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Everything posted by Tres

  1. Tres

    High grade 12 gauge SXS shotgun

    Beautiful shotgun!
  2. Tres

    Rifles and SxS Shotguns

    Do it! Save me from getting in trouble
  3. Tres

    Rifles and SxS Shotguns

    3rds on the 10/22
  4. Tres

    ISO 28ga O/U

    I am back to looking for a 28ga O/U. Would prefer Beretta 686 (or similar) , Rizzini, or Ruger Red Label. If you have a 20ga avail let me know as I may buy another 20 as well thank you
  5. Tres

    Shotgun Cameras

    I got a shotkam. Haven’t used it much. Only time I’ve used it was to shoot pigeons while we were training dogs. So far it seems good. I see some potential in it helping my shooting.
  6. Tres

    Wtb sxs shotgun

    Just get yourself a CZ SXS. Inexpensive will do the trick for what you need.
  7. I’ve been thinking about selling my topper. It is on my 2018 Silverado. It has some AZ pinstripes on it but that’s par for the course on a hunting vehicle. Willing to let it go for $500. Located in Gilbert Big door has brand new gas struts and the site doors have new T handle locks
  8. Tres

    How long until cards are hit??

    Anyone get hit for Sandhill crane? Other than the youth hunt
  9. Tres


    How much would you sell them for
  10. Have any beretta 686 20ga stocks?
  11. Agreed. unfortunately in todays world everyone wants a law for something. I am for less government involvement.
  12. For you guys with bird dogs. what distance do you prefer your dogs to hunt at while in open country? Do you like your dogs to stay in close like under 100 yards? 100-300 yards? You ok with them ranging as further? I have dogs that stay in the 100-300 range but also dogs that can get 700 yards out and hold birds till I get there. just wondering what your preference is.
  13. Tres

    FOR SALE: Browning Citori 725 Field 12 GA O/U

    Bump for a nice shotgun.
  14. Here is some reading material in regards to the original topic https://www.pheasantsforever.org/BlogLanding/Blogs/Pheasants-Forever/Help-Keep-Bird-Dog-Pressure-Away-from-Spring-Nesting-Season.aspx?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABpvihvPEouRD0TCNtvshF6UBoW_MhzajlJRrkat03MQEVRHy2r4UazhZMug_aem_AVU74YH0Q7BzaO7GmW-4MmOWDANOc2a0xxVKebBR9u3MC7uzX6XLyyG1fpEvssBnujA
  15. I think it’s more like an unwritten rule. -Karen
  16. Tres

    FOR SALE: ARE Camper Shell $500

    Topper will be too small for your truck
  17. Tres

    FOR SALE: ARE Camper Shell $500

    Sorry yes, I got a tiny one: The cargo box floor length of the Silverado WT Crew Cab/Short Box is 69.3 inches.
  18. I’m looking for an inexpensive 22 revolver. It’s gonna be mostly used for shooting blanks for dog training but will shoot live rounds from time to time.
  19. Tres


    That may be the liver one I liked in the litter. Good choice
  20. I need to know who to contact. Have someone interested