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About moorehunter86

  • Rank
  • Birthday 01/16/1968

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  • Location
    Flagstaff Arizona
  • Interests
    Family, Hunting, Rugby,

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  1. moorehunter86

    Rut hunt Archery 9 back to back! Unbelievable!

    ๐Ÿ˜‡sorry about the hate. Yes we saw a couple that would push 380+ hence the reason I passed many smaller bulls over the hunt. Glad we are getting moisture now.
  2. I really thought last year was my one chance and hunting the big bulls of unit 9 and had a blast doing so. I WAS WRONG! Passed a couple of bulls I should not have but have the chance to go back and see their growth. I should have played the lottery also! (I did feel the freezer with an OTC bull in stead of taking a smaller one from 9)
  3. moorehunter86

    Post where your Elk Hunting!!!

    I thought last year was going to be my once in a lifetime draw of Unit 9 archery Sept. hunt but I was wrong! Come on Moisture! I passed on some bulls I should not have last year and decided to not shoot a smaller one,, (I filled the freezer with an OTC instead). Round 2 coming up!
  4. moorehunter86

    Let the Elk hunting begin (OTC)

    Latest hunter success! Jenni, from California, took her first animal ever! Came with her dad, Jim and 8 year old daughter. (Never have taken a actress/super model elk hunting, was a first and she was great at it) Bringing her daughter back when she turns 10! That makes 100% for this year. Love ARIZONA OTC.
  5. moorehunter86

    Let the Elk hunting begin (OTC)

    contact me for pricing. mrmoore6886@gmail.com
  6. moorehunter86

    Let the Elk hunting begin (OTC)

    Tom's first Elk! Thanks for letting us be part of this experience. Nice 6x5 OTC bull. OTC 2024
  7. moorehunter86

    Let the Elk hunting begin (OTC)

    Freezer Full !! Thanks Micah for the fun.
  8. moorehunter86

    Let the Elk hunting begin (OTC)

    Next one down! Disabled Navy Veteran, William, was able to fill his freezer. Thanks Will for your service and now your friendship! Congrats.
  9. moorehunter86

    Let the Elk hunting begin (OTC)

    First hunter of the year for us(OTC), freezer full and great time! Thanks David and Rick!
  10. moorehunter86

    Draw results are up in the portal

    Early 9 Archery bull for me!
  11. moorehunter86

    Draw Results Come Early this Year?!!

    ๐Ÿ˜ณ ๐Ÿ˜€ I should have played the lottery last week! Either a 9 early archery bull or 9 early rifle bull ! !!!!!! Was shooting for the stars and they all lined up I guess.
  12. we are M&M guide service,(second year as a guide) have only word of mouth advertising because do not want to over hunt the elk on the Land we pay to hunt on so we limit how many and it is by first come first serve. A little different hunt, not for everyone. for more questions: 928-405-8551 Mark
  13. If you miss your draw give us a message, we have only a few slots left.
  14. moorehunter86

    Freezer fill!

    OTC does not let me down! Filled the freezer and had a blast with my Oldest boy!