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Everything posted by Upland81

  1. Upland81

    Kahles 8x32

    Price is down to $400
  2. Chukar in the pines? Likely left over from a dog trial or a fun hunt. AKC trials and some hunt tests are often ran with chukars but they want to be in the country that you will see sheep and not turkey.
  3. Grouse are weird no one tells the truth about them. I met a guy who told me him and his dogs limit out every weekend of season until they are snowed out. I personally might get a handful of points out of my dog in my annual trip to the rim to hunt them and kill a few. I know it sounds horrible but due to their low numbers people done share much at all about hunting them. I can just say hunt above 8500ft elevation and look for berries and you should find birds. If you hunt with a dog bring a tracking collar because it's so thick you wont know if your dog is on point without it. Most importantly enjoy yourself I hunt the north rim.
  4. Oh and a point to the people who say a bullet isn't recommended by the speer/sierra/hornady/ect for larger game animals that needs to be made. We are talking about a .223 here and you need to leave your brain on when you're shooting a deer with it. You will likely drop deer dead in their tracks with any 52gr plus bullet as long as you're not stupid about it and try hard quartering shots or other less than desirable shots. If you are trying to make the .223 do thing's a larger caliber would do like taking those shots look into a barnes bullet their light bullets are designed for the fast twist. Plus they will not blow up I recovered one out of a wild hog shot at 20 feet in the head out of a 30-06 half way down the spine and it was still together. I personally think if it wasn't for a stupid test in the early stages of the life of the m16 we would have ARs with a much slower twist and would be shooting lighter bullets but that is a whole different rant.
  5. 55 gr sierra with h4895 and Remington small rifle primers shoots dimes in my rifle
  6. Upland81

    Kahles 8x32

  7. Upland81

    Kahles 8x32

  8. Upland81

    Kahles 8x32

    Glass is still good condition what you see is what you get.
  9. Upland81

    19A Turkey Success

    Just can't wait until next year to chase more birds.
  10. Upland81

    Pretty sad

    They updated the website in the middle of the prior draw which is what changed how information was put in on this current draw. These changes effected the length of time between the draw and results for the deer draw and caused all kinds of errors in the spring hunt. The process hasn't changed but the information entry has changed.
  11. Upland81

    Pretty sad

    Simple truth of the matter is the draw system will have flaws NOTHING is perfect. It is only perfect on the other side of the fence from where ever you are now. Whenever they change anything with the draw its get FUBAR so maybe we should just deal with it a couple year. I also wonder why no one has said anything about the big picture on this one. Can the unit support the increase in harvest rate with the additional hunters? This seams to be a bit of a self focused post the big picture is there will be additional birds harvested. G&F did a wonderful job to bring the turkey flock back in several units and there has a been a decrease in many of those units since 2007. With errors like this and the over the counter youth hunts they have made turkey a revenue source hurting the flock.
  12. Upland81

    Pretty sad

    I know 1 of the guys who got the 19a it happens
  13. Upland81

    Rem 700 long action search

    Hit pawn shops you should be able to find a used 700 action that is pre bolt lock pretty easy since barrel life isn't an issue
  14. Upland81

    This post is for the dogs

    Loosing a dog is horrible but remember all the fun you had with them. When Sammy finally points her last bird I will laugh about my wife calling me when I was in Colorado and Sammy went pee on her side of the bed when she was mad.
  15. Upland81

    If You Could Trade Tags

    Umm I would much rather have an antelope tag than an elk tag. It took me over 10 years to draw an archery tag and I couldn't have been more excited. I rather eat and look at an antelope over elk.
  16. Upland81

    Monday hits

    Just call and say " Do I have any pending transactions" and you find out right away.
  17. What sucks is when you have a bird dog who holds point for 5 minutes straight thinking to it's self "Why isn't he getting his happy butt up here to flush and shoot?" Very cool picture.
  18. Upland81

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Half these comments about guides and cameras and who stole what and who kills bigger bulls is why I focus on mearns. Yes I love hunting big game but no one every gives me crap about how and where I hunt birds the only thing I ever hear is my dog is a hamster. I never have been told I shouldn't of shot that bird because it was too small and never have to worry about cameras. I never hear anyone complain that someone drove their truck up on me or shot a bird off from under me. I hear a little bit of razing about dog breeds and some smack talking about shooting and that's it.
  19. Upland81

    quail nesting

    We need more ran ASAP or else the hatch is not going to make it. I am really praying for good monsoon for another good mearns hunting season.
  20. Upland81

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    People like myself and everyone else who puts in online is taking a risk instead of forking over our cash to G&F for them to sit on until April 22nd. That risk comes with issues.
  21. Upland81

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    Brown noser for game and fish? No I am a realist and have been dealing with the same stuff over and over and know by now it's not going to go smooth. If you look back just 1 draw prior and see the people who applied online that didn't actually get put in for the draw or people like me that got a tag 2 months before they were charged. With that one event in mind why would it go any better when the draw for elk/antelope is a bigger deal that turkey and pigs? All I am saying is people need to take responsibility and not get mad if they put in with a card that expires during the process.
  22. Upland81

    Card Hit - 2016 style

    I hate to be the guy who says this about guys cards expiring tonight but I feel the need. We are all big boys/women here for the most part and by now in your life should understand things don't always go as planned and should pick a card that expires after the result release day or send in fund the old fashion way. I feel the same way about how they circle back 3 times with everyone who's card get rejected before moving on to the next person. There likely are several people each year who put in with checks after the second chance deadline that bounce for reasons out of their control and does G&F follow up three times with them? We have just been lucky the past several years that they process our cards in March no where does it say in the regulations that all cards must be processed and the draw ran in March. With all that being said I am sure you will get your three phone calls just like everyone else does every year.
  23. Upland81

    Looking for English or Irish Setter

    I think Bob even gets his from out of state. The only times I see any setters are at field trials with NSTRA and down in the RV park in Patagonia and those guys are from Montana and other states. Arizona has a ton of great breeders for short hairs, pointers and a couple great Brittany breeders.