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About jgraffaz

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 12/13/1997

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    East valley
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  1. jgraffaz

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    So if you’re out camping over Labor Dayweekend and your kid got a new drone for Christmas and flys it is that illegal since an antelope hunt is going on? Let’s even say he has an elk hunt coming up in a few weeks.
  2. jgraffaz

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    Seems like you have no response to my comment
  3. jgraffaz

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    This makes my point. cannot be used to help take or locate wildlife during an open season. This restriction applies 48 hours before the start of a big game season and lasts until the season ends. I don’t believe he was trying to locate deer. Burden of proof is on the prosecutor. Unless they have evidence that he was trying to locate big game he’s not guilty and has every right to fly wherever the heck he wants. Now I’m just playing devils advocate and trying to tell you how I believe this all really works. I don’t personally know the guy or care about his case
  4. jgraffaz

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    It’s not illegal to fly around during open big game hunts.
  5. jgraffaz

    Is Shane Koury the next guide to lose license?

    This is the problem that he is referring too. These fish cops can just throw stuff against the wall and wait to see what sticks. A lot of the time, it seems like there is no accountability or skin in the game for them making these accusations but the people they are accusing of committing these crimes will have their lives significantly affected by such accusations even if the individual is innocent. These false accusations can financially ruin someone, not to mention the time suck and public smear campaign (as we can see in this thread) it can have on someone who might not have even broken the law. The WM can throw these charges around and worst case scenario for the WM is they get dropped. Best case scenario for the accused person is they “win” the case at the expense hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars, hundreds of hours of their time, etc. After all, the WM and legal system is funded by the people they are accusing, tough to take on the government or IRS or any government bureaucracy because no matter what they have unlimited resources compared to a private individual. Now I don’t know enough facts to make a judgment about this particular case against Koury. But I have seen some of these fish cops with little man syndrome and jealousy connive their way into issuing some BS charges. Not saying all are bad but some are. I see the need and support enforcing laws but it should be done in a way that isn’t punitive or based on an individuals feelings like it seems to be some of the time. here is a real life example explaining a what I’m talking about. Worth the 5 minute YouTube video.
  6. jgraffaz

    Bear Hunting Units

  7. jgraffaz

    Bear Hunting Units

    Our “forefathers” were not begging for hunting spots on the internet. Beef is in fact hundreds of dollars cheaper a pound (you wouldn’t know since you’ve never killed a bear). If you like to hunt I get it, but a bear isn’t the animal to go and shoot for meat. You hunt bears for the sport of it and the trophy of it and the meat is a bi-product (which I enjoy). If you are a meat hunter you should hunt cow elk. The last thing we need is more guys bear hunting ready to ground pound every single cub and 70 pound sow on the mountain. Bear hunters should try and be selective for mature boars. And I’m pretty sure our “forefathers” killed bears because they were killing their cows and not eating them. It’s way easier to kill a deer or an elk and it tastes better too. No need to get offended that people are teasing you because you can’t figure out hunting on your own like most good hunters have. Did you vote for Biden?
  8. jgraffaz

    Bear Hunting Units

    If you only want the meat, buy some beef from the grocery store, it will be cheaper and taste better.
  9. jgraffaz

    Max points for Rocky

    Unlimited OTC tags for essentially the last 30 years coupled with some back to back harsh winters and a healthy predator population, especially gold eagles that eat the lambs. AK is a huge state so it varies a little depending on where you are at. They are still trying to figure it out exactly but what’s for sure is it’s not looking good anywhere.
  10. jgraffaz

    Max points for Rocky

  11. jgraffaz

    Max points for Rocky

    There are a select few units that are OTC in MT, most are a draw. ID has some great units and awesome rams. Canada is poverty and you still need the money….
  12. jgraffaz

    Max points for Rocky

    Most of the Dalls are dead in Alaska right now. They are saying 20 year minimum before the state re-bounds to what it was just 4 years ago unfortunately
  13. jgraffaz

    Drones during an open season (not for hunting)!

    I just thought we were having a hunting discussion. Didn’t mean to hurt your feelings
  14. jgraffaz

    Drones during an open season (not for hunting)!

    The difference is there is a clear clarification under B for flying and not on cameras. Again, this is all hypothetical on my end as I don’t have anything to fly. You better not spot animals from the vehicle or drive the truck closer after you glass something up as that could be considered illegal also if you are going to “err the side of caution”
  15. jgraffaz

    Drones during an open season (not for hunting)!

    Also subsection B clarifies subsection A. If you read A without B I can see where the confusion comes from.