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Everything posted by Bpursell

  1. Bpursell

    Horse Items

    I will check the saddle tomorrow and update. The trailer sold today to a rescue in the valley. Still have the saddle, stand, and feeders. I try to support the local rescue as much as possible. I did not know about the one in New River.
  2. Bpursell

    WTB kids saddle

    PM sent
  3. Bpursell

    Remington 30-06 premiere scirocco 180gr

    got a price in mind? For both boxes?
  4. Bpursell

    Job Opening

    I have a firm in Prescott Valley and have a lot of clients who might be suitable Could you provide more detail regarding the nature of sales (product etc..)?
  5. Bpursell

    Antique Dresser

    Where are you located?
  6. Bpursell

    WTB 10 ga reloading kit

    I am not a reloader, I normally just shoot factory rounds to hunt with and just have never had a need too. Yet, I have found myself having trouble finding heavy loads (buckshot 00) for my 10 gauge. So thought this might be a good time to learn. So, I was hoping for two things a) a 10 ga (capable of 12ga a bouns) loading kit/setup and any advice that is helpful in learning a new skill.
  7. Bpursell

    WTB 10 ga reloading kit

    It really is not a cost issue. (Not that I have money to waste). But, I have been in all the local shops and only a few have 10 ga shells and most of those only carry steel shot. I just thought this might be the time to look into reloading. I have a few different 12 ga (over/under, pumps, single shots etc...). I just prefer the 10ga. Maybe I will just order the 10ga buckshot online and start the reloading with something else. Mark if you want to go on for hours I would be more that happy to learn from an experienced loader. Thank you both for the input. Still interested in used equipment.
  8. Thanks for the heads up.
  9. Bpursell

    Shout out to Hoghtr on site

    While still new to the site, I have found everyone helpful and trust worthy on this site. I have conduct three or four transactions without fear and have found not only Mike, but others to be stand up guys.
  10. Bpursell

    Best time to start

    Not that I'm an expert (far from it), but I agree with the above. Sound advice.
  11. Mildly interested in the sword. I have a suit of edo armor in my office that I have been looking for a sword to match. However, edo swords are very hard to find. Ever pull the handle off and check the maker? Is there writing on the blade?
  12. Bpursell

    WTB starter 223 near Kingman

    I like the Ruger Am. Have a 308 and a 22-250 and like them. I just got the 5.56 Ranch (16in Barrel and sand stock- not the m-14), haven't shot it yet.
  13. Bpursell

    Christmas gift

    Sherman. This is awesome of you. I got my little girl a .22 for x-mass (her first gun), but picked up about 500 rounds at the same time. So I'm good, but wanted to give you a thumbs up.
  14. Bpursell

    I Need A Quad Ramp

    If that doesn't work out, Cal Ranch has a set on sale now for $75
  15. Bpursell

    WTB Bivy

    http://www.rei.com/search?query=bivy+sacks I got mine from REI. Looks like they have them from $100 to $300.
  16. Bpursell

    WTB Bivy

    I call them a bear burritos. But, I got rid of mine when I stopped climbing There's a cot tent on Prescott Craigslist for 170$.
  17. Bpursell

    WTS Padded Seat/Quad Gear Bag

  18. Bpursell


    I also have a wildfire, so if hunterb17 doesn't pick it up and it works with the wildfire PM me.
  19. I appears that CMC is the place.
  20. Bpursell

    WTB Live Coyote trap

    I am looking for a live coyote trap. A cage type trap. I live in the Prescott area.
  21. Bpursell

    WTB Live Coyote trap

    Not in city limits. I picked up a crossbow, need to get a target now and practice a bit. But, completely agree with you
  22. Bpursell

    6 male 1 female redtick/bluetick cross

    Met Jed today, he's a cool guy. Seems to care about his dogs. Wish I had more time to talk but was pushed for time. The pup is awesome. Got the one with the batwing on his back ( top of pic) in the second pic.
  23. Bpursell

    WTB Live Coyote trap

    Well that didn't go as planned. Thanks for the info. Can't think of the attractants. The only dogs are inside dogs ( for now at least, picked up one of the blue ticks from Jed). Do have a small chicken coop with a few birds. But, the coyotes didn't start coming around until I sold my horses.