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Everything posted by Upland81

  1. Upland81

    Need some advice

    It just takes too much powder to gain what little you gain. The best 300 in my opinion is the 30/338 however for factory the 300 wby is still the best in my opinion but due to brass prices I will stick to win mag yet thats why there are soo many 300s. That way we can all have our own favorites.
  2. I didn't get out as much as I wanted to last season my wife and I had our second son in January. I am counting down to next season too along with the start of the AZPDC.org trials. I've never had a hobby that I've enjoyed as much as pointing dogs.
  3. Anyone who hunts with dogs knows about mearns it doesnt matter if they life in Maine or Arizona. These birds are the best for hunting over a pointing dog hands down. I don't think one article will actually do anything to the hunting grounds since every year NSTRA has field trials during season in Sonoita and there are still healthy bird numbers. You have to remember that to true bird hunters that travel to different states killing isn't as important to them as seeing their dog point a new species of bird and work in the field. I am not as much of a die hard as some and I even run my dog on birds 50-70 days a year and kill hundreds of quail and chukar a year during trials/training over her. When I am down south I just want to see my dog run well and point wild birds. If I shoot some that's a plus.
  4. Upland81

    Need some advice

    Buy a RCBS starter kit and start loading it's very rewarding kinda makes you feel like a mad scientist. My favorite rifle is a 6mm Remington and finding factory ammo for that is hard.
  5. Upland81

    Need some advice

    If the sight is crisp and clean that's all that matters. Shooters and bird dog handlers will never have a shortage of opinions.
  6. Upland81

    Need some advice

    I am not a fan of the the ultra mags either just because they are major over bore. I shoot barnes bullets in every rifle I use or have used in the past for big game. Your traditional school of thought isn't going to be the same for barnes as conventional bullets lighter is actually better. If you get a barness bullet to explode on impact you're shooting something hotter than I've seen and the heavier bullets tend to not expand well also at the longer rangers. I tend to worry more about if a load will shoot with ease more than the B.C. however I never mess with anything below .400. A great gunsmith named P.O. Ackley said the break in process was a huge load of BS and I have to agree with him. Considering breaking in is suppose to be the removing of burrs in the rifling that are left from the rifle barrel being machined. I don't care what you shoot if the barrel has burrs and needs to be lapped there is much more going on. I agree with the above posts of just cleaning when the groups open up which depends on bullets. Barnes bullets due require much more cleaning than other brands due to be solid copper. I use only bore tech solvent on my rifles because it doesn't contain any ammonia and actually does do a better job on copper than sweets or anything else I have found be sure to only use nylon brushes. Since the 300 rum is so over bore the barrel life is lowered but you're talking 800-1200 rounds and the above notes about the throat getting burnt out before the rifling is extremely correct. I don't look at the rifling on a used rifle I look at the bolt face to see how much brass is present. With a Remington this isn't as big of an issue as one would think the way the rifle barrel is attached all a gun smith needs to do is recut the chamber. To everything up find a load that it shoots well and shoot it. That's the number one thing after that it all falls in place.
  7. Upland81

    English Pointer Puppies

    One male left.
  8. Upland81

    English Pointer Puppies

    12 week old male Pointer pups both liver and white. Both parents come from a great field bloodline with proven in the field parents. $300 each for additional questions or photos please call/text Dan @ 623-680-9358
  9. Upland81


  10. Upland81

    questionable shots

    You're taking it wrong all we are saying is it is 100% of hunting but why discuss it on a form and get up set when people criticize the situation. Truth of the matter is we all have stories like this if not worse ones. However some people handle it as hunting PTSD and keep the stories to themselves and pray it doesn't happen again. I am glade you are one of the lucky ones who can recover game in these situations.
  11. Upland81

    questionable shots

    I've been blessed and have killed multiple deer over 500 yards. I am not sure why everyone is all about the long range shooting anymore because to be honest all I've proved those times is I am a better shooter than I am a hunter. Having said that some things in life don't need repeated or talked about. We all have moments we're not proud of but we leave them in the truck or on the hill side.
  12. Upland81


    Let me know my work schedule has me down there all this coming week.
  13. Upland81


    Dewey but I am in the Verde through out the week give me a call if ur intetested
  14. Upland81


    It's a half mile in all honesty anything beyond a quarter mile the dog cannot hear you beyond that so he doesn't know what he's being shocked for or where you are.
  15. Upland81


    Forgot to mention the battery in the collar is new.
  16. Upland81

    English Pointer Puppies

    In addition to the above the litter was registered in the Field Dog Stud Book which is recognized by AKC and can be dual registered in AKC through the open registration. Also both parents are owned by Dan and available to be seen also.
  18. Marlin 1894 S Limited with a 16.5" non-ported barrel chambered in .45 Colt. The rear dove tail sight has been replaced with a Williams rear aperture sight and a marble front sight. This would make a great rifle for the hound hunter who doesn't want to use a pistol. $750.00 OBO please txt Seth (928)710-4258
  19. When I was in college I owned a Remington 700 Classic BDL in .264 win mag and have to say I wasn't very impressed at all with what I got out of it. It's one of those cartridges I would call over bore it takes way too much powder to obtain the FPS. Since it appears that you reload if you're wanting to stick with the 6.5 mm bullet I'd go with the 6.5-.284. Just remember when you get into the light rifles that crank out velocities of more than 3000 fps they become unpleasant and harder to obtain sub M.O.A. groups without a lead sled or a loud muzzle break. I am still a sucker for my 6MM Remington in a 700 action with a bell & carlson stock it's light, shoots .70" group with a 80 grain barnes tipped triple shock and I am yet to have a deer complain. It also has a better throat life than a .243 so even if I shoot a 70gr Ballistic Tip on varmints I don't have to worry as much.
  20. It looks like you were able to get a mixed bag of birds. It always extremely rewarding taking a pup out for the first time.