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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Coues Sniper

    Tranquilizer elk hunts

    Did you not see the trophy fees? 17k to not kill a 400" bull? Got to be kidding me. I've heard of this before, but it got shut down because it was not humane to the animal and 1 out of every 30 or something died. Not my reasoning, just what I read.
  2. Coues Sniper

    Huge 3A Antelope Down.

    Fantastic goat, but where's the smile? You look annoyed!
  3. Coues Sniper

    Giant elk taken on depradation hunt

    Daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaamn. Nice job Colton. Heck of a bull there.
  4. Coues Sniper

    140-130 inch buck

    My guess is around 12" and my guess on score is around 127-130" gross. If the "unofficial" green score has already been posted then I'm sorry and I'll shut up. That's just my guess is all. WHAT A BRUTE!!!!!! That thing is the screen saver on my phone, I LOVE IT! It's a perfect deer for sure Josh. The numbers I heard was 140 and change gross, 133 net. And I think it's less than 12"! I have a thing for narrow bucks, couldn't imagine a better looking Coues.
  5. Coues Sniper

    140-130 inch buck

    Anyone know the inside spread on this deer? Would really like to know!
  6. Coues Sniper

    140-130 inch buck

    I've seen at least two confirmed hydrids on here since I have been a member of this forum. I don't think I've seen another 140" typical. Archery no less. With that kind of character to boot. I'd rather kill this deer than any hybrid. Twice. Not to mention the WR implications, if that matters to the hunter.
  7. Coues Sniper

    140-130 inch buck

    I think another thread should be started for the hybrid callout. It seems "cool" to throw the hybrid word out there whenever a really big deer gets posted and it, in my opinion, taints the accomplishment of the kill. He does have a uniquely colored face, but that is not typical Muley coloration either. Muleys do have the dark colored forehead, but generally have a much lighter colored nose bridge and muzzle. Heck, the deer in Youngbuck's avatar has a dark colored head and bridge, it's just much wider, and both are 100% Coues to me. At any rate, HUGE congrats to the hunter. That is an absolutely perfect Coues deer. I love them tall, heavy, narrow, and beamy and that buck has all those in spades. Just a great, great deer.
  8. Coues Sniper

    Grongs wife needs our prayers!!

    Very sad to hear this. Prayers sent. Any update on how she is doing?
  9. Coues Sniper

    This is AMAZING

    Got this in an email, and was completely blown away. This guy completely debones a deer in under 8 minutes. Can't imagine how many times this guy must have done this. I definitely learned a thing or two. Jeremy, are you this fast? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xijmge8_NJw
  10. Coues Sniper

    Isaac's first elk shed

    Very cool Josh. Thanks for sharing that. Priceless!
  11. Coues Sniper

    That was the BEST LA Laker game I have ever seen!!!

    Agreed. 100%. On ALL counts.
  12. Coues Sniper

    Interesting facts on New Mexico score contest

    I didn't participate in the contest, but I did have a number in my head of 137 and 7 so I was right there with the average. I'm in the "It's difficult to guess that high" boat as well. It's just so rare that a Coues scores above 150, or 140 for that matter, that it's hard to guess that high. I've had the immense privilege of standing over a 150"+ deer and even with him in my hands I guessed 136 and 6. When we added the score up and it went over 150, I assumed a mistake had been made and we threw those numbers out and scored him again. It wasn't until the second score was within a inch of the first that in sunk in. Deer like that are just extremely rare and very very special.
  13. Coues Sniper

    This is AMAZING

    Agreed. I've boned deer out before, but boy did it take longer than that guy! Agreed 100%. I couldn't help laughing myself!
  14. Coues Sniper

    Rooster Sauce

    LOL! I laugh everytime I hear that commercial with that old lady sayin' that! I was stuck on the Cholula, but the Tapatio ranks right up there with it and I might like it better. I'm a hot sauce NUT, I literally put it on everything! Probably the best sauce I've had is home made Chilitepin (sp?) sauce. Those little peppers grow wild on some of the ranches we hunt in Mexico and the flavor is amazing. They can be extremely hot, especially if you try one right off the bush while out hunting! I don't reccomend doing that! But it's easy to tame the sauce down with more tomatoes. My brother got the recipe from our mexican friends and has been making it regularly and it's addicting stuff! Care to share that recipe sir???
  15. Coues Sniper

    Lake Oviachi, Sonora, Mexico

    Beautiful fish, ugly fisherman
  16. Coues Sniper

    Huge AZ Elk Highlights!

    Amazing bulls for sure. Huge congrats. Any other views of that bull at the 3:30 mark? The Wiiiiiiiiide one? Looks like a flipping dinosaur.
  17. Coues Sniper

    The Droopy Horned Bull

    Neat bull. Heck of a frame on him. Just short on the 5's and a busted 4. Hard bull to judge, what did you guess him at?
  18. Coues Sniper

    Brothers seconed chances buck

    Beautiful buck. Spot and stalk just makes it that much sweeter. Congrats!
  19. Coues Sniper

    Coues Whitetail Lion Kill scores 144

    More pics???
  20. Coues Sniper

    129 and 131 Mexico bucks

    I don't think that is legal either. Maybe if it was fresh and would pass for a recently killed animal during the season then I can see that working but not on a bleached out rack. I've got a 144" pick-up down there that I'd LOVE to bring back but I haven't found a legal way to do it yet. JIM> I've seen this done before Jim. Bleached white, around 11 months old. No problems.
  21. Coues Sniper

    What's your guess?

    Gotta be in the teens. Sweet buck, that drop is so out of proportion - it's huge!
  22. Coues Sniper

    6 Weeks In Coues Heaven....

    Jim, congrats on an eventful season! That 125 is a stud of a deer, love the character. And that 3x5 Carp is a great buck too. And it seems your luck with the Coues continues. I have a feeling that when you break that streak of bad luck, you're going to do it in a HUGE way. It will be very well deserved, and I'm not sure I can think of a person who would appreciate it more. Always looking forward to more of your posts Jim, and congrats again.
  23. Coues Sniper

    129 and 131 Mexico bucks

    Yep, that'd do.
  24. Coues Sniper

    western hunting expo pics

    Doesn't surprise me. Theres a buck that will be the new worlds record typical if he grows as big as he was last year. Killing him would be a slam dunk.
  25. Coues Sniper

    western hunting expo pics

    I just can't wait to see what the Antelope Island deer tag goes for. Speculation has it at $300,000.