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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants

    Same Two Lil' Bulls...

    Great pics, thanks for sharing. Make sure you post pics of those horns once they shed.
  2. shortpants

    Coues Buck Contest WINNERS

    Nice work Doug. Congrats to all the winners. Congrats to all the losers, (one of them being me) because even if you didn't win a contest or even kill anything (like me) we're all living the good life when we're in coues country.
  3. shortpants

    my mecico buck

    Very nice!
  4. shortpants

    Last Day Peccary

    Nice pig! The javelina is pretty cool too!
  5. shortpants

    Whats In A Name

    Welcome to the site Jason!
  6. shortpants

    aggresive Mountian lion

    Plug your ears kids...BOOM!!!...The kitty is sleeping...Don't walk near the glass.
  7. shortpants


    Happy B-day you old fart!
  8. shortpants

    elk shed huntin.......

    Very cool Josh, thanks for taking the time to share it with us. You know how usually pictures never seem to convey just how steep the terrain really is? Well in your pics the terrain looks nearly vertical so that must have been a heck of a hike!
  9. shortpants

    Freaks of the Woods

    Keep 'em comin boys and girls, I'm lovin this stuff!
  10. shortpants


    It's funny that this topic got started because I've been wondering how your recovery is going. I was going to bring it up in a new topic but since we're talkin about, how are you feeling? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!
  11. shortpants

    opening day double

    Nice job Craig, congratulations to you and your friend!
  12. shortpants


    How do you do the mass measurements? How much faster is it than using a tape?
  13. shortpants


    I was busy, but now I'm not. I was getting ready to call you.
  14. shortpants

    finally got my deer back

    Nice buck! Who did the mount? Looks great.
  15. shortpants


    Those of us that shoot Hoyt need not get involved in a debate about inferior bows. I hope all of you can one day experience the joy and peace those of us lucky Hoyt owners have found. Then perhaps you will not get involved in such a barbaric and meaningless dispute about garbage.
  16. shortpants

    Humberto Fontova 2005

    For the sake of mankind can we please just stop talking about Gov. BIGFOOT!
  17. shortpants

    Freaks of the Woods

    The shed Jim is referring to was really cool. I scored it at 373'' giving it a 40'' spread. It was found in the exact same spot where I filmed a bull that same year that would have scored over 400''! The pedicle was broken just like the one Ron put on here. Makes me wonder if he had it ripped out of his head by the 7-UP bull as I called him. I gave that antler away!
  18. shortpants

    Check out the new tripler from Jim White!

    Casey, Stop being such a tight a--! When I was 20 years old I got fired from my job. Lucky for me it was Jan. 9th. I went right down to Outdoorsman's in Cave Creek and dropped $1200.00 on new optics and went hunting every day the rest of the month. My wife ( then girlfriend ) was not real impressed. Suck it up and drop the coin!!! Just kidden Casey, I just felt like screwin with ya since your always pickin on the rest of us.
  19. They do look alike don't they? Well aren't they from Arkansas? Maybe before she was his wife she was his sister!
  20. shortpants

    Humberto Fontova 2005

    AZ4LIFE, I believe you owe all of us an appology!! That was utterly discusting and totally un-called for. Could somebody please edit his post so everybody else doesn't have to clean vomit off their computer as I now have to.
  21. shortpants

    Badlands Rocks

    That's good to hear! Where are you goin hunting?
  22. shortpants

    Freaks of the Woods

    Hey Hunterdan, are those skulls from 24b or 24a by any chance? They look a lot like a buck my friend killed a few years ago. Looks like manzanita country.
  23. I have never seen so many big eyegaurds as I have this season. Congrats on a whale of a deer!!!!!!!!!!!!! A big congrats to your brother as well!!!!!!!!!