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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr

    Shooters App. How many use it and thoughts?

    Its great, simple that's why I like it!accurate as well
  2. muledeerhntr

    Does "shooter" need service?

    Just update it when you can, unless your shooting past 500 your good with just ball park averages.... Í love the shooter app
  3. muledeerhntr

    Bucks change location after rut?

    They spread out and go into survival mode,they only eat sleep and drink, you can only find them early or late, get away from roads...just my two cents
  4. muledeerhntr

    I'm looking for a good Elk Tenderloin recipe

    Man I like to cook the meat almost as much as hunt it! I tried almost all these recipes thought the last week and they all turned out good!
  5. muledeerhntr

    Is this legal?!?

  6. muledeerhntr

    Is this legal?!?

    Never refer to me as a liberal hahah I would of shot it my self... not trying to get anyone busted or anything, I just had a genuine question
  7. muledeerhntr

    Out of state elk?

    Iv thought about going up to colorodo but its so dang expensive):
  8. muledeerhntr

    Is this legal?!?

    I never said friend I said aquantince and I'm not trying to get anyone intruble I was just curious, I just simply asked if it was legal
  9. muledeerhntr

    Chicken Fried Venison Backstrap

    Just made some mule deer round steaks into some fried venison, not as healthy as over, grill or crock pot but tasty and diffrent! I recomend this recipe! (Add some Louise Anna fish fry)
  10. muledeerhntr

    Chicken Fried Venison Backstrap

    Well I just found out whats for dinner
  11. muledeerhntr

    Late rifle bulls

    Sweet bulls, ALOT of work
  12. muledeerhntr

    Computer/Draw Glitch

    I applied, smooth as butter.
  13. muledeerhntr

    2015 archery desert mule deer

    Sweet story were you worried about the meat getting that water on it?
  14. muledeerhntr

    AZ Custom Bowstrings

    Got my strings done by him and I like um
  15. muledeerhntr

    single pin sight question...

    I like the idea of the trophy ridge react because it supposibly automatically sights its self in if you get your 20 and 30 pin dialed in...any one have any experience with this sight? I will look into the MBG!
  16. muledeerhntr

    single pin sight question...

    Good info, are there any other recommendations for one pin sights?
  17. muledeerhntr

    single pin sight question...

    I'm planing on having an archery bull elk tag this year and was considering using the trophy ridge react sight(one pin)....what do you guys think?
  18. muledeerhntr

    single pin sight question...

    This is the only thing keeping me from using a single pin...
  19. I'm heading up this weekend and just wondering if the mule deer are still rutting?
  20. muledeerhntr

    Are the Mule Deer still rutting?!?

    Thanks for the info guys, hedded out tonight, going to see if I can find any good bucks this weekend!
  21. muledeerhntr

    online elk and antelope is now up!

    Well fish and game didn't do half bad, the got the online app up by the 13th!
  22. muledeerhntr

    Unit 21 archery tag

    How is the rut in 21 going now in mid January?
  23. muledeerhntr

    online elk and antelope is now up!

    When your card gets hit it is the best feeling ever!