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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr

    first bull, late seasson!

    Got it done, first bull...he's broke but I couldn't be happier
  2. muledeerhntr

    first bull, late seasson!

    The story started when I drew my first elk tag. I could not get my mind off of it, I started scouting in June just learning the unit. I made it up there almost a dozen times just learning the landscape and locating animals. Last Saturday (6 days before opening day) I found this bull, I have seen better bulls and told my self I would hold out for a 315+ I saw him again on Thursday and told my self I wouldn't shoot him. Opening mourning I glasses him up...I just continued to glass. After seeingseeing a very good bull out of reach with no way to get to him 3 rags 7 cows and a spike I just couldnt keep my tag in my pocket I put the dope on my scope and double lunged him twice at 380 yards that was the easy part with 11 hours of work ahead we rock climbed down the steep a$$ mountain and spent all day getin him out of the Az back country... Hellof an expirence!
  3. muledeerhntr

    first bull, late seasson!

    I checked out your suggestion and found the heard with a good bull in it and he wasn't broken...It killed me trying to deciding to chase him or get into the wilderness on horses and see what we can do. After a lot of thought and scouting I chose the wilderness and pulled him out...thanks for your help I really appreciate it!
  4. muledeerhntr

    first bull, late seasson!

  5. muledeerhntr

    first bull, late seasson!

  6. muledeerhntr

    first bull, late seasson!

    Hold on I don't know how to work all this computer crap
  7. muledeerhntr

    late seasson bull az

    21 23 22 6a 1 10
  8. muledeerhntr

    questionable shots

    Go take your opinion to a bird watching website
  9. muledeerhntr

    Accuracy help

    Long rang shooting gives me a head ache....but there is nothing better than grouping long range....reading about this a week before my elk hunt will give me nightmares
  10. mine will be similar, just a lite more lonely. I just have to remind my self, If I were any where else I would be wishing I was elk hunting!
  11. muledeerhntr

    Setting up trail cam

    there are two kind of hunters, fat a$$es who hunt off the road and at tanks near roads, and those who get away from roads and into the back country, most back country cameras don't get jacked not sure how to take your post tough guy....... yeah so you don't like fat people... who cares.... am I over weight.. yeah. broken leg, shattered foot, broken back.have yet to have a camera stolen.... and I have 6 cams... is that ok?I put em on tanks I know get less traffic due to hiking in, but you increase your chances. O/P didn't say get away from roads and I was making a statement that if you put it on water you increase your chances of it getting jacked... we all can't be cool like you And try reading the post you quoted..... he didn't say put salt on water he said find a game trail if you can't find water and that he wasn't sure about the legality of putting salt out. sincerely... fatA$$ hunter
  12. muledeerhntr

    Setting up trail cam

    put salt on water and put your camera their is good advice, hhhmm that's weird how many cameras do u have baker?
  13. muledeerhntr

    Setting up trail cam

    there are two kind of hunters, fat a$$es who hunt off the road and at tanks near roads, and those who get away from roads and into the back country, most back country cameras don't get jacked
  14. muledeerhntr

    Anyone like seeing bears

    Cool pics!
  15. muledeerhntr

    Not shure what to think

    I was just giving you a hard time, not trying to be rude...was it the late archery tags?!?
  16. muledeerhntr

    Unit 27 late rifle hunt camp

    It will be similar to dove hunting, a bunch of jack a$$es every where shooting all over the place, no order, it will he chaos
  17. muledeerhntr

    Not shure what to think

    holly crap 7bulls under 300?!? Well I guess some one needs to take the bad genetics out of the heards(; haha
  18. muledeerhntr

    Not shure what to think

    Dude I'm in the same boat, I'm 16 and got into hunting on my own, I drew my first elk tag (luckily) and it has consumed me both mentally and economically with a fast food job I got to support my addiction of hunting haha my goal is a mature 6x6 but I'm willing to negotiate depending on what I glass up, just work hard! Good luck!
  19. muledeerhntr

    zero my rife and using turrets

    PS the shooter app helps a lot once you have good info to plug into a good scope
  20. I have a late bull elk hunt and I need to be good out to about 500 yards, I have a 300win mag with a vortex viper;my scope has turets and ffp. If I zero my scope at 200 how do I know how many clicks to use at 300, 400, 500?!? Please help!
  21. muledeerhntr

    zero my rife and using turrets

    Well for every one that said I couldn't do it and I didn't have time and what not your wrong, it was a pain in the a$$ but I got it down and at 500 yards with my hornedy 180gr SST I have been consisstantly shooting 6 rounds in a 7 inch group at 500yards....that's a dead elk(:
  22. muledeerhntr

    Fox Down

    Where is the dislike button?!?
  23. muledeerhntr

    Fox Down

    Obama is pure ignorance not that picture
  24. muledeerhntr

    Fox Down

    There might be some controversy about this....but 2 fox 1 stand pretty good