Well, there's a difference between banning it and supporting/doing it. Should it be banned? Course not. How would you police it? I mean what if it's a 200,000 acre enclosure? Surely that could still be considered fair chase (assuming it wasn't rasised in a pen, which some of the pictures on that website clearly suggest.) So how big is fair? Should it be different sizes for different species? So on, so forth. All wanted to say is how ridiculous it is to "hunt" an animal raised as a pet and then brag about it. It's the exact oppisite of Coues hunting in my opinion. Exact oppisite. As far as people buying bid tags and hiring an army of people to find them a big buck, i don't look down on that at all. It's still a wild deer. Honestly, i bet most anyone here would jump at the chance to shoot a monster buck if someone told them they knew where one was. I mean if one of your buddies is like "hey i know where a 130" nontypical hangs out in your unit, i can show him to you, no problem", what are you going to say? No thanks, i didn't scout that deer myself so i'm not interested? Crazy talk. Just my 2 cents
And I'm glad this site officially doesn't support high fence hunting!