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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Coues Sniper

    Swaroviski 15x56 and minox 15x58 BR

    Uh oh, looks like the Goof Troop is ganging up on me... First off, longshooter, I did say i liked your Leicas but that was more so as not to hurt your feelings about them. I know how fragile you are. I actually did like the built in rangefinder as opposed to having an extra piece of equipment - but that would be the only reason to buy them And I'll put my Guardian against your soon to be 48 lb Hoyt whenever you're ready. Loose that training wheel whisker biscuit before you come up though And also, my hair is just plain awesome. Casey, I'm sorry you just can't see the light (literally) with the Swaro's. But the fact you're on the same side as Shortshooter on this one really speaks for itself! They outsell the Leicas for a reason!!! PS congrats on the test
  2. Coues Sniper

    Done for 2008!!!

    GREAT buck, congrats guys!
  3. Coues Sniper

    Swaroviski 15x56 and minox 15x58 BR

    LMAO Casey! You called Longshooter smart! Hahahahaha if you only knew!!! And shame on you for using your mediocre spanish to tell this guy that the overpriced Leicas are better! Leicas are very good glass, but they are not as good as the Swarovski's. And they certainly do not have near as good of a warranty or customer service. I really don't think you can argue that one. I have scratched my Swaro 15's twice (my fault both times - the tripod fell over) and didn't have to pay a dime to have the lenses replaced either time. They even next day aired them to me for nothing, and offerered to send a loaner pair to me when a part wasn't in stock. Definitely something to consider as well. Pedro welcome to the site. We are having some fun here, but the bottom line is, you really can't go wrong with either the Leicas or the Swarovski's. Zeiss should probably be mentioned in the same breath as well. If you get a chance, i strongly suggest checking them out side by side and seeing for yourself. There are even some companies that will rent binoculars to you so you can take them out into the field and compare. If you can't, i would say go with the Swarovski's. I gaurantee you will not be dissappointed. Good luck in your purchase, and again - welcome to the site. You can learn alot from these knuckleheads. (most of them)
  4. Coues Sniper

    Best electronic caller???

    That sounds like a heck of an operation! Glad to hear it is working for you, and i hope you're back hunting hard again soon. I'd like to go calling with you, but i live all the way up here in Vegas... but i actually still might take you up on that! Thanks for the information about the Bobcat in heat sound. I think lions court this time of year too, but they might be almost done. And like Josh asked, do you play that sound continuously, or on and off? For how long? Bobcat is one of the main things i'd like to call... does a decoy help a lot with them? Thanks.
  5. Coues Sniper

    Really Awesome Picture!!!

    That's a really cool find! Thanks for sharing dude. What i wouldn't give to be able to go back and hunt Sonora back in those days.
  6. Coues Sniper

    Holy browtines!!!

    Got back last week from Mexico, and was able to help my cousin (not the one who killed that monster Carp) kill his first Coues deer. We chased a big heavy 4 point i guessed would go about 110" for a couple days, but he wasn't able to close the deal. Last afternoon he put the smack-down on this great buck. He has some of the best brows I've seen on a Coues; both are well over 6" and they almost touch. He's basically a big 2 point with a small 3rd on his left and a kicker off his base on his right. I was pretty surprised when we put the tape on him and came up with 99 1/8"! He goes 96" as a 2 point! His mass and beams are what get him there (both beams are over 17") and of course those awesome brows. Not bad for his first Coues! Another buddy of mine killed a gorgeous 3 point that went 110 7/8", I'll see if he minds me putting his ugly mug on here and post those if he gives the OK. Hope all your hunts go well, Kevin
  7. Holy crap!!!! That buck is just a friggin stud! Man, would i like to whack that buck. Have you been hunting him?
  8. Coues Sniper

    Gun Smith on the west side

    Wouldn't your uncle know of one???
  9. Coues Sniper

    Best electronic caller???

    Thanks AzTrapper, and good luck on your hunt with that back! Yeah, they seem to have some of the best prices too. I think their price for a camo version is cheaper than the regular version on the foxpro website. The fact that they would recommend which calls to program in would help me out alot as well. And that's good info on the FX5 vs. FX3, I was trying to decide whether or not the extra $200 is worth it.
  10. I agree, let's see the shed!
  11. Coues Sniper

    Holy browtines!!!

