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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr


    Gotta love the pigs
  2. muledeerhntr

    37b az

    Sweet gotta love the desert mulies!!!!
  3. muledeerhntr

    lots of deer,no piggies

    What metro unit are you in?
  4. muledeerhntr

    A great season of hunting comes to an end!!

    Congrats, what unit?
  5. muledeerhntr

    2014 BULL

    Your hosed....weight tell 2015
  6. muledeerhntr

    1st Elk for me

    Congrats on the elk tho!
  7. muledeerhntr

    1st Elk for me

    That thing still has milk on his lips, didn't even know he had balls
  8. muledeerhntr

    Got lucky in 28

  9. I just bought a 45acp 1911 and was wondering how hard / how much it would cost for a suppressor? Any one know
  10. muledeerhntr

    Is this someone baiting? (Pictures)

    actually I haven't admited to commiting any felonies
  11. muledeerhntr

    Is this someone baiting? (Pictures)

    Well it would be a good place to sit water you could kill deer, my lion, bear, and Mexicans, how much better does it get?
  12. muledeerhntr

    Bow vs. Rain?

    Dude I put my bow in my swimimg pool and its fine!
  13. muledeerhntr

    7mm or .308?

    300/win mag
  14. muledeerhntr

    how hard would it be to get a suppressor?

    me and brad are best buds in real life, its kinda an inside joke
  15. muledeerhntr

    shooting under stress

    I lift run and do my normal bow shooting routine 6 days a week (perks of being a teen) then when my moms not home a couple times a week I do my "stress shooting" by going in my house there Is this one spot where I can stand just right and shoot through my kitchen living room hallway into the last room where I put my target right in front of the big screen TV and it is 31 yards exactly... if I miss by 6 inches in any direction I'm f****** talk about stress shooting
  16. muledeerhntr

    Mmmm breakfast…..

    Pretty cool
  17. So I was looking at some of those late archery tags for 2014 and they have really high draw odds like 70% and better on a lot of them, are they really that easy to draw? Why don't more people do those hunts???
  18. muledeerhntr


  19. muledeerhntr


    Tenzing! Most all of them have a place to strap down your bow and they are very nice packs
  20. muledeerhntr


    I lift, run, shoot every day. I shoot from 20yards to 90 yards
  21. muledeerhntr


    I have heard every year before but realistical every other year unless you don't shoot much or have a really nice string from some one like Az custom bow strings then its every three years!
  22. muledeerhntr

    My 13 year old's first bull elk "wilderness style"

    Good thing he didn't kill no 370 or 340 bull his first elk or he woulda been ruined!!! Haha
  23. muledeerhntr

    two good mature bulls down

    Two good bulls, two good buddies
  24. muledeerhntr

    2015 archery deer tags

    This is bull crap last year I weghted in line at fish and game for 3 hours to get my tag.