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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Coues Sniper

    my "trophy"

    Awesome job
  2. Coues Sniper

    Grandpa's Buck

    Larry, that's a great picture of Pappy. I actually got to share camp with him a couple times which was an honor. That stories that guy had. Wish he was still around.
  3. Coues Sniper

    Wes's 2009 Buck

    What a great buck. Congrats
  4. Coues Sniper


    Congrats on a great buck.
  5. Coues Sniper

    Where is all the archery deer pics ?

    Even better than that, I heard there's a map
  6. Coues Sniper

    brothers very first bow kill

    Sweet buck!
  7. Coues Sniper

    Where is all the archery deer pics ?

    YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME He's not. Maybe a little "I've seen them, neener neener neener." He ain't above that . But not kidding.
  8. Awesome pic man! Should have killed them
  9. Coues Sniper

    Latest Covert II pics from Aug7-20

    He looks much bigger this year. Good luck Scott
  10. Coues Sniper

    MR. Geoff Lloyd

    Unreal. Simply dope-tastic.
  11. Coues Sniper

    I think I found my deer

    +1 Nice buck, good luck to you!
  12. Coues Sniper

    Big mule deer

    Oh wow. I really hope that's not him man.
  13. Coues Sniper

    Carp Contest?

    Since people are getting butt-hurt when it is referred to as a Carp Contest, I propose a new name for it - "The Biggest Loser" Come on guys this is a COUES site! What's next, a cheesecake contest?
  14. Coues Sniper

    Carp Contest?

  15. New pics only make him look even bigger. 400+, no doubt.
  16. I agree with Scotty on score. His fronts and trash will push him over the 400" mark. All those extras add up fast. That being said, I'd whack that bull no matter what the tape says. Character like that is hard to come by. Super neat bull, good luck gettin him killed and ending the guessing!
  17. Coues Sniper


    Lion season does not open until Sept 1 for most of the state. That's no excuse sweet pics, good luck on that bear.
  18. Coues Sniper

    Holy Mass!!!

    Holy Shirts and Pants dude! That thing is a PIGG!!!
  19. Coues Sniper

    Will we ever see it?

    Sorry to be the one to bring the thread here, but I am part of a pretty sizeable percentage of Coues hunters that believe the top 2 nontypical Coues deer are actually not Coues deer at all.
  20. Coues Sniper

    Will we ever see it?

    That's the top nontypical and was killed in AZ, and don't get me started on that can o' worms Or the number 2 nontyp either. I think it will happen within the next 10 years or so, it will come out of Mexico, and it won't be a farm deer. San Carlos is a great possibility too. Bulwidgeon, I agree the Stockwell buck is a freak in the fact of how big he is and how symetrical he stayed, but if it happened once... And Ernesto, please, enlighten us
  21. Coues Sniper

    Long range shooting

    +1 I'd look at Krieger barrels as well, but let your smith help you with the pro's and con's of each barrel type, action, etc. Those guys on longrangehunting are legit. And as a side note, a good smith can put together a build that will shoot as good or better as any "Custom Rifle Company" and do it for much less with much more personal attention.
  22. Coues Sniper

    Sweet buck!

    That's flippin sweet
  23. Coues Sniper

    cactus bucks

    Never seen one on the hoof, but I've held a couple that others have killed. Seen pictures of a couple more. It does happen, but just like in mule deer, pretty rare.