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Everything posted by ThomasWest

  1. Taking my Son (15 y/o) on his first deer bow hunt and when scouting a few areas of interest we came across the below... South of Young and West of Aztec peak is this sign above Workman Creek Falls. What is the history here? For the record, there are several camp grounds within a 5 mile radius. Does anyone think there will be a 200" 3 Horn Coues taken from this area? If so, I'll risk it We are planning on hunting northwest of this area and believe we'll be fine, but concerned nonetheless.... Also, if you believe the area we are looking at is sub par and full of Sasquatch please let us know....we've been looking at a few others. Cheers, Tom and Tommy
  2. ThomasWest

    Sons first Bow Hunt - Concerned about area

    http://www.paysonroundup.com/news/20...owmotion_thre/ http://www.experience-az.com/adventures/4wd/workmancreekfalls/workmancreekfalls.html Seems it wasn't cost effective to take care of the problem so they posted a simple sign. Gotta love the politics of it all. Interesting article above.