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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants

    1000th Post....Now It's Official!

    BIG DEAL! Just kiddin buddy, congrats on all of your successes and your 1000th post!
  2. shortpants

    1st pig hunt, 1st am

    Congratulations on your success!
  3. That's a cool pic Josh! Probly make a good mount too!
  4. shortpants

    My First Pig Hunt

    Way to go R.J.!!! Great job on describing your adventure to all of us.
  5. shortpants

    Found some more elk sheds yesterday

    As always, a good read and wonderful pics! Thanks Josh.
  6. shortpants

    Test pic

    Very cool pics, thanks for sharing.
  7. shortpants

    Javelina at its best...

    I love the recipe! I think I'll make a family size batch cause I got a few tags layin around!
  8. shortpants


    That's what we go to the mountains for, nice job Doug!
  9. shortpants


    Way to go Christian!
  10. Amazing! Thanks for sharing.
  11. shortpants

    New Style of Shooting Archery

    I can do that, and look better doing it too!
  12. shortpants

    Bobcat mount back!

    Thanks Matt, looks awesome!
  13. They should have poached him. I hope he becomes someone girlfriend in jail.
  14. shortpants

    Bobcat mount back!

    Do you have any pics that show the cats face?
  15. shortpants

    Lessons Learned

    I learned that next time Jim puts a stalk on a buck and asks me if I want to go I'll do it. We could have pulled a double on film and I blew it!
  16. shortpants

    Jim Zumbo

    This is exactly why for years now I have refused to join the NRA. Thanks but no thanks. I think we have common goals but a very different way of achieving them. They say the only way to achieve our goals is to unite and stand strong. My friends are more important to me than anything else. I would not sell out my friends for anything. How am I supposed to stand next to someone who's just waiting to stab me in the back?
  17. shortpants

    First Time Pigs

    Whack 'em and stack 'em! Great job guys!
  18. shortpants

    Back From Dad's Pig Hunt

    Love the pics!
  19. shortpants

    Matt's first Javelina

    Way to go Matt!
  20. shortpants

    Jim Zumbo

    I may be opening myself up on this one but I don't think a man deserves to have his entire career taken from him because of one lousy opinion. A 40 year NRA member and they are going to chew him up and spit him out! Jim made the mistake of breaking the ''live and let live rule''. It is not right for one man to decide what is right for another. But what statement is the NRA, the Outdoor Channel, etc., etc. making by their reaction? Agree or disagree with Mr. Zumbo's opinion, I believe we should let him live.
  21. shortpants

    Kade's first pig hunt!

    You da man Kade!
  22. shortpants

    Lion kill coues buck

    Nice find.
  23. shortpants

    Brock & Wyatt score

    Way to go guys!!!I love that second picture.
  24. shortpants

    Freaks of the Woods

    I recieved this same e-mail except the one I got said this buck was the new Tenn. state record??? I don't know why the pics didn't show up but I'm talking about the gnarly non-tyical that ''NOWORRIES'' said was from Oregon.