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Everything posted by Bpursell

  1. Bpursell

    Quality 30-30 ammo for cheap

    Can't meet Saturday.... So up for someone else.
  2. Bpursell

    Quality 30-30 ammo for cheap

    I can meet Saturday and will take them for $50. If you are free Saturday
  3. I know nothing about reloading, but the cost of 10g buckshot is making me look into it. Anyone reload 10g?
  4. Bpursell

    WTB vortex rangefinder

    As title says, I'm looking for a vortex rangefinder. My boys lost mine on an elk hunt last year (19a), so need one for the wife's elk hunt this year (I never get a tag). I found them online for $279 new. I was hoping to pick one up in good shape used for a good price. If anyone has one the want to move please let me know.
  5. Bpursell

    WTB vortex rangefinder

    Sorry, hit to many buttons to fast. Not a bad price at all. Thanks.
  6. Bpursell


    Pm sent
  7. Bpursell

    Looking for Hydro Dipping

    I'm still picking through the links. I have a guy in TX, but not easy getting guns there and back, so looking local. Tron very interested in speaking with you.
  8. Bpursell

    Looking for Hydro Dipping

    Does anyone here hydro dip or knows someone who does? Looking to dip an AK and mags.
  9. Bpursell

    Looking for Hydro Dipping

    Thank you, but I didn't see anything about hydro on there. Maybe I missed it.
  10. Bpursell

    WTB in reach satellite communicator

    Don't blame her. I initially picked it up for my sailboat, use it for hunting now too. Just wanted to drop the idea on you.
  11. Bpursell

    WTB in reach satellite communicator

    Think so, supposedly it flashes red. Thankfully I have never had to use it. I have only sent check in messages, which flashes green. I have it set up to send tracking info every 30 mins, so my people can track me on the website as well.
  12. Bpursell

    WTB in reach satellite communicator

    Not in the same class, but I use a spot gen 3. Watch and you can find them on sale for $75 (plus yearly subscription). Not 2 way, but allows you to check in and send for help and emergency help.
  13. Bpursell

    Vortex diamondback 3-9x40 w/ rings 100$

    I should check this more than at night. Good scope and price. Someone got a good deal.
  14. Bpursell

    Vortex diamondback 3-9x40 w/ rings 100$

    If pass doesn't take it. I'm interested
  15. Bpursell

    I'm looking for a plumber

    I'm also seeking a plumber to run drain / waste water pipes. New construction. My concrete guy is on hold right now. I'm in Dewey AZ if anyone works in the area. Had the guy that leveled the pad dig the trenches.
  16. Canyon here as well. But I think OP is looking to buy so really just a bump
  17. Bpursell

    Step Daughter selling paracord items

    He put a section of webbing in for adjustment. It will be late July before I'm ready for more (vacation). Just trying to give her ideas. Endless possibilities with color etc....
  18. Bpursell

    Step Daughter selling paracord items

    My younger brother used to do these, until I talked him into doing a sling one time. Then he quit. I love the thing. Can she make slings? Very cool either way, just thought slings might do better.
  19. Bpursell

    mossberg trek .243

    PM sent
  20. Bpursell

    mossberg trek .243

    I'm interested, where are you located?
  21. Bpursell

    Never sit on your behind when calling lion!

    Thanks for reopening the repressed memory of that. But, for real, at that moment I really thought I was done for, looking back I laugh myself.
  22. Bpursell

    WTB Small Revolver

    In what caliber? If brown doesn't want it i might be interested
  23. Bpursell

    WTB Small Revolver
