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Everything posted by backcountry_brad

  1. backcountry_brad

    Utah otc elk info

    Message jgraffaz. He bow hunted in Utah last September on an OTC tag
  2. backcountry_brad

    Well...this is a first

    You mean you haven't gotten trail cam pics of guys in g-strings before?
  3. backcountry_brad

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Late archery bull, 23, 1 point, 2 applicants, resident Thank you!
  4. backcountry_brad

    Shooters App. How many use it and thoughts?

    I use it. It works great and is very helpful
  5. backcountry_brad

    What's your research on these rifles?

    Go with .243. If you ever want to use your rifle for deer 22-250 is not as effective. 6.5 cm is a good caliber but may be more difficult to find ammo for
  6. backcountry_brad

    Group Application

    My friend and i want to do the same late archery elk hunt next year and are wondering if we should put in together on a group app but are skeptical because we've heard it reduces draw odds. we are planning on putting in for a hunt with 75% draw odds for 1st choice. I have a bonus point and he has none. Do you think we should put in seperate or together?
  7. backcountry_brad

    Bear in Queen Creek

    im goin down there right now to call it in
  8. backcountry_brad

    Unit 21 coyote ??

    I haven't found a whole lot of yotes or sign of em in the dugas area
  9. backcountry_brad

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    when my buddy spends 4 hours hiking to a spot to glass and then spends 30 minutes glassing when he gets there
  10. backcountry_brad

    Nephew's U10 "Big Bo" buck...

    frickin great buck! Did you put tape to him?
  11. backcountry_brad

    how hard would it be to get a suppressor?

    lol you were being serious
  12. backcountry_brad

    Thoughts and opinions needed / wanted

    Bass pro
  13. backcountry_brad

    Thoughts and opinions needed / wanted

    Hells ya!
  14. backcountry_brad

    Thoughts and opinions needed / wanted

    Tenzing backpacks
  15. backcountry_brad

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    So on the opening day of the late hunt, at around 11, a friend of a friend called and said that his wife had downed a big bull that they needed help getting off the mountain and we offered to help knowing we wouldn't miss much good glassing time. A little after noon we had got up to where our friends bull was and began helping quarter it out. Over an hour had passed and then our friends wife spotted 3 bulls running down the hill right at us. They hadn't busted immediately so I tried crawling to the gun I was using that was a few yards from me but was told to just run and get the gun. By this time they were running away down the hill so I ran to the gun, racked a round in, and flipped the scope covers up and then listened for instructions for which bull to shoot. I then took an off hand shot at a running bull that hit him right in the lungs. He was still up so I took another shot but missed and then I rested the gun on a tree and punched a round through his neck and he dropped. This was my first bull ever and I am sure proud of him.
  16. backcountry_brad

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    I was using a Remington 700 in .270wsm and had 140 grain Berger Hunting VLD bullets
  17. backcountry_brad

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Thanks. Yes, I used those Bergers to kill my bull
  18. backcountry_brad

    Will 5.56 damage fox?

    I just got a new m&p 15 in 5.56 and want to try it out on some grey fox. do you think it will cause significant pelt damage?
  19. backcountry_brad

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Thanks, it was a hellof a rush!
  20. backcountry_brad

    6x6 Bull Killed, Crazy Story!

    Thanks. I was definitely blessed with this bull
  21. backcountry_brad

    Fox Down

    It's a ruger 10/22
  22. backcountry_brad

    Fox Down

    Called in this fox this morning
  23. backcountry_brad

    When will results be up

    Are you sure? I can't login and I called about 5 minutes ago and they said they aren't up
  24. backcountry_brad

    Need Berger .270 Bullets

    I'm willing to buy Berger .270 140 grain hunting VLD bullets if you have some