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Everything posted by ScottAdams

  1. ScottAdams

    Used atv advice

    I've ran Hondas for years, they are great machines! I would lean toward getting a fuel injected model but the carbureted versions work great as well. 3 of mine are carbureted and one is fuel injected. I have Rubicon and Rincon, the Rincon has the independent rear suspension which I really like. The Rubicon has a transmission I really like but not independent rear suspension.
  2. ScottAdams

    HIgh Country Bow For Sale

    I have a High Country Iron Mace bow for sale, comes with sights, rest, stabilizer and quiver. $300 obo. These are the only pictures I have handy of the bow right now. It's a proven killer! I can take some better pictures if anyone is interested.
  3. ScottAdams

    Pack goats

    I wrote this several years ago when I was running packgoats. Packgoats.doc
  4. ScottAdams

    WTB back seat for rhino

    This is the only picture I have handy right now. The rear seats and extended cage are no longer on the rhino. Rear seats, seat belts and extended roll cage (which has a rear holder for an ice chest) $400. I'm about 3 to 3 1/2 hours from the East Valley.
  5. ScottAdams

    WTB back seat for rhino

    I've got a back seat and an extended roll cage I'll let go.
  6. ScottAdams

    2015 big coues buck

    Great story and a fantastic buck Josh! Got my blood pressure up just reading it!!
  7. ScottAdams

    The Left Over Luck Buck

    I don't know how I missed this Clinten. Great buck and story! I just love those 6.5's. That is a beautiful buck and you won't find a prettier cape.
  8. ScottAdams

    Throwback Thursday

    My dad and I way back in the day!!
  9. Awesome bucks and video Phil!! Sorry you weren't able to find the big boys you were after, but you have to admit, it's nice knowing they are still out there.
  10. ScottAdams

    Little December Success

    Way to go!! Glad you were able to put it together! Your other 2 boys will have other opportunities!
  11. ScottAdams

    Rollercoaster Coues Hunt

    Very nice buck!! Cool story!! Congratulations!!
  12. ScottAdams

    Monday Monster

    Great job Josh! The legend of BA-3 has come to a close! That's a world class buck, good job keeping tabs on him and patterning him! Great job Bob McMillan on shooting straight and putting your trust in a great guide!!
  13. ScottAdams

    Please pray for TJ!! He was in a bad quad accident!

    Really thankful you weren't seriously hurt TJ! It's great to hear that you are on the road to recovery. At least you were out there searching for the ever elusive giant Coues and not horsing around like a teenager. However, a man needs to know his limitations and the limitations of his machine and it looks like you reached those here. Get well soon...we've got Coues bucks to chase!! Take care buddy and keep us updated!
  14. ScottAdams

    The start of a great hunting season!!!!

    Congratulations on a great buck!!
  15. 27 is a good as I've seen it this year for Mearns.
  16. ScottAdams

    Colleen's Coues

    Great buck! Congratulations!!
  17. ScottAdams

    Monday Check in

    I hunted on Monday and got a pretty good workout. I'm down 20 pounds and feel great! I'm 50 years old and can hike like I'm in my late 20's again, it feels really good! I'm now ready to head deep into Coues country on some backpack trips!
  18. ScottAdams

    2 Boys, 2 Deer

    Sweet!! Looks like a great hunt!!
  19. ScottAdams

    Video of my November hunt

    Awesome video!!
  20. ScottAdams

    Monday Check in

    While I haven't posted on this yet, I decided to jump in. I'm the "hunting buddy" Amanda referred to in her post. I changed my diet to a low calorie, high nutrition ration and have been amazed at the difference it made! I dropped 12 pounds in three weeks and felt great on our recent backpack hunt! I'm still working out every week but not as often as I would like. I bought Dr. Joel Fuhrman's book "Eat To Live" and have been working on sticking to the principles of eating found in the book and I'm sold!
  21. ScottAdams

    Unit 27 October hunt

    We'll be out and about. Good luck!
  22. ScottAdams

    From Table to Able: Combating Diseases with food

    I love this!!
  23. ScottAdams

    My First Successful Coues Deer Hunt 2012

    That's awesome! Everybody has to start somewhere. You did what you needed to do. Congratulations on your first successfull hunt!