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Coues Sniper

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About Coues Sniper

  • Rank
    Premier Member
  • Birthday 06/29/1976

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    New Jersey :(

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  1. Coues Sniper

    Quartering towards....rifle

    I think your black dot is a tad too far forward and high. I think ideal spot is about 3" below your pink dot. Having said that, I too believe the cat is dead, and like Casey said, I bet you walked right past him and didn't know it. Also, FWIW, I killed a lion at a similar angle a few years ago. 210 Berger out of a 300 RUM at 120 yards. Impact was just inside his onside leg, and into chest. Bullet lodged into hide just forward of offside hip (didn't hit bone). Cat jumped at impact and bolted until out of sight. I was floored when I found him about 80 yards from where he was hit. When I did the hero photo holding him up, it was like holding up a water balloon - vitals were mush and liquid. They can go a fair ways dead on their feet.
  2. Coues Sniper

    Looking for recommendations on a builder

    Anything is possible, it just takes $$$ . I recommend Western Precision to anyone who will listen to me. I've never had a rig shoot as well as the 300 Norma they built for me. Great guys as well.
  3. Coues Sniper

    Back to back records

    Oh wow. That thing is awesome.
  4. Coues Sniper

    2017 rifle coues biggest buck to date

    So what did your buck score?
  5. Coues Sniper

    2017 rifle coues biggest buck to date

    Nice buck. Geat mass. High teens? Congrats on you and your lady's success
  6. Coues Sniper

    Buck down. Story. Plus something weird

    Dawn of The Walking Dead... Crazy buck Bridger. I had a friend kill a similar sized deer in MX, he thought the buck was in the high teens, but probably didn't break 80", and couldn't have weighed 60 lbs. Just a miniature version of a monster buck. I was proud of him for being able to hit the dam thing. I don't think he kept the liver, and he gave the meat to the cowboys on the ranch, so can't speak to that.
  7. Coues Sniper


    your FirstCouesWas80
  8. Coues Sniper

    One of the best birthday weekend with the Shorties

    Now THAT's awesome. Well done Dad.
  9. Coues Sniper

    Buck of a lifetime!!

    Are there anymore pictures? Would love to see a pic of that buck just skull and antlers.
  10. Coues Sniper

    Do antlers dry out and shrink as the year goes on?

    I agree with this. Although I have held tangible proof in my hands that the antlers themselves do in fact shrink. The shrinkage occurs mostly at the mass measurements from what I have seen. I do think that once the velvet is peeled, the antlers shrink continuously, they're literally text book bones and when a bone becomes exposed to the elements it shrinks and cracks over time. But isn't the bone exposed as soon as velvet is stripped? I do agree that the skull cap shrinks, but there is shrinking of actual bone happening as well.
  11. Coues Sniper

    Do antlers dry out and shrink as the year goes on?

    So there are veins/blood flow in the antlers, even after the velvet is stripped? The blood flow slows dramatically and gradually declines to zero internally, when the antlers harden. When they are dropped, the pedicels (the points on the head from which they grow) still has blood and they look and act like flesh wounds, scabbing over and then being replaced by regrowth of the skin until the next antler cycle begins. Gotcha. So if there's no flow, what keeps the antlers "moist" when they are still attached? i.e., why wouldn't they dry out on the animal (back to trphyhntr's initial question)?
  12. Coues Sniper

    Do antlers dry out and shrink as the year goes on?

    So there are veins/blood flow in the antlers, even after the velvet is stripped?
  13. Coues Sniper

    Garret's bear

    Nice job Garrett, but your old man is right - hook him up.
  14. Coues Sniper


    Looks like it was a tough recovery? Awesome buck, Utah is on fire this year.
  15. Coues Sniper

    Got the Muley Buck I was After!

    Wow, that's awesome, good for you Marvin. I'd hire a guide for that hunt as well, no question.