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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants

    270 WSM

    Your right R.R. the conquest is brighter and slightly better eye relief, however, because their both so good it just comes down to what you really like. If I were a rich man I'd have both! I went with the leupold for your second reason(turrets). I got my scope through premere reticles.com. They specialize in only leupold scopes. Their website is worth checking out. You can choose from several different reticle options and their reticles are etched on the inside of the lens (glass) as opposed to wire crosshairs. One more suggestion M77, with the 4.5-14 scope you don't have to crank it to 14, but at least you have the option.
  2. shortpants

    Rebuild Water Catchments in Unit 9

    Hey Jim, great to have you on the site! I just sent you some money, what else do you want from me? Just kidden, can't wait to see you in elk camp! Jason
  3. shortpants

    Strip Super Raffle Buck

    Like I said before, I agree with Noel that we don't have to agree with everything azgfd does but I do think overall their doing a pretty good job. heck, for the most part I think they do an outstanding job. That being said I do have one thing that just gets under my skin while we're on the subject. How is it legal, or even moral for them to force hunt applicants to buy a license even if not drawn? For all of you who did'nt get drawn for anything but are now the proud owner of a hunting license your not going to use, how does this make you feel? I have a good friend who lives out of state who can't afford to give azgfd $100+ (can't remember exact figure) for nothing in return every year until he draws a bull elk tag in this state! I know this does'nt really bother most of you but you have to admit, from their point of view that's highway robbery! Just my 0.2c.
  4. shortpants

    Good luck gentlemen!!

    Funny you should mention scrapbooking, that is her only hobby as far as I know. But then again, how would I know? I'm either at work,gone huntin', or on here talkin' to you guys.
  5. I believe that's Lake WishIwasthere!
  6. shortpants

    270 WSM

    What about that new leupold with the mil dot reticle? I forget what the name of it is. I'm going to try fusion bullets this year. Horniday makes a bullet known as the S.S.T. It is offered in a light-magnum which is cool. That just means they use a hotter primer. You can get a little better ballistics with those but again it's what your gun likes. If you narrow it down to a couple of different bullets and you like the ballistics better of one but the other shoots a little better, try a different grain and see if it helps. As far as the name SHORTPANTS, I am legally considered a dwarf and I usually don't wear any pants. Usually nobody says anything because I'm a minority and I can do whatever I want!
  7. shortpants

    IPI Bino Manager

    That's good news. Thanks for the info. Now I just have to spend more money . Oh well.
  8. shortpants

    Strip Super Raffle Buck

    I agree with you there Noel. By your assumptions it sounded like you felt azgfd was not spending the money from these hunts on the animals that we all love and support. I ask you, if this is true how would getting rid of these hunts and raising the tag fees solve this problem? If their going to pocket money why would they care where it came from or how it was raised?
  9. shortpants

    Strip Super Raffle Buck

    Not trying to ruffle any feathers here, just curious? All you guys who disagree with auction/raffle tags, why do you continue giving your money to an organization who you feel is not spending that money wisely? If your truly in it for the wildlife in this state why don't you spend your money on an organization that you do believe is dedicated to your cause? Please know I mean this with all respect, but I do enjoy a good debate!
  10. shortpants

    270 WSM

    Scopes are a very personal choice. Spend the time shopping around and look through as many as you can. This may sound funny to most of you but I think you should spend more money on your scope than you do on your rifle. I chose Leopuld. I have always had good luck with federal premium bullets but it depends on what your rifle likes. Try a few brands out and go with what shoots the best. Also visit the forum about breaking in a new rifle in the rifle hunting section on this site. Good info on there.
  11. shortpants

    Bowhunting Near Payson

    Once again, well said Treestandman. I wish I could be 16 again just coming into the sport. These are the best times of your life. Every time you step into the woods you'll learn new things and every time you get back to your truck you'll be a better hunter than you were before. There's only one secret to hunting and that is time. Putting in the time and learning from both your success and your mistakes. I always seem to learn more when I fail than I do when I succeed. That's why it's ok to fail. While I don't know the exact whereabouts of any bucks up that way I can tell you to concentrate on areas with lots of those scrub oaks and broad leaf trees. I don't know if that's their official name or not. Maybe somebody who knows what I'm trying to say can clarify.
  12. I'm buying a new Browning 300wsm. I'm just curious to how you guys break in your new rifles? Final Finish?
  13. Hey Stanley, great looking dogs,and great looking family. Good luck with that puppy stage
  14. shortpants


