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About Tres

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    Advanced Member

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  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing, camping, and family

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  1. Tres

    High grade 12 gauge SXS shotgun

    Beautiful shotgun!
  2. Tres

    Rifles and SxS Shotguns

    Do it! Save me from getting in trouble
  3. Tres

    Rifles and SxS Shotguns

    3rds on the 10/22
  4. Tres

    ISO 28ga O/U

    I am back to looking for a 28ga O/U. Would prefer Beretta 686 (or similar) , Rizzini, or Ruger Red Label. If you have a 20ga avail let me know as I may buy another 20 as well thank you
  5. Tres

    Shotgun Cameras

    I got a shotkam. Haven’t used it much. Only time I’ve used it was to shoot pigeons while we were training dogs. So far it seems good. I see some potential in it helping my shooting.
  6. Tres

    Wtb sxs shotgun

    Just get yourself a CZ SXS. Inexpensive will do the trick for what you need.
  7. Tres

    How long until cards are hit??

    Anyone get hit for Sandhill crane? Other than the youth hunt
  8. Tres


    How much would you sell them for
  9. Have any beretta 686 20ga stocks?
  10. Agreed. unfortunately in todays world everyone wants a law for something. I am for less government involvement.
  11. Tres

    FOR SALE: Browning Citori 725 Field 12 GA O/U

    Bump for a nice shotgun.
  12. Here is some reading material in regards to the original topic https://www.pheasantsforever.org/BlogLanding/Blogs/Pheasants-Forever/Help-Keep-Bird-Dog-Pressure-Away-from-Spring-Nesting-Season.aspx?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0BMQABpvihvPEouRD0TCNtvshF6UBoW_MhzajlJRrkat03MQEVRHy2r4UazhZMug_aem_AVU74YH0Q7BzaO7GmW-4MmOWDANOc2a0xxVKebBR9u3MC7uzX6XLyyG1fpEvssBnujA