric smoker

    Thanks guys. I have a lot of learning to do with this.
  16. Heck yeah. Congrats. Great looking dog.
  17. Tres

    This post is for the dogs

    My youngest Brittany. His name is Blake
  18. Tres

    CW concrete contractor needed

    Yes he is doing my pavers. He gave me the best quote and seems to do nice work.
  19. Tres

    English Cocker Spaniel pups

    Cool dogs! Love me some Field bred cockers. The energy level is fun
  20. Tres

    CW concrete contractor needed

    Is he a CW member?
  21. Tres

    Kodiak Canvas 10x10 Wall tent

    Nice price!! Someone needs to grab this. I have one and love it.
  22. Tres

    22 starter pistol

    Anyone else selling one PM me Ill take one too
  23. Tres


    I prefer mod and full for fixed chokes. I actually thought this 1 was mod and full but since I wasn't wearing my glasses when I bought it :] I personally like fixed as it simplifies which chokes to put in for the day. I have got rid of all but 1 12ga o/u with removeable chokes! Which 12ga o/u did you keep? You gonna sell it?
  24. Tres

    Dog collar and remote

    What brand?
  25. Tres

    GSP pups

    4 still available These dogs are birdy!! https://m.facebook.com/kninebirddog/posts/pcb.10214433278015909/?photo_id=10214433274295816&mds=%2Fphotos%2Fviewer%2F%3Fphotoset_token%3Dpcb.10214433278015909%26photo%3D10214433274295816%26profileid%3D100006328270278%26source%3D49%26__tn__%3DEHH-R%26cached_data%3Dfalse%26ftid%3D&mdf=1