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Everything posted by Jimhm

  1. Boy, those pictures bring back some horrible memories. I was on medication for a month to get rid of that problem.
  2. Jimhm

    October in the 36's

    Christian, thanks to you and your Dad for putting that on. The chili was excellent and the home made salsa was fantastic and the company was fantastic as well. thank you both for your hospitality. Jim P.S. Congratulations also, I tried to text you back but I don't think it worked
  3. Jimhm

    6 A junior camp at Mormon Lake

    Troy, a big congrats to the young man that had the cow tag first of all and I am surprised at the way that your friend felt about the way he was treated. I had been involved in many of those camps and had also been responsible for putting a number of them together and at any of those camps the kids were welcomed whether they had a tag or not. We never turned a youngster or their family away. I know the people that put that camp together and if you or your friend would like their E-mail addresses to let them know what you think and maybe get a response, shoot me a pm. Jim
  4. Jimhm

    The "Ocho Grande" Bull

    Congratulations David, you did good man and deserved it. Ocho is awesome. I talked to Matt this evening and he again mentioned that he couldn't believe that you would pass up the other bull but was proud of you and happy for you that you did. I also wanted to tell you that I appreciated you and your Dad keeping an eye out for Matt while he works on that other project he has going. I do think he will probably come home on Monday. Big congrats again and thanks. Jim
  5. Jimhm

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    Thanks Simon, that is awesome that you had your Daughter with you and I have a lot of memories of the same sort of action with my kids and when I got to the part where the bull was 10 yards and bugling back at you, the hair on the back of my neck stood up. That is great and thanks for sharing. Jim
  6. Jimhm

    The 'Too Quick To Tell' Bull

    A wonderful bull and it sounds like some great memories were made. Love that first pic. It just doesn't get any better than that. Congratulations Jim
  7. Jimhm

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    Hey TJ, yeah i am probably a little. Family is the foundation and you need a good foundation to build on. IMO We definitely aren't the sharpest crayons in the box and money seems to wind us and run the other way but if you show respect to people, wildlife, habitat, and give back what you can to that what you get so much pleasure and enjoyment from. I think are good bulding blocks. Redbeard, I understand what you mean. There is only one way to do things and that is the right way because if you don't, it doesn't mean squat and eventually it will come back and bite you in the a$$. There is nothing to be proud of if you don't do it the right way and there is no sense in doing something if you can't be proud of it. Jim
  8. Jimhm

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    I am sorry for interupting but I recieved some bad news from Jimbo this morning and I know he would like for me to pass it along to you and if he does'nt , Oh Well. "Ocho Grande" or as his family and friends know him just as Ocho, passed away this morning with dignity and a lot of respect. Jim said he will probably be home tommorrow night. Jim
  9. Jimhm

    The "Wrongway" Bull

    Jimbo and his brother are back out in the woods but I know Jim appreciates you posts. I just wanted to mention that the pic that Jim posted with everyone in it had the other team that was hunting a different Bull a mile or more away and that we don't have that many guys with 1 hunter. This trip was the hunter,a guide and a camera man in a team. I also wanted to say that I agree with redbeard. It is a good feeling to be by myself when hunting an animal. You get to use your own gut feelings on where to and how to hunt the animal that you are after. I also love to have 1 of the boys or my daughter out there with me. Sitting on a ridge over looking beautiful country is good quality one on one family time I think. The other good thing about having one of the boy's with me is that they, for some reason, seem to think that they have to pack out the animal for me. It is either they think I am to old or they are paying me back for all the animals that I packed out for them when they were young. Either way it works. It is getting harder to get drawn for the decent tags and when someone does, a lot of them have friends and family going with them to help out on the hunt and to expierience the hunt which is great. Every truck that stopped in our camp had at least 3 people in it and only one person with a tag. I have noticed that a lot of the pics that are posted, but not all of them, have the hunter and 1 or 2 or 3 other people in the pic also. If the other people in the pic's are non hunters, then they got to enjoy the expierience and the joy of the hunt just as the hunter did. I think that is fantastic and to see a hunter get so excited on a hunt, whether they tag out or not, is as good as if I had the tag myself. One of the benefits of the extra people is when the the animal is down and if it is as warm as it has been it makes getting the animal out of the field and taken cared for a lot quicker and easier. Well I've done rambled on so maybe I am getting old. Thanks Jim
  10. Jimhm

    Jakob's 1st Gray Fox!

