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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Here's my stab at it: http://www.customink.com/lab/?cid=16332946-3556653 It's not too different from the current desgn, but has the "new" deer logo and I added a little info about the deer itself. Which I think is kinda cool. Only thing I might do different is make the actual rendering of Josh's deer a touch bigger. kevin
  2. Here's a few: Coueswhitetail.com... more addicting than crack. Coueswhitetail.com... Once you've tried Coues, nothing else will do's Coueswhitetail.com... Because Carp are kinda dumb Coueswhitetail.com... who ever thought chasing 110 lb, half invisible deer with Einstein's IQ and can apparently read minds and see into the future could be so rewarding? Coueswhitetail.com... and to think your wife/husband felt neglected before you joined
  3. I really like the rendering Mike did of Josh's buck, that looks awesome, but I'm not a fan of the rest of the shirt. I understand what you are saying Amanda about "brand recognition" with the large logo up front, but I really think it makes shirts look "cheesy" or unprofessional when the large logo is on the front. I don't think the font used suits the shirts well either. And I think the latin name should be left off. I don't mean to hurt any feelings here, and this is just my opinion so take it for what it's worth. But I much prefer the current version of the shirts as well. Simple, small front logo, cool back logo, not too much verbage, nice fonts, done . Name on sleeve on the longsleeve is a cool touch. Kevin
  4. Coues Sniper

    Nephew's First Big Game!

    Sweet! Way to go Tyler!!!
  5. Coues Sniper

    Added the two deer on the ends....

  6. Coues Sniper

    Lost a member of my pack

    Sorry to hear of your loss Amanda.
  7. Coues Sniper

    Coues deer art

    That is pretty sweet...
  8. Coues Sniper

    Mearns quail tattoo

    I don't think she'd be comfortable on a Coues shed...
  9. Coues Sniper

    Salsa Recipe

    Looking for a good salsa recipe and figured this would be a good crowd to ask . Primarily looking for a "Salsa Fresca" type, but would like a good hot Salsa Verde recipe too. I love salsa but have never made it. Top secret tips/family recipes appreciated Thanks and have a great New Year, Kevin
  10. Just got back from another great trip to good 'ol Mexico. The trip started off pretty frustrating with 2 days of solid rain. We were excited before the hunt thinking the deer would be concentrated around water, but the several inches of rainfall ruined that prospect. Days 3 and 4 produced some decent numbers of deer, but nothing too exciting. I did see a big 2x3 that I thought was really close to 110, but I decided to pass and my cousin saw a buck that had some great palmation, but he wasn’t able to close the deal. The afternoon of day 5 I decided to try something different. I had seen a real heavy 3x3 rutting some does pretty hard right off the road on a part of the ranch that very little topography. It was fairly open, but flat as a pancake. My mom had gotten me a "Pack Rack" rattle for Christmas and I decided to try it out and see if there was still any rut going on over there. As soon as I got there I jumped a young 2 point that was spindly but tall and had great potential. I was able to get a decent pic of him after he jumped a fence. I walked until I found a good looking spot, and sat down underneath a big mesquite tree to start rattling. I had never tried this before, so I wasn’t really sure what to expect. I hit those horns for about 2 minutes, and that young 2 point from earlier came flying in, ran about 30 yards in front of me, locked them up, and looked around. He actually was skidding when came to a stop! He stood there for about 20 seconds trying to figure out where the fight was and then took off again out of sight. "That was pretty cool", I thought to myself. I waited about 5 minutes and tried again. That same 2 point came running back into view (at about 80 yards this time) and ran back the way he originally came from. This stuff might actually work! I rattled a third time and nothing happened. I decided to move and try a bit farther into the flat. I went another 300 yards or so, and sat down to try again. I hit them for about a minute and had a doe get up at about 100 yards (that was about as far as I could see). Right after she got up, a 90" type 3 point got up and started following her. I hit the rattle again, just to see what the buck would do more than anything, and then noticed another deer off to my right come into view. He started marking/raking a tree when I put the 10's on him. First thing I saw was the drop, then I caught a look at the mass, and I about fell over. As I got the rifle on him he started walking quickly to the right, and before long would be out of sight. I mouth grunted a couple times trying to get him to stop, but he either didn't hear me or didn't care so I waited until he stepped clear of some brush and popped him. He went about 20 yards and laid down for good. I kinda sat there in disbelief at what just happened: from the time I saw him till the time I shot was about 15 seconds at the most, and I still wasn't quite sure what I had just killed. I was all smiles though when I lifted his head out of the grass. What a sweet buck - super mass, great beams (18 and 17 ½), good points, only 11" wide, a 5" drop, and character out the ying yang. His right beam comes off his head at a weird angle and has a big crook in it, while his left comes out and goes high. His G 3’s are about 4" from touching and his main beams are about 6" apart vertically at the ends. And he was older than dirt. Talk about right in my wheelhouse. I taped him at 115 and 3/8. I struggled to take a picture that really does him justice. Bottom jaw on my deer. I'd guess him about 10 1/2 The last afternoon my cousin connected on a real pretty deer that was chasing a doe. He’s 15” inside with 18”+ beams and nice mass - just real good everywhere. He taped him at 113 and 3. I got to take the bow out for an afternoon - Even the jacks are big in Mexico There was a thread recently about what your "Dream Trip" would be - I think mine would always be a Coues hunt in Mexico . Hope you enjoyed the pics.
  11. Coues Sniper

