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Everything posted by backcountry_brad

  1. backcountry_brad

    Big Lake

    How were the water levels? I was planning a fly fish trip for a weeks from now but heard the water was real low. Were you fishing upper or lower black?
  2. backcountry_brad

    Alaska Fishing Trip

    I had the opportunity to go to the kenai peninsula for the last week and a half to go fishing and had the time of my life. I experienced some of the most beautiful country I've ever seen and had a he!! of a time fishin. I caught sockeye and king salmon, halibut, rockfish, cod, and some dolly varden trout. I saw plenty of moose and bald eagles and saw a blond grizzly sow with her three cubs fishin for sockeye. This was truly a once in a lifetime experience and would highly recommend it! trim.F6882F73-0C19-4B23-B5DD-6F4C1983D3C6.MOV
  3. backcountry_brad

    Alaska Fishing Trip

    No, it's a 686 +
  4. backcountry_brad

    Brown Bear Video

    Sick video and congrats on a gorgeous bear! Gets me excited for my bear hunt in AK in two years
  5. backcountry_brad

    Alaska Fishing Trip

    Ya the water there is amazing. Yes we went to Seward for a glacier cruise
  6. backcountry_brad

    Dry Ice in a yeti/rtic cooler?

    I have a 75 qt and I think it was just one block
  7. backcountry_brad

    Dry Ice in a yeti/rtic cooler?

    I usually just get a few ice blocks for most of my hunts tho
  8. backcountry_brad

    Dry Ice in a yeti/rtic cooler?

    I have used dry ice before and it works good. Maybe a little too good. I had water bottles that froze solid
  9. Weird. Never happened to me or heard of it happening to anyone
  10. backcountry_brad

    Would you shoot this bull?

    Depends on the hunt and unit. Late hunt I'd kill him and a rut hunt maybe
  11. backcountry_brad

    Which to upgrade???

    get 12x's. carrying two set's of binos is a b!tch
  12. backcountry_brad


    Good lookin rifle
  13. backcountry_brad


    D@mn that's a sweet python! I can't believe you're selling it
  14. backcountry_brad

    Do you really need a truck to hunt...

    Jeeps are good, but if you want a truck with off road capabilities, you get a Dodge Power Wagon. Picture a 3/4 ton truck with Jeep Rubicon qualities. It comes from the factory with full skid plates (not cheap Ford type), 4.56 gearing, selectable lockers front and rear, a 16,500 lb winch 1 ton axle shafts and frame with additional ladder bracing. I'm not entirely opposed to getting a dodge either it's just I've heard their tranny's suck
  15. backcountry_brad

    Do you really need a truck to hunt...

    Did you carry chains? No, I should've tho
  16. backcountry_brad

    Do you really need a truck to hunt...

    it was stuck because it was a gutless ford though, not because it was
  17. backcountry_brad

    Do you really need a truck to hunt...

  18. I shoot barnes ttsx out of my .30-06 and they are very accurate. like firstcoueswas80 said, these bullets act heavier than they are so you could shoot 168s and get a little more velocity than 180s
  19. backcountry_brad

    Black River

    I'm going up this weekend. I'll let you know how it is
  20. backcountry_brad

    New Culinary Delight

    Looks a little weird but also looks kinda good haha
  21. backcountry_brad

    Saved an Elk's Life

    Was turkey hunting this weekend when I heard this yote barking a few hundred yds away so I started blaring on my jackrabbit call and within a minute or two a cow came hauling a$$ out of the trees with this dog chasing him 50 yds behind. He stopped 100 yds from me and I dumped him
  22. backcountry_brad

    Turkey Set up for Youth

    I've used my Mossberg 500 in 20ga shootin 3" #5 shot loads since I started turkey hunting at 15 and it's been effective for me. I've put 3 birds on the ground in 3 years hunting with it
  23. backcountry_brad

    Most Unusual Shot

    dang that's pretty cool. Where was your friend aiming?
  24. backcountry_brad

    Justifying and Supporting Hunting

    Unless they are a vegetarian, they have no argument whatsoever. If they are, I tell em that hunters keep populations in check