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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr

    Fox Down

    He taught me a few things for sure....I showed him how to take a cool looking picture tho
  2. muledeerhntr

    Fox Down

    Brad post the pics of me...thanks for taking me to your spot dude that was cool
  3. muledeerhntr


    Still got um?!?
  4. muledeerhntr

    If you Could Have Just One...

    300 win mag tika t3 with a vortex viper, can't beat it.....its just under 1500$
  5. muledeerhntr

    5 of 7 tags filled in 21

    Cool picture....good unit!
  6. muledeerhntr

    Drop compensation .22 cal pellet gun

    cut the crap grow a pair and start shooting a real gun
  7. muledeerhntr

    Books - Back Country Bowhunting / Public Land Mulies

    i will buy back country bow hunting, message me
  8. muledeerhntr

    300 Whisper/AAC Blackout Barrel

    That is at-least worth 215 who ever gets that gets a deal
  9. muledeerhntr

    3C Elk Poaching....what a waste!

    if i ever catch some one poaching elk in my unit i will shoot them multiple times and leave them to rot
  10. muledeerhntr

    late season hunting gear

    Trash bags are the way to go
  11. muledeerhntr

    zero my rife and using turrets

    Thanks for all the posts every one, i didnt mean for it to sound like i have no trigger time ect. I have been shooting consistently since June i just haven't used my turrets or a ballistic calculator, i have been practicing out to 200 yards ALOT and can shoot a very good group..... at 315 yard my first mill dot hits every time, but i just wanted to have absolute precision and see how my groups are at 400 yards for a shot, 500 is just for my own practice and future hunting ...thank you everyone!
  12. muledeerhntr

    zero my rife and using turrets

    If the elavation is different how will I know?
  13. muledeerhntr

    zero my rife and using turrets

    ^ This. Awesome app. Also Strelok Pro. Free Strelok should work out to 500 easy. I have all three on my phone. I use Shooter the most, and seems to be the most consistent for me.But NOTHING beats shooting your own gun and learning your own dope. Remember on the apps, garbage in, garbage out. If you don't input all of the correct info, you will not get correct drops. ^ This. Awesome app. Also Strelok Pro. Free Strelok should work out to 500 easy. I have all three on my phone. I use Shooter the most, and seems to be the most consistent for me.But NOTHING beats shooting your own gun and learning your own dope. Remember on the apps, garbage in, garbage out. If you don't input all of the correct info, you will not get correct drops. Well if my elivation down hear is 2000ft and up in the hills 5000 will throw things off?
  14. muledeerhntr

    Mules, but not the kind you're thinking.

    Shoot first think later
  15. muledeerhntr

    alleged camera thief

    gotta start getting deeper man if a 6 year old can get to your camra thats saying somthin.
  16. muledeerhntr

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    if you ever have a chance to take a lion without dogs, take it!
  17. muledeerhntr

    high desert variety

  18. muledeerhntr

    high desert variety

  19. muledeerhntr

    late seasson bull az

    Thats a great tag with only 24 others. Have you hunted that unit before? We took three cows there last october. If you had the same tag I do what area would you hunt?
  20. muledeerhntr

    late seasson bull az

    Thats a great tag with only 24 others. Have you hunted that unit before?
  21. muledeerhntr

    late seasson bull az

    I have a 21 late rifle tag, first mature bull tag, gunna try and get it done the day after thanks giving!
  22. muledeerhntr

    late seasson bull az

    Late season is less than a month away!