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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Coues Sniper

    Favorite Trophy's

    Tony between you and Scottyboy I swear ................................
  2. Coues Sniper

    Favorite Trophy's

    Scott, I don't know you, but after looking at your photos I feel the need to call you by your avatar name Phenomenal trophies sir. I am just insanely jealous. I especially like how you used the giraffe you killed to cover the rifle you killed that axis with. And that stag is just sick. I'm definitely killing one of those someday. Out of curiosity, who did you use down there and would you reccomend them? (I'm assuming New Zealand)
  3. Coues Sniper

    Quiet Muzzle Break

    You must have missed the English lesson I'm guessing...
  4. Coues Sniper

    Quiet Muzzle Break

    Those would probably work better. I usually have a pair with chords in my pocket, but the ones you are talking about would be a better way to go. Still kind of a pain in the butt though. I was helping a buddy with his Strip tag last year and last day he decided to whack this little 160" buck (worst year ever up there). Anyhow, during the last part of the stalk he puts his earplugs in. We get to where he wanted to shoot from and the buck had gotten up on us and actually came our way quite a ways. We're glassing and i pick up the top of his rack right below us and he has us pegged. I'm trying to whisper to Brad that i have the buck, but he can't hear me 'cause of the dang earplugs. I start throwing little rocks to get his attention (we're about 10 yards apart) with no luck. Finally, the buck busts out and Brad yells "There his is!" We got him killed, but it wasn't pretty. If it wasn't a carp, he'd have gone home empty handed.
  5. Coues Sniper

    .50 cal muzzleloader

    brand? pics?
  6. Coues Sniper

    Quiet Muzzle Break

    I don't have any experience with those. The only "quiet brake" i have heard of is made by Gentry, and from what i hear they are still loud. Seems to me a quiet brake is about as possible as skinny, opinionated Rosie but what do i know. I use a brake and carry earplugs, but that too is a flawed system at best.
  7. Coues Sniper

    a little video

    Lame. Lame I say!
  8. Coues Sniper

    A big elk shed...

    dang! Got any more pics of that one??? Nice find, congrats.
  9. Coues Sniper

    Pictures of bucks in velvet

    Got anymore of that first one???
  10. Coues Sniper

    spineless commission

    Scott, you should know better...
  11. Coues Sniper

    What do you WANT

    If you have a Nesika Bay Model M Hunter action just lying around, i'd be glad to take it off your hands for you. heck, I'd even give you a couple hundred bucks for it
  12. Coues Sniper

    70 mph sheds....

    yeah, I haven't yet anyway. Thanks for reminding me.
  13. Coues Sniper

    70 mph sheds....

  14. Coues Sniper

    For those who didn't get drawn

    That's what i feel like every time i get the results for AZ
  15. Coues Sniper

    My new varmint weapon

    Sweet rig! Keep us posted on how she shoots
  16. That pretty much echoes exactly what i have heard from eveyone else. Thanks Doug.
  17. Doug, I was thinking of having Kirby build a rifle for me in the next couple years... what was your experience with him? All i have heard has been positive, just wanted to know if your experience was the same. And how long was the lead time? Thanks, Kevin
  18. Another one i have been thinking about - 7mm Allen Magnum. (338 Lapua necked down to a 7mm) 200 grain ULD's at 3400 fps. Talk about the ultimate Coues rifle
  19. Coues Sniper

    Busted one today!

  20. I'll take one in .416 Barrett please!
  21. Coues Sniper


    At least you admit that Tucson is a hole. I thought he meant his life was a Hole.....
  22. Coues Sniper

    For all you Hog hunters..

    Fair enough. But Jim, on an entirely different subject, how much would Mullins Outfitters charge for a guided hog hunt?
  23. Coues Sniper


  24. Casey, $1000 more sounds about right. A carbon barrel from Christensen costs about $900. Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Up to you. What you are paying for is a barrel that weighs a fraction of what a steel one would, doesn't walk (as much), and is stiffer. They charge $900 dollars for theirs. The only other company to my knowledge that also does carbon barrels is ABS, and guess how much one of theirs costs? Yep, $900. And both of those companies are so busy they don't know what to do with themselves. Can you get a custom rifle that will shoot as good as a Christensen for less money? Absolutely. Will it be as light and have a barrel that won't walk after a couple shots? None that I know about. The one thing i do agree with you on is that mine shoots great . I get 1/2 MOA out of her no matter what she eats, have had clover leaf groups at 700 yards (ok, one time, but it has happened) and she weighs about 7 lbs scoped, loaded, and bipod attached. They are expensive, and admittedly probably overly so, but dang are they sweet. To each his own Case.