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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants

    az guide license

    Yea! What he said!
  2. shortpants

    First Coues for George!

    Way to go boys!!! Sorry I couldn't be there for this one Jimbo but the family duties called. I'm proud of all of ya! WACK 'EM AND STACK 'EM! I LOVE IT!
  3. shortpants

    Buck taken in 35B!!!

    Great buck! Thanks for finally sharing it with us.
  4. shortpants

    I,m so exited!

    I'm guiding a hunt the week after christmas. Thanks for the best wishes everyone. I can't wait to go bowhunting, and I can't wait to have this kid either!
  5. shortpants

    I,m so exited!

    Got the bow out today and set up my new pop-up blind. I was shooting 3 1/8'' groups at 50 yds. and 4 1/4'' groups at 60 yds. with broadheads! Not too shabby if I do say so myself. I'm going to kill a buck in Jan. I have not killed a buck in 3 years because of how picky I am but enough is enough! I'm lowering the bar to any 3pt. or even a decent 2pt. It's time for me to end this streak. My wife and I are expecting our first baby at the end of Jan. so I know my life is about to change. I don't know how much hunting I'll be able to do next year so Im just going to get the deer out of the way and use my time next season to kill that big bull or antelope! Good luck to all of you!
  6. shortpants

    One for the Record Books

    Best of luck to ya Ernest!
  7. shortpants

    Here ya go (pic's)

    Guiding is always more fun when you have success like that. Congratulations on a few jobs well done.
  8. shortpants

    2006 Coues deer

    Awesome buck! Killing your biggest buck ever is an incredible feeling, thanks for sharing it with us.
  9. shortpants

    A great hunt.

    What a journey! Thanks for sharing.
  10. shortpants

    Coues deer demension

    Hey Jim good info. Just to add to it I've always used the white (inner) part of the ear as a reference and came up with 6'' as an average. Usually the white part of the ear is more visable than any other reference.
  11. shortpants

    What does he score?

    77 6/8''. 3 1/2 years old. Healthy looking, should be a nice buck next year.
  12. shortpants

    Coues deer demension

    I've measured a few bucks and came up with 13'' as an average but you might see some up around 15'' or even 16''.
  13. Just wanted to say happy turkey day to you all. I'm headed up to unit 9 along with the rest of the Mullins team for some tough bull elk hunting. I'm thankful for my family, my health, for the chance to be going hunting again, and for all you crazy CWT. members!
  14. shortpants

    Arizona hunt cost

    I can be there next week.
  15. shortpants

    Arizona hunt cost

    Good luck on all those hunts and affording them too.
  16. shortpants

    Arizona hunt cost

    The trick is work a spa/shopping day in there. It's worth the price if you get to hunt more.
  17. shortpants

    Arizona hunt cost

    Sorry if I came off a little cocky I just didn't know the numbers off the top of my head but knew I could find out on azgfd.com.
  18. shortpants

    Got a tag, but no license

    Do you have proof of purchase?
  19. shortpants

    hunting essay help

    When people ask me why I hunt I respond by saying " I hunt so that I can see and experience the things I see." There is a lot more to it than that but that's an easy answer. I was just wondering to myself the other day what do people without passion in their lives do? What is their purpose? Do they wonder what is missing in their lives? Not that I think my life is somehow more important than anyone elses I just don't know what I would do without the passion for hunting that I have. That passion drives me not just in hunting but in everything I do. My world revolves around hunting. I don't know how to answer your question because I don't know how to put into words the madjestic experiences I've had the privlege of having. I feel that any sport or hobby or just life lived without passion is lacking. Hunting has taught me this. I have friends and then I have my hunting buddys. You can't get any closer to people than when you go out and rely on eachother to survive. Hunting has showed me what true friendship is, what hard work is, what family means to me, and what a wonderful world we have waiting for us just outside the city lights. Sorry for rambling on, just my 2 cents.
  20. shortpants

    Scouting does PAY....

    What a rewarding adventure! I'm truly proud of you, and truly jealous. That is a once in a lifetime experience and I hope I get to experience it someday.
  21. shortpants

    Scouting does PAY....

    C'mon Doug we're all waiting!
  22. shortpants

    Randy Ulmer Hunting Accident?

    Here's more details if you care. While flying his paraplane he made the mistake of flying through a small sadle up on the strip. He was instantly sucked down to earth as he passed through the sadle resulting in him braking his leg. He donated his tag to the United Way. Get well soon Randy, the deer are waiting.
  23. shortpants

    Talk about some low life's

    May the fleas of a thousand camels infest their armpits!
  24. shortpants

    Arizona hunt cost

  25. shortpants

    High Fence Coues???

    I was dumfounded when I looked at their pricing. $3500 for 99'' and smaller, $7500 for 100''-109'', $12,500 for 110''-119''. I forget the rest but it just keeps getting more rediculous the more you read. You can even buy a world record but the price was not listed. I think it's hilarious somebody would pay $7500 for a 100'' deer instead of $3500 for a 99''. That's $4,000 an inch!!! Or how about $12,500 for a 110'' instead of $7500 for a 109''. That's $5000 an inch!!! WHAT A BARGAIN! Who is field judging these deer with a tolerance of less than an inch? They are dang good!