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About coues@186

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/14/1975

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  • Interests
    Hunting and 3D Archery

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  1. coues@186

    FS- 7mm 195gr Berger

    7mm 195gr EOL hunter Bergers. 3 boxes are lot P03109 unopened, 1 box lot #P0496 unopened. 1 box 51 ct. $75 each full box. Located in NW Tucson. Local meetup only. Thanks,
  2. coues@186


    52zero-903-89one5 Tucson Thanks
  3. coues@186

    Deer/Elk hide clothing. Who makes them?

    Uber glove co. In Minnesota. I have sent hides there for tanning and they will make items for you.
  4. coues@186

    WTS Zeiss Gavia 85mm

    How.much are you asking?
  5. coues@186

    Axel Sight for sale

    $180. As shown. Works good. Negatives - clicks are mushy. A set screw was retapped. Thanks 52zero-903-89one5 Tucson Thanks
  6. coues@186

    12 gauge shells - SOLD

    20 boxes. $80 Tucson 52zero-903-89one5 Thanks
  7. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Sold pending funds.
  8. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Nothing is wrong with it. I put a vx6 on that rifle so I am selling. Scope works great. I have killed quite a few animals with it. Year after year held zero. The first buyer didn't realize it is a mil scope. Mil or moa, doesnt matter to me you just dial what the app says.
  9. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Back up for sale.
  10. coues@186

    Leupold VX3i LRP 6.5x20 50mm- SOLD

    Sold pending funds.
  11. For sale. $500. Located Tucson. Call or text. 520 nine03 89one5. Been a great scope. Good condition.
  12. coues@186

    FS- GPO Spectra 4-16x50i SOLD

    Price drop.
  13. coues@186

    Vortex Vulture HD - sold

  14. coues@186

    Vortex Vulture HD - sold

    Sold pending funds.