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Arizona Wanderings

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About Arizona Wanderings

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  1. Arizona Wanderings

    Free pellet air rifle - Gone

    Sending you a pm
  2. Arizona Wanderings

    Free pellet air rifle - Gone

    Old Chinese pellet air rifle I’d like to pass on. Don’t know where it came from. Never been used. Free to a good home. Pickup at 83rd and northern during working hours. - GONE Ben
  3. Arizona Wanderings

    Looking for kid binos 8x or 10x

    Thank you so much. Sent you a pm.
  4. Arizona Wanderings

    Looking for kid binos 8x or 10x

    Title says it all. Looking for a second hand set of binos for a youth. Please shoot me a pm if you have something kicking around the closet. Thanks. Ben
  5. Arizona Wanderings

    Matthews Chill-X - price drop

  6. Arizona Wanderings

    Matthews Chill-X - price drop

    Price Drop - $300
  7. Arizona Wanderings

    Matthews Chill-X - price drop

    West valley. 303 and olive. or I can meet near 83rd and Northern most days. Thanks. Ben
  8. Arizona Wanderings

    Matthews Chill-X - price drop

    Matthew’s Chill-X bare bow. Used but well cared for. All tuning and work done by Arizona Archery Club. 60-70# limbs. 29”draw $350 obo $300 case not included
  9. Arizona Wanderings

    Beretta Silver Snipe 12 gauge O/H - sold

    Sold sold
  10. Arizona Wanderings

    Mossberg 600ct 20 gauge pump - sold

    Sold sold
  11. Arizona Wanderings

    Gun cabinet - sold

    Sold sold
  12. Arizona Wanderings

    Beretta Silver Snipe 12 gauge O/H - sold

    Good info everyone. Thanks for filling in the gaps for me. Ben
  13. Arizona Wanderings

    Beretta Silver Snipe 12 gauge O/H - sold

  14. Arizona Wanderings

    Beretta Silver Snipe 12 gauge O/H - sold

  15. Arizona Wanderings

    Beretta Silver Snipe 12 gauge O/H - sold

    28” barrels. I’m not 100% on chokes but they are fixed. From the research I’ve done, I believe they are full and modified like DUG said. The only stamp on the barrel is under the foreend. It’s a letter “B”. hope that helps Ben