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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr

    tannerite legal or not in AZ

    Iv shot my fare share of tannerite
  2. muledeerhntr


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  3. muledeerhntr

    Shooting with camo netting on the face?

    Well I'm outta luck, 17 and I have 6 hairs on my chin, one day I will be able to grow out my beard
  4. muledeerhntr

    Elk palmation racks, lets see them!

    The only bull I have killed, he is busted to he11 but he's webbed
  5. muledeerhntr

    Tree stand help

    I have a Gorilla stand too. I am going to sell it. Never use it. Like newhow much?
  6. After missing a huge couse with my bow last auguest and blowing a few stalks I think I want to sit water this augest and looking for any info on that, I have been thinking about building my own tank away from roads and wondering if this will work? I plan on putting it some where that can collect rain and then adding some more water by packing it in....would a 50 gallon container be enough? Any info will help thanks!
  7. muledeerhntr

    Bowfishing setup, Tikka scope mount

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  8. muledeerhntr

    Excited!! 22s muzzeloader

    Good luck!
  9. muledeerhntr

    Elk in Unit 22 South

    Its a late ARCHERY hunt....I can take care of the pack out between me my buddy and my pack goats! its worth it!
  10. muledeerhntr

    Will the turkeys still be there?

    Are they still goblin a lot? Or is it mostly over?
  11. muledeerhntr

    Question for the taxidermists

    You will then get detained when hunting in 36B......atleast you will be ready for fiesta's any time you where them hahah
  12. muledeerhntr

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    Almost forgot this cowboys hat and call of the wild by Chris lexdoux great songs
  13. muledeerhntr

    Tim McGraw Anti-Gunner!1....What a buzzzz kill!!

    What thehell has america come to? I flip on a "country" station and some gay song about some dread heads at a margerita bar or getting my Sundays on????? What ever happened to spit some beach nut in that dudes eyes and shoot him with my old 45 or songs about riding bronks that Chris lexdoux wrote at his house or some true american song like Courtesy of the Red White and Blue....not all the new songs are bad like Dinkin class or stuff like that but this is some bull crap...
  14. muledeerhntr

    FS Vortex Vultures 15x56

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  15. muledeerhntr

    Brand New Broadheads - Muzzy/Swhacker

    I will buy the swhackers!
  16. muledeerhntr

    Any thought

    Looks like a good place to put a tree stand up!
  17. muledeerhntr

    2002 Honda Rancher* Sold*

    Pm sent
  18. muledeerhntr

    Elk in Unit 22 South

    Does the hellsgate wilderness usually hold a decent number of bulls?
  19. muledeerhntr

    Elk in Unit 22 South

    That helps a lot, thank you, are there any wilderness areas in 22 south or is it all in the north? Do the mazatzals going down accros the boarder or stay in the north?
  20. muledeerhntr

    pick the hunt

    Why did you put late archery hunts for 1st choice? I don't want to weight half my life to draw a tag when I can kill a good bull on the late hunts every cuple years...
  21. muledeerhntr

    Need a Live Trap for Coyotes

    Use your bow or snares......I think that's your best bet.....
  22. muledeerhntr

    pick the hunt

    2 guys 1bp total 23 late archery bull 2nd 22south late archery bull 3rd 22 north late archery bull....
  23. muledeerhntr

    Elk Results

    I know this stuff gets beat to death but any guesses on what day results will be posted? I think this Friday...but i know how this stuff goes so maby next Friday? Let me know what you guys think
  24. muledeerhntr

    Cameras for elk

    Heck ya! Any bull tag deserves a cuple camras out just to kinda servey the area and know what caliber bulls are where and when, it is also a BIG difference between a early rifle hunt and a late rifle hunt. But don't let a Camra being out replace boots on the ground and eyes behind glass during as many scouting trips as you can make! Keep us posted! (I like the stealth cams that run right around 100)
  25. muledeerhntr

    30/30 for elk

    I don't want anyone to get the wrong idea, I think it STUPID to use anything smaller than a 243 on an elk, a 30-30 would be an awesome round to use and I hope I can do it some day with my old marlin lever 30-30. Good luck, shoot straight!!!