    Bret, that picture reminds me of a few boys that were not too much older than Jakob is now. Boy time flies doesn't it. Great pic and congrats to Jakob. Jim
  11. Jimhm

    Camp Mullins

    Thanks for the picture, I think that is Grandpa Emmet that you are referring to. That was a few years before he decided to become Grandma Emma though. It sure got confusing at first on how to address him or her or whatever. Good pic though, thanks Jim
  12. Jimhm

    Another big bull? Record?

    That is wrong way. I just talked to Jim and they just now left camp and are headed home. He will probably post something tonight. Jim
  13. Jimhm

    Arizona record bull

    That is an awsome bull and a big congrats to the hunter. I just returned from camp where Jim (Coosefan), his brother Matt and Shortpants are and I was wanting to give you guy's an update on thier hunt. Matt has been scouting all summer long and had some great bulls figured out but 2 day's before season a Bull that he has been after for 3 or 4 years showed up for the first time this year and he and his hunter have gotten close but with 18 to 20 cows it's hard but they are still trying. Another bull that they had seen in August a few times but haven't seen at all in September showed up 1 1/2 day's before the season and Jim decided he and his hunter would go for him. Well when Jim gets back he will tell you guys about it but he did a fantastic job yesterday of getting his hunter in close enough and even with 20 plus cows the hunter was able to arrow the bull. It was just before dark and you know how good Jim's pictures usually are but they take a long time for him to get everything just the way he wants them and it was 11:30 last night before he got back to camp. After we got it hung up, Jim and Shortpants scored the bull and I know it doesn't count for anything but they scored it at 412. The hunter is from Tucson and he is taking it to his taxi there. The Bull had been named Wrong Way in August by Matt and his friend but now it is the Roach bull for the hunter. Mr. Roach was great to have in camp and a good hunter to boot. Jim
  14. Jimhm

    Archery Elk

    Christian, good luck on your hunt. I will stop in and see you and Gary. I know you will do well and have a wonderful time. Jim
  15. Jimbo is excited about his job as moderator and I know he will do good as long as he stays on his medication and thank goodness for the electro shock therapy, it has done miracles for him. Congrats Jimbo. Jim
  16. Keith, if you run for president, you got my vote and thanks for getting involved with the ADA. Jim
  17. I have to disagree with you Tony on this one and agree with KGaines. The money that is raised from the auction tags by the ''self-interest alphabet groups'' belongs to the Department but that money is to be used for habitat improvement. The groups at least have a voice in what projects that money goes to and how much money. Each self-interest alphabet group usually turns their dollar into at least 3 dollars by partnering with state or federal agencies or another self-interest alphabet groups money for various projects. I am reluctant to just give the government money and hope that it is used wisely. At least if sportsman are involved it will be easier to keep track of and accountability of the money. Jim
  18. Jimhm

    Auction Elk Tag filled ???

    I agree with TLH, we just need to wait and see what the outcome is. I have respect for the guides and what they can do and I personally don't think they would intentionally have done anything illegal. For me it just gets too sticky when you hunt around private property. I hope it works out and the hunter gets his bull. Jim
  19. Jimhm

    happy Bday pops!

    Thanks guy's, any day on this side of grass is a good day. Jim
  20. Jimhm

    July 2007 Guess the Score Contest

    I'm thinking 120 3/8
  21. Jimhm

    BAss pro shops opening.

    For me price and quality are big concerns also but one of the other things that I consider is the dealer. Sportsmans Wharehouse has been a huge contributor to most if not all of the wildlife organizations here in Arizona. Cabella's is doing a lot and I am sure that Bass Pro will to. So for me if the price is not to out a whack, I try to divide my purchases amongst the store's that give back to the hunting community Jim
  22. What do you mean " really messed with him". I bet that wasn't a telephoto lens you were using. Jimbo, Jimbo, Jimbo.
  23. I aint laughing, not much, well maybe a little more. Jim
  24. Jimhm

    Spotted a member today

    Gino, it was great to meet you guy's as well. I definitely have been feeling the same about my luck lately but its got to change sometime and maybe at the next donation party (aka, a banquet) it will. David, that picture is great but looking at it closer, I think shorty is close by or was there before because it looks like he left a couple of his signature calling cards in the background. Jim
  25. Man those are some big pigs. Pretty good Javalina as well. Jim