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Everything posted by coues@186

  1. coues@186

    FS- 7mm 195gr Berger

    7mm 195gr EOL hunter Bergers. 3 boxes are lot P03109 unopened, 1 box lot #P0496 unopened. 1 box 51 ct. $75 each full box. Located in NW Tucson. Local meetup only. Thanks,
  2. coues@186


    52zero-903-89one5 Tucson Thanks
  3. coues@186

    Deer/Elk hide clothing. Who makes them?

    Uber glove co. In Minnesota. I have sent hides there for tanning and they will make items for you.
  4. coues@186

    WTS Zeiss Gavia 85mm

    How.much are you asking?
  5. coues@186

    12 gauge shells - SOLD

    20 boxes. $80 Tucson 52zero-903-89one5 Thanks
  6. coues@186

    Axel Sight for sale

    $180. As shown. Works good. Negatives - clicks are mushy. A set screw was retapped. Thanks 52zero-903-89one5 Tucson Thanks
  7. For sale. $500. Located Tucson. Call or text. 520 nine03 89one5. Been a great scope. Good condition.
  8. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Sold pending funds.
  9. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Nothing is wrong with it. I put a vx6 on that rifle so I am selling. Scope works great. I have killed quite a few animals with it. Year after year held zero. The first buyer didn't realize it is a mil scope. Mil or moa, doesnt matter to me you just dial what the app says.
  10. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Back up for sale.
  11. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Sold pending funds.
  12. coues@186

    FS- GPO Spectra 4-16x50i SOLD

    For sale. New scope never mounted. Illuminated. $400 shipped. In Tucson. 52zero-903-89one5. Thanks,
  13. coues@186

    FS- GPO Spectra 4-16x50i SOLD

    Price drop.
  14. coues@186

    Vortex Vulture HD - sold

    15x56. Like new. Out hunting twice. $350. Tucson. Text 520 90three 89one5 Thanks
  15. coues@186

    Vortex Vulture HD - sold

  16. coues@186

    Vortex Vulture HD - sold

    Sold pending funds.
  17. coues@186

    Vortex Vulture HD - sold

    Pm sent.
  18. coues@186


    7R 520-668-8011
  19. coues@186

    FS- GPO Spectra 4-16x50i SOLD

  20. coues@186

    35B late season rifle and glass

    I have not hunted B, but I have hunted 35A, 34A, 32, 33, 30A for coues. I have 10s that I glass quite a bit with but spend most of my time glassing with 15s. I have had good success with both. A have spotted several coues with 15s from over a mile and put a stalk on them from there. The tripod is really the key for glassing whether it be 10s or 15s. If I were looking for 15s on a budget I would look for a pair of swaros (that have flooded the market now), next a pair of 1st gen Kaibab HDs 15x56s. I think mavens are a good option. Try GPO or Zeiss conquest. I don't typically carry a spotter. I don't like looking through a spotter for long periods.
  21. coues@186

    Hey hunters, $20K reward *update*

    That wreck is worth alot. All planes have a data plate. You can legally rebuild the plane when you have the plate.
  22. coues@186

    35B late season rifle and glass

    10s work, 15s are nice to pick everything apart. The best bet is to catch them on the move and bed them. Once they bed they are really hard to see. I could help if you want. Let me know.
  23. coues@186

    7mm Fierce Fury

    Great deal. I have this rifle in 28 NOS. These rifles shoot lights out. GLWS!
  24. coues@186

    WTB 308 Dies

    PM sent.