    San Carlos Tags!

    You're looney. But to answer the original question: No, not unless I already knew where a big deer was or that was the unit I hunted every year and knew the potential. But just because a big deer got killed there last year doesn't mean much. Big deer can show up anywhere, anytime.
  12. Coues Sniper

    big lion

    Whoa! Hap ok? Lion dead?
  13. Coues Sniper


    Says I must sign up first. Boo I say.
  14. Coues Sniper

    Please pray for my brother

    prayers sent
  15. Coues Sniper

    The Ant and Grasshopper

    That's awesome. Anyone have Obama's email???
  16. Coues Sniper

    I really really like Mexico...

    Yeah Josh, it's 100% the same deer. Jim is the man! I'll try and get a pic up
  17. Coues Sniper

    150" WMAT Coues

    I think Hendo, got into some Endo
  18. Coues Sniper

    Blind Question???

    A little brushing in goes a LOOOONG way. I'm of the opinion that as long as the blind looks natural, they don't pay much attention (rather than they have every bush in the unit memorized and would notice a "new" one.)
  19. Coues Sniper

    150" WMAT Coues

    Well you may be right - especially if he made a deal with Cabelas or something. In which case I would go your way. But I hope he keeps that skull. That deer more than most makes an amazing skull. And it was great talking to you at the show also! I think you and Jim had one of the best booths there. Hopefully, it was a productive weekend for the both of you
  20. Coues Sniper

    150" WMAT Coues

    I'm going to dissagree with Amanda on this one. I killed a pretty good buck a few years ago and had some replicas made. I ended up mounting a replica and keeping the real horns as a skull. I'm REALLY glad I did it that way. Now I can fondle the skull any time I want (which is pretty often - my wife actually gets jealous ) or when someone comes by and looks at the mount I run and grab the skull and hand it to them so they can see it actually in their hands. Replicas look great, but just don't 'feel' the same. Once you mount the real horns, you can't ever hold them again. My 2 pennies.
  21. Coues Sniper

    3 Weeks In Coues Heaven.......

    Jim, This has been eating at me ever since I read your post, so I can only imagine what you are going through . But a couple reminders: 1. Shoot first and ask any questions later. ANYTHING can be fixed in Mexico with a few dollars. I would have flung lead after the hunt, from the highway, on a different ranch, with the Federales chasing me - to kill that deer unbroke. After the fact just play dumb (I excell at this), forget any Spanish you may know (pretty good at this also), and pull out your checkbook. If you don't have the $$, someone will help you out. Heck, call me even. I'd sell myself downtown to get you back in the US with that rack in your hands. That deer is just sick. It's INSANELY sad that he's busted. 2. Shoot him in the butt. It's a Coues deer and you have half a cannon in your hands. Put it on his culo, squeeze, and smile. My old man always told me, and still does, if that's the only shot you have - take it. I've followed that advice and I'm not ashamed to say I've used it. It puts these little Coues deer down like right now. At 120 yards that deer would have been just as dead as if you would have put it in the crease. I know none of this stuff is anything you don't know. I just keep looking at that deer busted and get teary eyed. I had to vent Congrats again on a VERY memorable hunt.
  22. Coues Sniper

    3 Weeks In Coues Heaven.......

    Holy genetics. Hold on to that Ranch Jimbo Congrats. Shame that big buck was so broke up.
  23. Coues Sniper

    One for the memory banks

    Yeah, sorry, I wasn't sure who was who. But those were what I was aking about. The 2 other people I have asked were nuts about them.
  24. Coues Sniper

    Yellow Lab deeks Coyote

    Seems you still have some of those "dome seeking" rounds left eh Casey? Nice dog - both of 'em. Sorry bro, couldn't resist