    Alright, i decided to post the other buck. He'll get over it. This guy made one of the best shots i've ever seen. This buck had bedded just after they spotted him at about 2:30 in the afternoon. He sat on him for over 2 hours waiting for him to get up but he never did, and the sun was going down so he decided he had to shoot him now out of his bed. The problem was he was at 518 yards and all he could see of the buck was the buck's jaw and ear thru about a 6" diameter hole thru a cedar. We had taken a steel target down there to make sure of our zero's and he had dusted the bullseye at 500 yards so that gave him a lot of confidence, plus he figured if he missed or hit a limb the buck would get up and he'd hopefully get another shot. He got proned out and squeezed the shot off and absolutely earholed him thru that opening dumping him on the spot! Unreal shot. Then as he was walking up to his deer, 2 coyotes showed up trying to get a free meal, and he dumped them at 350!!! Gotta love Mexico . We taped him at 110 7/8", but he looks a lot bigger than that in person.
  12. Coues Sniper

    Second Mexico Buck

    Great buck! Looks like you guys had a very successful trip! Congrats.
  13. Coues Sniper

    matching old elkies

    Very cool finds. Especially the ruins, awesome! Sounds like you have a good area for when they start dropping horns too .
  14. Coues Sniper

    Got binos need tripod

    That Velbon Chaser efl-4 is a nice tripod. Anything with Bogan or Manfrotto is nice, but can be heavy (which is good in it's own way). That new Swarovski is unbelievable, but pricey ($700). You can usually find some good deals on Ebay for Bogans. Good luck.
  15. Coues Sniper

    Canada Lynx Photos

    Neat pictures man, thank for sharing. I'd love to whack one of those one day.
  16. Coues Sniper

    Best electronic caller???

    cgmartin, I posted that question at the varminthunters website. I have gotten some good information, just not as many responses, and everyone here always seems more willing to help . I'm sure the fact that some new guy comes on there twice a week asking similar questions is part of it too, but i did some searches and couldn't find much. Does anyone know anything about Wildlife Technologies callers? Those guys sure like them. (So does Wildlife Technologies apparently at $850 a pop ) I've just never predator hunted much and figured an e caller would be an easy way to get into it, especially as i will be by myself some of the time. And i tried one my old man bought a few years ago and was very disappointed, so I'd like to get a good one.
  17. Coues Sniper

    Best electronic caller???

    You're probably right, but I'm betting that even though they may hate them or think they are for rookies, they still know a boatload about them . More than me anyways.
  18. Coues Sniper

    Best electronic caller???

    Thanks guys, keep the responses coming! That's why i love this place so much: I have 10 responses already on this thread here and i posted the same question on a varmint site and have gotten only 2 responses so far. Everyone here is willing to help with none of the attitude of other boards. You guys are awesome. cgmartin, that's a good point about the call starting to pay for itself. I hunt in central Nevada, and some bobcat pelts here can bring $500.
  19. Coues Sniper

    My Dec Hunt Pics!

    Congrats on a whopper of a 2 point. I've been wanting to kill a big 2 point like that for a long time now. We thought we had one this year that would go 100", but he turned out to be a 3 that had busted his beam on both sides right at his G3's . Congrats again on a awesome buck.
  20. Coues Sniper

    About time

    Congrats on a great archery buck. He's got a lot of character - be proud of that one. I would be! Or stick one is his temple! Only kidding Casey!!!
  21. Coues Sniper


    That's pretty freaking cool
  22. Coues Sniper

    2 years 5 days 4 hours & .......

    dang right
  23. Coues Sniper

    Dad Bagged A TOAD (Update-123 4/8)

    Wow. Now that's a dandy. Love that character. Congrats to your dad, and i look forward to the story.
  24. Coues Sniper

    Daughter's first ever bow hunt

    That's awesome! Congrats to you and your daughter!
  25. Coues Sniper

    2 years 5 days 4 hours & .......

    Congrats on a great buck Gino, he's sexy looking for sure. What's even more impressive is that you were actually able to put an arrow in him with a Matthews! . (Still waiting on that video of the 100 yard group by the way. ) Kevin