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Everything posted by muledeerhntr

  1. muledeerhntr

    Leica range finder 1000

    The dudes name is Road Hunter
  2. muledeerhntr

    BIG front end on a 7x8 on 6/9

    Why is that a copy past picture?
  3. muledeerhntr

    WTB hunting pack!

    What's wrong with the tenzing
  4. muledeerhntr


    I'm pretty sure you don't get paid ANYTHING for going on naked and afraid?????
  5. muledeerhntr

    2000 Yamaha Warrior

    Is it 4x4.....how many ccs?
  6. muledeerhntr


    Good point anyone know???
  7. muledeerhntr

    Digital Elk

    I like the first two, pretty cool
  8. muledeerhntr

    Guess the Species

  9. muledeerhntr

    Laws on minors hunting and shooting

    So this is kind of a greay area in the law from what I can find.....Any one know what the law is on minors hunting with firearms and shooting under the age of 18 without an adult?
  10. muledeerhntr

    22 South Archery Bull November Hunt

    I drew the 22s late archery bull tag this year! Any advice? I'm going out in the mourning to go scouting any advice on where to start scouting? If no one says anything diffrent im going to the barnhardt Trail head and just start learning country....
  11. muledeerhntr

    Basstender 10.3 Fishing Boat $300

    PM sent
  12. muledeerhntr

    Species Identification ?

    Big foot
  13. muledeerhntr

    Goodyear Wrangler SR-A 265/65R18

    well I got a smokin deal on some brand new BF good rich rugged terains so I got um and I love them!
  14. muledeerhntr

    AZGF gift card-not fair for Jr hunters

    Let's just think about this for one second, its easier to draw the best sheep tag in the state then get this 1 gift card....how many people put in for the fall hunt? Well 1 guy gets the gift card!
  15. muledeerhntr

    Dealing with 100 days of heat

    Best way to deal with the heat is to drink a cold bottle of man up and deal with it
  16. muledeerhntr

    Henry 22lr lever action

    Bring it in
  17. muledeerhntr

    Henry 22lr lever action

    Can't we all just be friends?
  18. muledeerhntr

    Kings camo pants

    Pm-txt sent
  19. muledeerhntr

    Goodyear Wrangler SR-A 265/65R18

    Good deal! If I didn't just get new tires I'd take um!
  20. muledeerhntr

    The long season?

    I agree with Curtis, I once met an old cow boy who told me they would go out on the mountain and take meat when they needed meat, the populations do fine when that's the case....things don't get screwed over from people like that its all the "weekend warriors" we have going out with the 1000 tags game and fish pumps out that screws with things over...
  21. muledeerhntr

    free hound pups

    Why are you getting rid of them?
  22. muledeerhntr

    Unit 22 Flat Line Maps

    I drew a 22s bull tag and am going to purchase a flat line map of the area. I plan on hunting a lot of areas near the boarder of 22n and it seems that the northern section of the 22s is on the 22n map...anyone had this issue?
  23. muledeerhntr

    let's hear about your packs!!!

    I love my Tenzing! The TZ 6000....it can do anything+ some
  24. muledeerhntr

    Mule Deer

    Wow I had no idea that you weren't supposed to touch that is good to know....I have ready that if you shoot a velvet buck you should inject farmaldih into the antlers and "paint it on the outside so I bought some and acquired some seringes and needls...should I inject farmaldih if I shoot a velvet buck or not?
  25. muledeerhntr

    Elk Trophy Pickup Fail

    I am getting my little brothers cow elk cape tanned by him right now and am a little concerned....he does take along time I can say that...