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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Coues Sniper

    Help out a 5 year old in the final stages of Cancer!!

    Christmas cards - I'll send a few for sure. That's all this little guy wants?
  2. Coues Sniper

    Ray's 36b Big Fork Scored

    Casey, I NEED to see that buck. PM's are fine Thanks Amanda, I'd be interested to hear what you find out. Maybe I'll start a new thread. Coues Sniper, Many years ago a good freind and hunting buddy shot a MONSTER 2ptr! This buck was officially measured by a B&C measurer at 111 1/8" net with a gross score of 114 and some change. Although he was measured I dont beleive he ever entered it. This deer has 20 inch beams--10 inch G2--5 inch eyeguards with a 17 inch inside spread. Unfortunatly I dont have any photos. I'll try to hunt one down. Jim Sounds like a dream deer Jim. Thanks for trying to find a picture for me, I'd really like to see that. Kevin
  3. Coues Sniper

    Ray's 36b Big Fork Scored

    Willhunt, you get 4 mass measurements per side no matter what. In the case of a 2 point you take the last measurement at 1/2 the distance between the end of the beam and the G2 and use that for both the C3 and C4 measurement. If you look at the figures he posted the C3 and C4 on both sides are the same, which of course makes sense.
  4. Coues Sniper

    Ray's 36b Big Fork Scored

    Casey, I NEED to see that buck. PM's are fine Thanks Amanda, I'd be interested to hear what you find out. Maybe I'll start a new thread.
  5. Coues Sniper

    Bleaching a boiled skull

    It's a buck I shot in Mexico a few years ago. I love it because of it's giant eyegaurds, main beams that almost touch, big g2s and it's great dark color, but surprisingly it only scores a little over a 100. It's got a narrow spread. You can read the full hunt story here: http://www.coueswhitetail.com/hunt_stories/akm_mex_07.htm Amanda I remember that now. I agree he looks bigger than a touch over 100, but who cares when he looks like that. He looks like a smaller version of the #2 typical...
  6. Coues Sniper

    Ray's 36b Big Fork Scored

    Sweet buck . Before my hunting days are over, I'm going to kill a 2 point Coues deer that grosses over 100". Love big 2 points. Not to hijack, but does anyone know what the biggest 2 point Coues deer scored?
  7. Coues Sniper

    Bleaching a boiled skull

    Amanda, that buck is dope. Story?
  8. Coues Sniper


    If you're looking to stick with mechanicals, Spitfires are hard to beat. They work great for me.
  9. Coues Sniper

    Happy Birthday ...Antlerdog!

    Happy belated birthday Jim . Hey how about a side view of that buck you killed? Love that mass. Congrats on an awesome buck.
  10. Coues Sniper

    full moon

    This has been my experience with full moons. Deer will get up about a couple hours before sundown, just for a short while, and then bed down again through darkness.
  11. My wife was getting the mail this evening when she told me to come out and look at these "cool birds" that were roosting in our entryway. I came out and saw what looks to me like a couple Arizona Woodpeckers, but I didn't think we had them here (Vegas). Couple places I looked up on Google didn't think so either. Our entry way is pretty tall which makes them look smaller than they are, they're a bit smaller than a pigeon. Are they something else, or did these two just get really lost? I told her you guys would have this figured in about 10 minutes Thanks Kevin
  12. Coues Sniper

    Leftover Muzzy Coues...

    Congrats on a nice buck. Sorry about being friends with Todd though, thats a bummer . Tell him the Kearneys said hello.
  13. Coues Sniper

    Are you ready for the long shot? I am...

    If I'm connecting the dots here, and I'm pretty sure I am, I got a copy of 308nut's program from him on longrangehunting (he goes by a different handle there) and it's pretty slick. It even calcs the spindrift which a lot of programs don't. And his is free . Thanks for the help and imput 308, it's appreciated.
  14. Coues Sniper

    Best yard sign!

    That's awesome!
  15. Coues Sniper

    What kind of bird is this???

    Aha. Never even heard of a Flicker. I had seen birds that lookd like that in AZ and Mexico and always thought they were Arizona Woodpeckers. I had never seen them here around Vegas (not much of any wildlife close by really ) Maybe I've been seeing these Flickers down south the whole time . Thanks guys.
  16. Coues Sniper

    recent pics

    What a cool deer. Easy for me to say, but let that dude grow
  17. Coues Sniper

    Opinion on Flood Control

    I beleive it is. I have seen this on most other forums. It's only 30 seconds
  18. Coues Sniper

    Are you ready for the long shot? I am...

    That's a good point DB. I think the Kestral helps you though to learn to read the winds downrange. A good exercise is to try to guess the wind where you are at by reading how the grass blows or how much a tree moves and then pulling out the Kestral to see what it actually is. Once you start to get a feel for it you can use that info to better judge what the wind across the canyon is doing. You can also use low clouds or foggy mornings to see how the wind reacts to draws and ridges and save that info for later use and try to better judge how far one wind direction is acting on the bullet and when it changes, etc. I believe the article Doug posted goes into all that info much better than I ever could. Those DVD's Mr. Carlock puts out are very good also. Another good thing to do is to practice shooting during the spring and summer in an area you actually plan to hunt that fall. Say you know of a buck that likes a certain ridge. You can set up where you might likely be shooting from and bust a few rocks where you think he may come out. It's great practice that gets you out in your area, helps you to know how to read the wind in that spot, and if he does happen to come out where you think he could, you've already (hopefully ) made that shot which gives you a ton of confidence.
  19. Coues Sniper

    Are you ready for the long shot? I am...

    Thanks Doug, great article and cool website! LRH.com us a great place to learn about longrange shooting. That article from Carlock is only the tip of the iceberg .
  20. Coues Sniper

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    congrats on an amazing deer Scott, you earned him
  21. Coues Sniper

    Guess the Score Contest - Nov 09

    121 and 6
  22. Coues Sniper

    Az Coues 2009

    Your brothers buck is awesome . (you're a better man than me by the way, it would have been that buck or bust for me )That mass is insane, love that velvet pic. Congrats!
  23. Coues Sniper

    Congratulations Dad!

    Sweet is right, nice buck
  24. Coues Sniper

    My First Giant Coues Buck!!!

    +1. Congrats on a stud of a buck