    Love your humor Lark, and Bill I could'nt have said it any better. Fact is most people have no business shooting past 200yds. The best way to find out your capabilities is to do exactly what you used to do Bill, shoot silouets. I just cut deer silouets out of wood and with a black marker draw the back side of the front shoulder and leg on the wood. I make no other markings and put no targets on the wood. This makes you have to practice picking a spot on the target just like on real game. I put the target out at random distances and using my rangefinder I figure out how to hit the ''spot'' with one shot! My scope allows me to dial in the yardage using the target knobs or aiming with one of the mil-dots on the verticle post. As far as wind goes if it's more than a 10mi./hour cross wind I won't shoot past 300yds. The last buck I kiled was at 362yds. with about a 5mi./hour crosswind. I hit him just below his heart shattering his brisket. The reason I missed his heart is because I was using 350yds. as my reference. Sounds close enough right? That's what I thought till he jumped up and ran when I was just 15yds. from putting my hands on him. After a couple of follow up shots and a permanant scar on my thumb from working the bolt so fast I cut it on the scope ring I put him down. When I got home I ran the ballistics of a 362yd. shot through a program on my computer and found out there is 2 1/2 inches of drop from 350 to 362. Does'nt sound like much but it would have made a big difference that day. Lesson learned!
  15. shortpants

    RHINO'S 4 SALE!!!

    I don't work at a dealership but know someone who does. These are the bigger of the 2 options (660), camo's are basic (no digital dash), blue's are limited edition with digital dash. You can also order the explorer addition which comes with toneuo cover, roof, mud flares, and half windshield for $11,300. You can order the digital dash kit off e-bay for about $180. One thing I like about the camo's compared to the blue or green one's is scratches do not show on the camo's. I used mine all last season and when I got home from the last hunt I wiped it down with armor-all and it looked brand new! Let me know if you're interested.
  16. shortpants

    What would you do?

    Well Ernesto, it was in season and had plenty of time to shoot, however, I was just the guide & cameraman here so what do I know? This video sequence is actually quite funny because I was sitting right next to the client wispering "Ican't believe your not shooting that bull!" That bull was actually one of the smallest bulls that came in to us that evening but circumstances out of our control would send us back to camp with clean hands. This bull came in maybe 2 minutes before that suset bull.
  17. Here's a couple pics taken from video footage of last years archery hunt. I was filming looking through the hunters bow (notice the cam and string). Can't wait for Sept.!
  18. By the way, that's a test photo from my new Wally World trailcam.
  19. Let's see if I've learned anything here? I'll be damned!!! BASS you actually taught me something! You have no idea what you've accomplished. Look out C.W., I know how to post pictures now!!!
  20. shortpants

    Camo COlors???

    "I will be stocking up on some of the Kings camo, the new stuff looks awesome." We'll be twins. How cute. I'm with you Jim, I can't afford to have a camo pattern for every different type of terrain in this state. I think the Kings Desert and the new Mountain Shadow will be great for elk and couse hunts.
  21. shortpants


    Just brought the new canon home! Hey Bill I could'nt agree with you more on a 300yd. hunting rifle. However, what I failed to tell you guys is the intended use of this rifle. It will be my primary coues rifle (which is all I've ever hunted with a rifle) ,however, I love to practice long range shooting. When I'm on my game I can confidently shoot a coues at 500yds. This is only achieved however when I'm consistently practicing. When I practice I do so out to 800yds. and even as far as 1000yds. when I'm really having fun. I feel like you should practice beyond distances you intend on shooting at game. This is a great confidence builder and truly shows you what your capabilitys are. I only practice from a bench when sighting in or checking zero's. I could go on but I feel like I'm boring you guys.
  22. shortpants

    Good luck gentlemen!!

    hey DEERSLAM & DODGER2, let's get our wives in a book club or something so we can go play!
  23. shortpants


    Oh her? She's just my guide, camp cook, huntin buddy, spotter, packer, wrangler, everything, she's alright to hang out with Does she have a sister?
  24. shortpants

    RHINO'S 4 SALE!!!

    Do you finance?? Yes, the financing is handled through Yamaha. There offers change from time to time but it's usually 3mo. 0%, I've seen 6mo. but not for a while.