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Everything posted by jgraffaz

  1. jgraffaz

    Pse evo

    Pm sent
  2. jgraffaz

    Guess they really are in AZ.

    You can shoot a feral hog any time with anything. Fish and game doesn't protect them or even reconize them in the state....kill all of them. We don't want to end up like Texas....
  3. jgraffaz

    Illegal Blinds/Hunting in Madera

    Fat guys who can't hike.......
  4. jgraffaz

    Antelope Taxidermy Advice

    Take the ear tag off it looks like it was a high fence hunt lol
  5. jgraffaz

    Redneck Hurst!!!!!

    That guys last words were "Hey y'all watch this"
  6. jgraffaz

    30/30 for elk

    O its a cow hunt? I know some guy who used a 22-250 on a cow....he killed it.
  7. jgraffaz


    You probably talk during the National Anthem and God Bless America, while you sit with your hat on. Shut the hellup....your profile pic is a bunch of hippies and you say you are interested in mall ninja and the internet....
  8. jgraffaz

    Looking for a new cam...

    I use stealth cams, nothing to complain about....I'll have to looka t a couple of these ones you guys are talking about.
  9. jgraffaz


    Sounds like Nazi Germany with modern technology.....
  10. jgraffaz

    30/30 for elk

    The only thing more bad a$$ than killn a big bull with a 30/30 lever action is killing a lion no dogs with a 30/30 .....off the back of your horse
  11. jgraffaz

    Tree stand help

    Thinking about getting a stand for this augest, I plan on taking pretty deep in the back country so a later stand is probably to heavy, how high up should I plan on going? (Couse deer) how do I control scent? Am I screwed if the wind is blowing all over?
  12. jgraffaz

    2014 Variety

    Sweet pics, what is that in the first one?
  13. jgraffaz

    call from game and fish

    That just scares me...if something weird happens and my app didn't go thru I'm going to drive down there and flip S***
  14. jgraffaz

    Sportsmans Expo?

    Is Cameron hanes going?
  15. jgraffaz

    Got some bear questions

    Along with figuring out the food they are eating and areas they are in what else should I do to scout?
  16. jgraffaz

    Got some bear questions

    I know this post is old but it answers a lot of good questions, and I have more! Gut pilles are good ideas. How should I start scouting? I want to hunt a unit that opens in October and there are a bunch of bears, I get them on camra often but that doesn't mean much other than there in the area? I glassed my eyes out last year but only glassed up one bear a week before the season opend up. How should I scout, the hunt is the October hunt. Especially if they r in the thick stuff eating egg corn in unglassable Country?
  17. jgraffaz


    I lucked out and have seen one behind the superstitions pretty cool
  18. jgraffaz


    Make sure you have good insurance. I'm serious. Oboma care will cover me right?(;
  19. jgraffaz


    Did he have children?
  20. jgraffaz


    Funny to hear some of you "old"guys talk about this stuff...I'm 17 and my buddy just talked me into ridding a bull....I'm supposed to do it in a month hahah
  21. They always turn out this way because no one should be putting crap like man made plastic tanks anywhere on public land. Put it in your back yard or buy some land and do it. Better yet if guys want to hunt like that move back east and sit in a tree all day. I guess we should just put more roads in everywhere so the whole state can look like table mesa!!! carefully remove your tampon and quit being a woman about it.
  22. Maybe focus your attention on High Achool AIMS testing instead of "couse" hunting in "auguest". You have the rest of your life to hunt maby you should focus on holding down a decent job for you family instead of hunting......why do you assume that I can't be success in school and hunting?