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Everything posted by shortpants

  1. shortpants

    Coues Question

    Hey Gino I know exactly what buck your talking about. Me and all my friends will be in there after him this fall. Ok, I'm only kidding. :lol:
  2. shortpants

    Coues Question

    P.S., sorry for my pity party.
  3. shortpants

    Coues Question

    It's sad you can't trust people anymore. That spot sees it's fair share of pressure. There's somewhere around 30-40 people a year between all the deer hunts that hunt that area. Very few of those people have had the type of success my partner and I have. I'm not bragging I'm making a point. The year before that mess started (when I shot all the video) I only missed 3 weekends from July-Dec. that I was not down there scouting. I would even drive 4 hours, glass 2 hours, drive back home 4 hours and go to work that night. This is the type of effort we put into it. To have people take your video that you worked that hard for and try to pass it off as theirs is a slap in the face not to mention getting booted off the ranch. The bottom line is for those of you who are constantly trying to move in on other peoples hot spots is just because you figure out the where don't mean you've figured out the how. It takes dedication to kill big coues bucks. Our hard work did not go without reward. Out of the 7 100+'' bucks we had filmed that year I took our # 3 108'', and my partner took our # 2 which to our surprise turned out to be bigger than our # 1. His buck grossed 122''! Time is what makes a great hunter.
  4. shortpants

    Coues Question

    A few years back I gave a copy of scouting footage to a ranch owner that was allowing me to access forest land through his ranch. The next year I was told not to come near the place because they were turning into a hunting operation. They took my video and sold to an outfitter who in turn told his clients he shot the video and could get them a shot at the buck of a lifetime. they brought in there clients and in 3 years of trying never killed a deer that would score over 65''. I even had a guy from Utah call my house asking about the video? I don't know who he was or how he got my #. There was some very well known names involved in this fiasco but I won't drop names. At the same time some so called friends of my hunting partner kept hounding him to tell them where we were seeing all the great bucks we had video taped. Other than showing them the video they were given no info at all. They even took my partner to lunch one day and the harrassment got so bad my friend got up and left. A couple weeks later I received a phone call from the ranch hand asking if I sent a couple of guys down there. They showed up dropping our names but the ranch hand knows me better and sent them packing. That same weekend his fence ended up cut. Since we could no longer access through the ranch do to the big ''operation'' they were running we came in the long way. Well guess who showed up and camped right next to us. None other than those so called friends of my partners. The ''operation'' killed one 2pt. muley and 2 coues, a spike and a 1x2. The so called friends killed one spike between 3 tags. I passed on the same 85'' buck every day just to kill a 80'' on the last eve. My friend passed many bucks and ate his tag.
  5. shortpants

    Coues Question

    I wouldn't tell a soul either. Just when you think hey, so and so won't say anything, bam, in the next couple years, people are crawling all over the place. It's a pretty big temptation, especially just to be able to say that "YOU" found the spot, but man, it's just not worth it. Soon enough, some idiot will stumble onto the spot, will have no sense and start running their mouth as to where it is. Just enjoy it while you can and IMO, I'd keep quiet and careful with photos you post or show anyone, especially if there is a background of skyline or hills that are identifiable. Good advise. I've lived through this nightmare and let me tell you it aint no fun. What I went through was more like a Twilight Zone episode.
  6. shortpants

    Coues Buck

    You bring up a good point but I wonder how much the natural sunlight has to do with pink ears. If you brought a live buck inside would his ears still appear pink?
  7. shortpants

    coyote vs gray wolf

    I think it would be easier to confuse Lark with a wolf than a coyote.
  8. shortpants

    Be careful who you make mad

    Honey I'm goin' huntin' again. The heck you are!
  9. shortpants

    Cowboys roping a Bull Elk

    I don't mind hearing of stories like this from the past. My grandfather used to rope wildlife as well and I just loved hearing the stories. I have a pic of him sitting in the saddle with a bobcat at the end of his rope. However, it gets to me when I see this stuff happening now days. I saw 2 cowboys chasing a bull last year trying to rope it and I just didn't get that same feeling as when grandpa told his story.
  10. Well It's about dang time you start posting on here. Welcome to the site! Everybody meet Dustin, one of the people responsible for getting me into hunting. We've shared some very memorable days in the field together. Why don't you post the pics from our coues hunt a couple years back. That was a well earned trophy. I should probably just quit elk hunting after experiencing your elk hunt. That one will be hard to top.
  11. shortpants

    Coues Question

    The only thing that will cause them to leave that area between now and Oct. is drought or humans. As long as their water source is as good as you say it is then they will be there. Keep an eye on them but don't put a lot of pressure on them. After opening morning of the Oct. rifle hunt all bets are off.
  12. shortpants

    Safari Club International Banquet

    Hey, that's pretty funny Jimbo. Oh by the way, I'm not going to make it after all. Sorry to leave you with all those tickets and no money!
  13. shortpants


    Well no wonder it scores more than it looks like, I didn't account for the 40'' spread.
  14. shortpants

    Holy!!! 5 point

  15. shortpants

    North Kaibab deer

    Group hug!
  16. shortpants

    Hey Grong

    Show off! Those are incredible Josh.
  17. With out a doubt this is the buck that changed my life forever. My hunting partner had to take his buck to a freezer because of the warm weather so it was just me and this buck. After stalking him for 5 hours and gaining almost a 1000 ft in elevation I waited for him for 2 more hours to rise from his bed and step into the sunlight so my camera could capture this unforgetable moment. You can see the vapor trail as the gun barks and the buck falls! Great pics everyone, keep 'em coming!
  18. shortpants

    Start Em Young

    Very nice, can't wait till my daughter can go with me.
  19. shortpants

    Hey Grong

    The farther north you go the earlier the cycle for deer in regards to when they rut and when they shed their antlers. I've heard of deer on the north side of the canyon dropping as early as Feb. Units 10, 9, 8, 7, etc. start in March and the southern units in April. This is just a rough estimate and doesn't mean you can't find a deer with headgear on the north rim right now.
  20. shortpants

    Favorite Photo of 2006

    Awesome pics Jason, welcome to the site.
  21. shortpants


    Just as I thought, another year of hunting for everybody else's trophy.
  22. shortpants


    busy, busy, busy....
  23. shortpants

    Thought this was funny

    Amanda works so hard to keep this site going by doing things like making sure the server can handle all the posts. And for what, you to try being a comedian? Don't quit your day job. :lol: J/K Jimbo, I love ya!
  24. shortpants

    2002 Ford F-350 Super Duty

    HA HA HA!!! I love Pops! :lol:
  25. shortpants


    I am worried about you Jason, I really am. Jim If it took till now to get you worried about me then I'm doin purdy good.