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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr

    help needed

    Go get um! I wanna see pictures! That's YOUR deer! Let us know....
  2. muledeerhntr

    online elk and antelope is now up!

    You have all year to save up no matter what....
  3. muledeerhntr

    online elk and antelope is now up!

    I got a confirmation email as well
  4. muledeerhntr

    Are the Mule Deer still rutting?!?

    Sounds like things are all over the board, hope I get lucky...
  5. muledeerhntr

    help needed

    Are they still rutting?
  6. muledeerhntr

    2015 archery deer is in the books

    That's sweet!
  7. muledeerhntr

    help needed

    Dude keep us posted on the search, that is a toad!
  8. muledeerhntr

    New Years Day Buck

    That's tight!
  9. muledeerhntr

    online apps

    The online app is now up!
  10. muledeerhntr

    Draw Report Question

    The online app is up!
  11. muledeerhntr

    2015 desert mule deer

    That's sweet!
  12. muledeerhntr

    Draw Report Question

    OK so if you have an Az life time license and you move then you pay for non rez price but it is like being a rez in terms of draw odds, sorry for not posting that last part, I jumped the gun!
  13. muledeerhntr

    Draw Report Question

    I think you wrong....
  14. muledeerhntr

    online apps

    You also don't know if your card got hit and it kills me to have every one ask me "You get hit?"
  15. muledeerhntr

    Whats up with Unit 9?

    Hunting needs to be strait up, no currupt politcs or businesses....this is BS I'm going to be pissed if one of these chumps pulls a 400 inch bull out in unit 9 on the muzzy hunt...
  16. muledeerhntr

    online apps

    The Azgfd website say early to mid January so that means like February 1(;
  17. muledeerhntr

    Elk & Antelope Draw Odds

    Unit 21 archery antelope resident 2 pts
  18. muledeerhntr

    Draw conspiracy theories

    Part of me thinks its straight up random and part of me thinks there is some sort of something behind it.....I just wish I knew the honest truth.
  19. muledeerhntr

    3rd choice draw chances

    Its low but go for it!
  20. muledeerhntr

    Remington 870 express 12 guage. Pics added

    Tottaly interested, does it chamber 3.5inch shells or just 3 inch? Barrel length?
  21. muledeerhntr

    Things your huntin buddies do that drive you nuts : )

    At least I don't relly on a stupid app to see which way the wind will be blowing in the mourning. And I always glass for at least an hour or more, I still glass more up than you most the time hahah
  22. By Oracle....the sketchtiest encounter I have had with illegals was in 36b my dad my 12 year old brother and I were glassing, I see two yotes at 100 yards walking, I rushed it and bricked the shot...I turned around to see my dad and brother 60 yards away with their eyes glued the other way, I swung my binos around to see what they were looking at to see 27 drug smugglers dressed in all black with big assburlap sacks on their backs, I moved slowly towards my dad and bro staying low so they could not see us.when I got to them I asked what did they do when they heard me shot, They said that they didn't even flinch. Luckily they continued to move in a direction away from us because we realized between the 3 of us we only had 25 bullets.
  23. muledeerhntr

    Poaching a lion - updated with pics

    My my lion tag doesn't say any MATURE my lion, its like saying it is illegal to kill a spike, totally legal just frowned upon.
  24. muledeerhntr

    Mountain Lion Calling

    All I want to do is call in a cat...