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Coues Sniper

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Everything posted by Coues Sniper

  1. Coues Sniper

    Three New Mexico rams *photos*

    Thanks for the scores. I was way low on the first ram. I don't have permission to post photos but you can do a Google Image search for "Chase Willis New Mexico bighorn" and get ready to blow your mind. Mind Officially Blown
  2. Coues Sniper

    Three New Mexico rams *photos*

    ^^^ This please. Also, any pics of the 192 and 186??
  3. Coues Sniper

    Son's Coues hunt

    Very cool. I remember a few pack trips I did with my old man. Started those when I was 9. Some great father/son time. Looks like you had a LOAD on the way out. Congrats to your son on a great buck.
  4. Great buck. I like his look, the score is just gravy. And sorry to be "that guy", but this part of your post made me cringe -
  5. Coues Sniper

    Groceries Naturally

    Good on you GP. Very satifying gathering food for the table with your own hands.
  6. Coues Sniper

    Ideas on a quad...

    Side by sides are expensive. They do all workhorse of SxS is the Polaris Ranger. Several different models and engine sizes to choose from. Early next year is a great time to buy as there are usually lots of people trying to unload them. Maybe bought one for a big tag, and don't need it anymore, etc. I'm not a big fan of the RZR. As Devin said, they bottom out VERY easily if kept stock, and there's not much room. If you don't have kids, or go solo often, or friends all have rigs, I actually prefer a quad. They're more nimble and quicker, get in/out of more stuff, lighter, cheaper, burn less gas, etc. It IS nice to have that bed to just toss your pack in and have a cooler with some cold drinks, but the bed is a dust trap and quads are just easier sometimes. Just about any of the manufacturer's make a nice quad but I have had good luck with Honda's and Yamahas. Hondas usually are a year or two behind the other brands with new bells and whistles, but they generally have the bugs worked out when they put them out. I'd keep an eye out for a used 500-600 quad and see what you can find. Many people think they need the biggest thing out there, like 700 - 900, but I think they are just overkill above 600 or so. Post on here if you thinkyou found a nice deal and people will give their opinions. Good luck with your search.
  7. Coues Sniper

    Nice Lake Pleasant winter Catfish

    Nice fish, but lose the sleeves. Amanda likes it better that way.
  8. Coues Sniper

    new mexico buck

    Agreed. Would like to see a close up. Congrats.
  9. Coues Sniper

    Big One

    Yep - Sinusitus. Can eventually be fatal.
  10. Coues Sniper

    early archery video

    ^^^ This. Great job on the video - really enjoyed it.
  11. I've never used the word slob to describe something so beautiful - but that is a SLOB of a ram. Dear goodness what an amazing sheep. He looked giant in the other pictures, but 186??? Unreal. Truly a world class animal. Huge congratulations to all involved.
  12. Coues Sniper

    Any new requirements?

    When they changed it 2 years ago - it was WHILE we were hunting. When we went down they wanted frozen, when we came back they said frozen then thawed. They took pity on us after about an hour of pleading.
  13. Sweet mmmmmmercy, that's a gorgeous sheep. Wow, well done to all involved. Sounds like a memorable hunt with good people
  14. Coues Sniper

    Trail CAM Pics: 24B Bucks

    Hope they're still together in 10 days, or visible if not. Good luck. Still like that 3x4.
  15. Coues Sniper

    Found one

    Priceless . Thanks for sharing.
  16. Coues Sniper

    Off To Hunt A Ram

    Yeah, golf schmolf. That's a friggin SHEEP TAG.
  17. Coues Sniper

    Richards 2012 Arizona Strip Hunt

    Different deer, but uncanny resemblance...
  18. Coues Sniper

    Anybody hunt Coues recently in Chihuahua?

    I have never felt threatened while down in Mexico and have been going for 10+ years. To be honest, I would love to go back to the Chihuahua ranch we hunted as we did very well. But the people I hunt with (mainly my father) don't feel comfortable going to Chihuahua, and it's all due to the reported violence. We had a great hunt on the ranch, and never had any type of issue where we didn't feel safe. He had a interesting situation one year on a ranch the was RIGHT ON the border (in Sonora) and therefore had a lot of drug/illegals activity. But I've never personally had an issue - knock on wood.
  19. Coues Sniper

    Anybody hunt Coues recently in Chihuahua?

    As this is the area that most of the violence in Mexico is occuring, they're just isnt as many people going. I hunted a ranch down there about 5 or 6 years ago, and we had a great hunt, but due to the violence and long drive required (at least some of the drive to this ranch would have to be in the dark) we haven't gone back. The outfitter has called us several times trying to get us to come back as he is having trouble finding hunters. Also, Mexico as a whole has had a few down years lately. Big summer time droughts have really put a hurt on the deer, especially flats ranches near Hermosillo which had significant die off in some areas where ranchers just moved cattle instead of trucking in water. With reportedly good rains this summer, I'm hoping for a good year down there.
  20. Beautiful buck, and GIANT body.
  21. Coues Sniper

    how big is this buck?

    Big enough that I'm wondering if it's a serious question . Gotta be high teens as he is, and if the date is correct I'd wager he ended up 120+. Love those brows too.
  22. Coues Sniper

    How Rare Is This!!! Never dreamed I'd get one!

    That's flippin awesome Jim! I actually have seen a couple white javi's - we hunted Coues near Arivaipa canyon a hunrded years ago when I was a kid, and I think there was a albino genetic in there. We saw one or two 3 years in a row on the south face of Black Butte. Few were just pale, but a couple were really white like that one. A buddy of mine said a ranch in MX had one, but the rancher wanted 2k for it! He even re-wrote the hunting contract to include a "trophy fee of $2,000 for any white javelina" Can't wait to see yours fully mounted.
  23. Coues Sniper

    Inconsistency in bullet Projectiles

    My guess is it's your tips causing the dispersion you are experiencing at longer distances. My 300 RUM has a bad habit of deforming ballistic tips in the magazine from recoil. Just for grins I've shot the damaged rounds at paper and rocks etc. I've found that at 100 yards they were still right on with the undamaged tips. But the further out I went, the more they were spraying all over and the group size grew exponentially with distance. Good info if you are not doing this already.